《Kidnapped | RAINBOW98》Kidnapped - Chapter 7


Chapter 7

Casey's POV

It had been roughly a month since I had been kidnapped. There were no signs of anyone coming to rescue me and I was beginning to lose hope. I was alone again, as Scar and Erin had gone out somewhere, like they usually did. Each time they left, I would sneak out and just lie in the sun. I wouldn’t stay too long, or try and escape, because I was terrified I would get caught and Scar would attack me again. My original wound on my stomach was nearly healed, but it had left a big ugly scar.

As I opened the door to go outside, I heard a girl screaming. Erin?

Even though Erin still hated me, I felt as though we had developed a better relationship. Scar still had not told me why I was here, nor had Erin. As the girl’s screams grew louder and closer, I ran back inside the cramped shed and sat quietly on the bed.

My stomach grumbled and I realised I hadn’t eaten for two days. He had been feeding me bread for awhile but had stopped for the last couple of days. When I was alone, I would go outside and drink from the little creek that was just beside the shed. Who knows what was in there, i just wanted to stay alive. I had also found a berry bush, so if I were desperate, I would take a few berries and eat them.

Suddenly, the door crashed open and in came Scar. When I realised who he was holding beside him, I let out s shocked scream. How could he do this to my family and me? He shoved her on the floor beside me and I rushed over. He walked out of the shed and we were left alone. There, on the floor beside me, was my cousin Jess.


“Jess, are you ok?” I asked stroking her blood stained cheek.

“Case, where am I?” she moaned. Just then, I realised the cut on her arm. It stretched across the length of her shoulder and it was bleeding. As I was still wearing the same clothes as I had worn the night that I had been kidnapped, I couldn’t use them to stop Jess’s bleeding. What should I use? I glanced at the tiny contents of the shed. My eyes lay to rest on the blanket on the bed. Of course! I jumped up and grabbed the blanket and tied it securely around Jess’s arm. My head lay rest on her chest, which was barely moving. We had to get out of here. Who knew what Scar would do next?

It had been a couple of hours and Erin was still not back. I didn’t know whether or not to feel worried, because i was under the impression that Scar liked her. Jess was sleeping and I thought it was better not to wake her. I had been thinking of escape plans. We needed to escape, otherwise Scar might bring another one of our family members or even kill Jess or I.

Suddenly, a brilliant idea struck me. It waswas pretty far fetched, but I think it might just work, if everything went perfect. I already knew that Scar and Erin were not in Scar’s house because otherwise Jess and would be able to hear them. That means, they were either in the woods or not on the property at all.

The plan was for me to have a 'blood nose' so Jess and I went down to the creek to wash my clothes. This would buy us time and either I or Jess would write a note to Scar explaining this. Scar would figure this was true, as there was blood on the floor and on the blanket. Then, we would go into Scar’s house and hopefully find his car keys, if Scar hadn’t already taken them.


“Ughhh,” Jess moaned as she woke up.

“Jess, Jess, we’re going to escape, you have to get up!” I exclaimed, excited.

She blinked her eyes and made an effort to sit up. She succeeded and I helped her up onto her feet. “My arm,” she groaned. I quickly scribbled a note to Scar and we slowly walked out the door, and after checking no one was coming, we jogged slowly towards the house.

When we reached the house, I explained to Jess what the plan was. When we entered, I went to the lounge room and Jess headed towards the kitchen. I glanced around the room and my eyes lay to rest on a photo. It was a picture of my Mum in a wedding dress, kissing Scar!

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