《Call me teacher. Completed》22. Хичээл тарах болно
Хэсон тольны өмнө ихэд баясангуй инээмсэглэн зогсоно. Өглөө эрт түүний урвагар царайг л харна уу гэхээс ийм төрхийг харж байсан хүн хорвоод үгүй биз. Түүнийг ийм болгож буй хүчин зүйл маргах аргагүй Ду Кёнсү хэмээх нэгэн байх.
Өмнө нь тэдний ангид Им багш хоёр гурван цагаар бөөндөж ордог байсан бол хичээлийн хуваарь өөрчлөгдөн Кёнсү өдөр болгон нэг цаг орохоор томилогдсон нь Хэсон битгий хэл бүх охидын жаргал болж өөрчлөгдөх шиг болов.
Ийм хуваарьтай болохоор л Хэсон өглөө сэрсэн цагаасаа эхлээд инээд алдсан байх. Тэрээр өмнө нь сэрдэг байсан цагаасаа эрт боссон болохоор хичээлдээ явахад бэлэн болоод доод давхарт байх гал тогооны өрөө рүүгээ явлаа. Ойрд Ий хатагтай үнэхээр шаргуу ажиллаж байгаа болохоор Хэсонд тавих анхаарал нь буцаад л сулраад ирэв.
Гэсэн ч Хэсон өмнөх шигээ ээждээ бурууг өгөхийг хүссэнгүй. Харин ч ээждээ амттай өглөөний цай бэлдэж тавиад гэрээсээ гарлаа. Гэрийн гадаа хар өнгийн цэвэрхэн машин зогсож байх ба Хэсон машины зүг үсрэх шахам гүйсээр явж орлоо.
"Сайхан амарсан уу?" Кёнсү суудлаасаа өндийн Хэсоны уруул дээр үнсээд ийн асуулаа. "Энэнээс сайхан амарч үзсэнгүй" Хэсон инээмсэглэсээр суудлын бүсээ зүүх үед машин байрнаасаа хөдлөн сургуулийн зүг хурдлах аж.
Тэд замдаа тийм ч их зүйл ярьсангүй хааяа хааяахан нэгэн рүүгээ харж жуумалзахаас өөр зүйл үл хийсээр сургуулийн наана байх гудамжны урд зогслоо. Хэсон цүнхээ нэг мөрөндөө тохоод "Нэг машинаас буувал сэжигтэй болохоор ирж авах үед чинь үргэлж энд бууж байя" гэж хэлээд буух гэснээ эргэж хараад Кёнсүгийн уруул дээр зөөлхөн үнсээд машинаас буулаа.
Кёнсүгийн нүүр бага зэрэг улайх ба инээдээ тэсч ядан жуумалзана. Тэр өөрийгөө хэзээ ч ингэж нээлттэй байна гэж төсөөлж байсангүй. Түүний төсөөлөлд Чусоны үеийн хурим л санаанд нь буудаг байв. Танилцана, албан ёсоор дэр нэгтгэх ёслол хийнэ, тэгээд эхнэр нөхрийн жудагт ёсоор амьдарна.
Тэр өмнөх өөрийгөө бодоод бага зэрэг шоолох мэт инээд алдаад толгой сэгсэрнэ. Магадгүй өмнөх найз бүсгүй нь түүний эрт дээр үеийн Чусоны эр шиг байдлаас уйдсандаа орхин одсон биз. Кёнсү тэр эмэгтэйн шийдвэрийг ойлгодоггүй байсан юм. Харин өөрийгөө нээж Хэсонтой учирсан хойноо л өмнө нь ямар тэнэг байсан бэ гэдгээ ухаарсан биз.
Кёнсү гар цүнхээ шүүрч аваад сургууль руу ихэмсэг төрхөө тодруулсаар алхана. Түүний хүйтэн харц гэсэж буй өвлийг буцаагаад хөлдөөх шиг болно.
Харин Хэсон сургуулийнхаа зүг тайван алхах аж. Эргэн тойрноо харахад гэр нь нэг зүгт байдаг хүүхдүүд хамтдаа алхаж байгаа нь харагдана. Хэсонд цагаахан атаархал төрөх аж. Тэр ч бас өсвөр насны томоогүй охин шүү дээ. Найзууддаа нууцаа ярьж, охидын үдэшлэг хийж, хамтдаа дэлгүүр хэсч шинэ нүүрний будаг авахыг Хэсон ч бас хүснэ.
Гэвч түүнд яагаад ч юм найз гэж байдаггүй. Хэсон хүсдэг хэрнээ хүсдэггүй. Магадгүй ганцаараа байхдаа илүү тав тухийг мэдэрдэг байх.
Ангидаа ороод эхний цаг орох багшаа хүлээн суухдаа гурав дугаар цагийн хичээлийг л хуруу даран хүлээнэ. Гэвч Хэсон Кёнсүгийн урмыг хугалахыг огт хүссэнгүй, орж буй хичээл бүхнээ ойлгож тархиндаа сийрүүлэхийг хичээсээр аль хэдийн гуравдугаар цагийн хичээл орох болсон байлаа.
Номон дээрээс чухал гэсэн зүйлсээ тэмдэглэж аваад дээш өндийн харахад хичээл завсарлан ангид ганцаархнаа үлдсэн байгаагаа анзаарав. Ангиас гарч биеийнхээ чилээг гаргъя гэж бодсон ч бие хөдөлсөнгүй. Яагаад ч юм суудал дээрээ хадагдсан мэт суусаар байлаа.
Ширээгээ дэрлээд жаахан амрах санаатай нүдээ анихад хэн нэгний гутлын өсгий ангийн шалан дээр хүчтэй буусаар намайг чиглэж буй нь мэдрэгдэв. Би дээш өндийн харвал Ду Кёнсү бариу хар цамц, индүүдлэгтэй хар өмд болон нүдний шил зүүсэн байх агаад үнэхээр халуухан харагдана.
Би шүлсээ гүд хийтэл залгин түүний зүг ширтэх бол тэр ширээн дээр нэг гараараа тулан нүүрээрээ ойртоод ардаа нуусан шоколадтай сүүгээ ширээн дээр минь тавиад "Хичээл үймүүлвэл шийтгэлтэй шүү" гэж хэлээд уруулныхаа үзүүрийг бага зэрэг өргөлөө.
Би шүлсэндээ хахах шахав. Гэсэн хэдий ч боломжийг ашиглан суудлаасаа бага зэрэг өндийгөөд түүний доод уруулнаас зөөлхөн хазаад авав. Түүний нүд томорсон ч ёжтой инээмсэглэлээ нүүрэндээ тодруулаад "Хичээл тарах болноо Ий Хэсон" гэж хэлээд багшийн ширээний зүг алхлаа.
Бас олон хичээлд сууж байгаа болохоор цаг зав багатай байна. Тиймээс войтын тоо заая гэж бодлоо. Тоо нь ойртоод ирвэл би шинэ хэсгээ бичээд хадгалчихна, тоондоо хүрвэл шууд нийтлээд явах байгаа шүү. Daddy is coming дууссан болохоор энэ өгүүллэгт зарцуулах зав харьцангуй их болсон байгаа^^
Дараагийн хэсэг 60войт. Сэтгэлээрээ сэтгэгдэл бичвэл тун баярлана🤍
The Accidental Archmage - BOOK 9 (THE DRAGON HOUSES)
The Accidental Archmage Series (BETA CHAPTERS) NOTE: DRAFTS OF EARLIER BOOKS (BOOKS 1 to 8) HAVE BEEN POSTED BEFORE ON RRL. THEY ARE NOW ON AMAZON AND HAD ATTAINED BESTSELLER STATUS IN THE FANTASY-MYTHOLOGY GENRE. ACTUALLY, MANY RRL STORIES PUBLISHED ON AMAZON HAVE GONE ON TO BECOME BESTSELLERS AT ONE TIME OR ANOTHER. HOWEVER, AMAZON KDP RULES REQUIRE THAT MOST OF THE DIGITAL CONTENT AVAILABLE ELSEWHERE BE REMOVED. GENRE: CLASSICAL EPIC FANTASY An epic mythological fantasy in another world. Immerse yourself in a grand and dangerous adventure. In a world both familiar and strange. A world where magic and gods still exist. Meet deities, beings, and exiles from Earth’s pantheons. Encounter warriors, huskarls, satyrs, hoplites, dark and evil mages, and strange beings from myths of pre-history up to the age of iron.Match wits with the likes of Loki, Zeus, Athena, Odin, Amun-Ra, Coniraya, Viracocha, and even Dionysus. Escape plots and schemes played by powerful gods of life and death.Find the truth behind the dark and otherworldly beings from the Lovecraft mythos.Play with dire wolves, drakontes, lamias, keres, amphisbaenae, a sphinx, ice giants, creatures of nightmares, empusas, gigas, minotaurs, vrykolakas, jotnar, dokkalfr, to name a few.Survive being in the middle of wars between civilizations and races. Suffer the arrogance and stupidity of gods and men alike. Cross paths with beings who don’t like you. Thor, Ares, and the Incan death god Supay, to name three.Be burdened with a quest to save yourself and your humanity in the brutal and primordial world of Adar.A world where scientific pursuit will get you a lightning bolt or two. Probably five. All at the same time. Book Nine - THE DRAGON HOUSES His beloved Eira rescued, the rogue Titans have been defeated, and Tartarus sealed. Yet as the rising Archmage tries to escape the Forbidden Isle, events have been set in motion that would embroil him once again in the tides of war engulfing Adar. Escaped Titans, a rising power in the South, vengeful adherents of the Elder Gods, and more have him in mind. Least of all, a far from defeated Loki. New players have come to the fore, each with their own purpose in mind. The lustful drive for power, the search for a release of one's soul, and the companions' storied pasts all come to drive the world deeper and further into chaos. Add a powerful demon determined to open a portal to its own dimension. It's enough to drive a mortal man mad. (Cover image used under license) Book Eight - WHERE TITANS WALK Now in the land of the damned below the underworld domain of Hades, Eira awaits the company and battle portends. But first, they have to find the fortress of the Titans. Above them, Loki's war is going well as the internecine war among the pantheons continues. An old foe rises in the south, more powerful than ever. Astrid finds herself the subject of a wife's rage and the murky past of the companions now comes back to haunt them. Yet amidst it all, a dying Elder won't wait as plots and new players bedevil Havard Ulriksson, formerly Tyler West of Earth, now the Archmage of his adopted world. Cover Image used under license from shutterstock.com. Alterations by the writer. Book Seven - DRAGONS AND DEMONS https://www.royalroad.com/amazon/B08122Y739 An urgent rescue and the path to vengeance are not easy in a magical, myth-filled world. Nasty roadblocks and unexpected complications have a way of rearing their wicked heads along Tyler's route across the dwarven lands and into the infernal realm of Tartarus. More myths and legends cross the First Mage's path as Loki's war and Asag's emergence stir up mortal lands and magical domains. Cover Image used under license from shutterstock.com. Alterations by the writer. Book Six - TARTARUS BECKONS Gifts, curses, and problems. The unfolding of Loki's mad and complicated scheme results in a war between and among pantheons, empires, and kingdoms. From Ymir's Domain down to the far south, conflict engulfs Tyler's world and the magical gate to Tartarus is starting to break open, threatening to add mad Titans and other powerful beings to the chaotic mix. And on the forbidden isle of Banna, a dying enemy awaits. (Note: NOW PUBLISHED ON AMAZON) Book Five - LOKI'S GAMBIT With the promise of the First Mage not to act against him, Loki now accelerates his plans. A plot millennia in the making, spanning the length and breadth of Adar. Like a spider spinning its web, the trickster god now puts the finishing touches on an audacious scheme. A revolution to change the balance of godly and mortal power in the world. Book Four - VOID LANDS The Void Lands. A place where gods fear to tread. Where strange creatures and hostile beings emerge. A nexus of dimensions, the origins of which are lost in the mists of time. To stop the Aztecha Empire’s march to power and domination of the eastern lands, Tyler West, now a High Mage, must confront and defeat the empire’s mysterious patrons. Beings of incredible might and magical knowledge. An imperative path which leads him right to the Void Lands. Though a few detours are required, each dangerous yet crucial. The only problem is that the Void Lands are on the other side of the continent. And to get there, he may have to ask a favor from the Trickster God himself, the Norse deity known as Loki. Book Three - BLOOD WARS Continuing our lost mage's epic journey through the magical and extremely dangerous world of Adar. Escaping the convoluted schemes of the Greek pantheon, Tyler finds himself with an old acquaintance, the Incan deity Viracocha. His son, the sun god Inti, is dead. With the Aztecah Empire and its powerful pantheon of deities on the bloody road to more conquests, the deity asks for his help. A request he could easily refuse. Except Viracocha is not alone is asking for his aid. Two other pantheons have made their presence known to the young mage. And the Egyptian deities are watching how he will decide the matter. To add to his burdened conscience, the rise and dominance of the Aztecah pantheon would mean a million or more new human sacrifices. Resulting in extremely overpowered bloodthirsty deities. What's a newly minted Elder apprentice mage to do? Involve himself in a blood war? Book Two - GIFTS OF THE GREEKS Tyler's journey continues. New land, misadventures, friends, foes, skills, and knowledge. Confused encounters of the female kind. More deities become aware of Tyler as he continues his quest to survive, reach his potential, and carry out his burden. Amid convoluted plans designed by divine acquaintances of old and newly met gods, what's an ordinary guy from Earth to do?The god of wine wants to be his friend. Ares and his sons are coming to say hello. Book One - RAGNAROK RISING What if you fell through a crack in reality? Like those people disappearing in plain sight you've read about. What if you find yourself in a strangely familiar world? A world full of Earth’s mythological beings, lost civilizations, and people from its primitive and brutal past? Where magical energy still exists. Where gods play games among themselves, with the fate of mortal men as pawns. A land where a sword is deadlier than a five-inch thick contract drawn by a hotshot lawyer. Would you survive? That's Tyler West. Alone, lost and bewildered, the three moons in the sky made it clear he wasn’t on Earth anymore. It’s not a game. It’s real. And there's no coffee, pizza, fries, or his favorite show on HBO. *** All Rights Reserved. 2017/2018/2019/2020. Cover Images are used under license.
8 141The Beaumort Society
The city of Omen is on the cutting-edge of learning and science, and the things going on behind the backs of the Institute and the government, and sometimes with their approval...well, they don’t really matter. Conspirators operate just below the surface, societies clashing, fighting for their own mysterious ends. It's here that the individual known as Nemesis Jones, a self-styled private investigator, arrives, stumbling onto the doorstep of a curious bookstore called Beaumort's. He's here in search of answers, but all he seems to find is more questions - like the strange girl who arrived at Beaumort's shortly after him, and the peculiar stranger who just may have the answers he seeks. After he stumbles upon a conspiracy tied far too closely for comfort to his best friend, it's up to him and some other nosy eccentrics to unravel the mysteries of the city one by one, beginning with the murder at the Theatre Obscura. Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, all of this is explicitly outlined in Nemesis' job description. [ILLUSTRATIONS BY @THEEGGGARDEN ON TWITTER] [UPDATES 13TH AND 27TH OF EVERY MONTH]
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2021 A young girl of the age of seventeen, a computer game, and a new reality. Find out what happens to our young friend as she strives to move forward in the game world. When faced with a choice to become your character, what would you do? There is an increasing amount of sexual content in later chapters, most of the girl x girl type. This is a work of fiction any relation to the real world is purely bad luck on my part, or yours. I really do not want to give any more story line away. This is my 1st attempt at a long story, and it is meant to be in a more Novel format than most works on this site. Please do not redisitribute or sell. If you want to translate it contact me before hand(not seeking for it to be done). *** Future contents plans to include adult sexual situations, girl x girl, violence, blood and violence, and morally challenging situations. Perverted things, and lots of mis-adventures *** Sorry for any mental damage done by the grammar in the early chapters. Or formating issues, this site takes getting used to. All chapters could use additional editing and some refinment. Average chapter length is 20 pages or more. Thanks for reading as always! Anyone interested in gifting me a Cover art is welcome! If not I will have to create a new one Later. No problems there, thanks!! This concludes the test of the public broadcast system, please return to your waifu and internet porn. ((*Hugs*)) Midnight2six
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A 27-year-old, stubborn and arrogant cop dies after fighting off a criminal in the city port. She gets reincarnated into a web comic story as a villainess named Roanne Imrora. In the original story, Lady Roanne was labelled a traitor for scheming with an enemy kingdom and trying to kill the heroine who caused her broken engagement with the first prince of Valbara. Eunice finds herself reincarnated as her, halfway into the story. She must face the consequences to being Roanne and avoid death from both monarchies. This novel is also available on Scribble Hub.
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After an apocalyptic end to WWII, the remnants of the world have grown strange. Our current story is set in Paris, as a weak mafia family stage a kidnapping, their plan: abduct two adult children from a local corrupt politician and ransom them back. At the same time, one of the children decides to make a deal with a devil, and the other switches places with her maid. The scene becomes more complicated as a pair of sibling hitmen end up getting involved accidentally. In the end, the insanity finally reaches its peak when a rampaging automobile strikes a building.
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This story is dedicated to all the trumpeteers out there. Only my fellow trumpet players will understand.
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