《Kidnapped (Book 1)》Kelly Hunter
Waking up in the morning is not something I enjoy and I don't understand how anyone could be happy so early in the morning. My annoying alarm clock that buzzed every morning at six o'clock continued to aggregate me until I crawled out of bed to turn it off. My mother and I aren't morning people at all, yet my father is the complete opposite, which angers us most mornings. The reason my dad, Matt Hunter, was a morning person was because he is a police office, which requires him to get up early. Since he is detective, he gets up every day at four in the morning to start his day.
My mom, on the other hand, slept in like a normal person until about eight or nine to get ready for work. I was their only child so they didn't have to worry about leaving their fifteen year old daughter at home alone while they were at work all day when I didn't have school.
I got out of bed and turned on my light. I was blinded for a minute but my eyes adjusted to the light. My dad was still in the basement lifting weights and my mom was still asleep. I walked over to my closet to find what I was going to wear to school.
It was almost the end of the school year of my freshman year in high school. It was getting warmer so I slipped on a pair of jean shorts and a T-shirt I got from Florida last year. My hair is naturally straight and all I really have to do with it is brush it out, so I did.
My room was fairly clean except the pile of clothes that I hadn't put away yet. I turned off my light after grabbing my book bag. I walked downstairs and into the kitchen. I plopped my book bag down next to the kitchen table while I figured what I was going to eat. I always tried to eat something because if not I'm dying of starvation at school when lunch time comes along.
I opened the fridge and looked inside. I sighed because there was nothing to eat. Cereal was my best and well the only option. I'm sure there was something else I could eat but nothing sounded good. I poured a bowl of cereal and quietly sat and ate my breakfast. After I was eating my disgusting, unappetizing cereal, I went back upstairs and brushed my teeth. When I came back down my dad was coming up from his workouts downstairs.
"Morning, Kelly." He said acknowledging my presents.
"Hey dad." I grumbled still not fully awake. I sat down on my couch in the living room and turned on the TV. I really didn't want to be up this early, let alone go to school.
"Well I'm going on a run. Have a good day at school," He said giving me a kiss on my forehead.
I watched TV until it was time for me to go outside to my bus stop. For my bus stop, I had to walk all the way down my street to the corner. My dad was nowhere to be seen. I was thankful that it wasn't raining like it was yesterday. The May weather was just perfect today. "Only one more month until I can sleep in all the time." I thought to myself as I walked down the street.
I slowly made my way down the street, knowing I had plenty of time to get to my bus stop. Once I reached the end of the street, I heard faint footsteps coming towards me. I turned to see Ethan Samson walking down the sidewalk. He had gone to my school all year but had moved into my neighborhood recently, now being at the same bus stop as me. My heart started to race a little bit. I'd never had a boyfriend before, and I had to admit I had a bit of a crush on him, not that I would ever admit to him.
Ethan was our school's football quarterback on varsity. Being a freshman and making varsity was extremely impressive at our school. Everyone loved him, especially other girls. A spike of jealousy hit me and I mentally cursed at myself for being stupid. He was the first freshman who was a varsity quarterback in the history of our high school. That was probably another reason for his popularity.
As he approached me, he had his bright blue eyes looking in my direction. His light brown, spiked hair barely moved in the wind that blew through the air. Today he was wearing a pair of faded blue jeans and a tight black shirt that made his abs stand out. We would occasionally talk, more that he was at the same bus stop as me but we were far from close friends. He hung out with the popular girls who were fake and stuck up. Despite my appearance of cliche beautiful blonde hair and bright blue eyes, I refused to join in with those shallow girls, even when they tried to persuade me in being friends with them. If I could change my appearance, for that reason, I would. My mom won't let me, saying that natural is a good thing.
Those girls were nothing like me. I was always shy and only talked to the few friends that I had. I had good grades and never partied, where they got bad grades and always partied and drank. I was nothing like them, besides my looks. I cared for others, where they would stab each other in the back to get a cute guy or to get revenge for wearing the same shirt as one another.
"Good morning." I spoke once he reached the end of the street.
"How are you?" He asked with a cute smile appeared on his face, showing off his pearl white teeth.
"I'm good. Nice weather we're having here." I said, mentally wanting to punch myself in the face.
How could I even say that? Good one, Kelly, the weather is always a great conversation starter. I was so stupid, this was the pure reason I didn't talk to Ethan as often, despite being at the same bus stop. I'm weird when it comes to boys.
"Yeah, it's super nice out. I think it's supposed to be nice all week." He chuckled, keeping my stupid conversation going.
I was going to reply when our bus started to break, making a loud squeaking noise that I was shocked didn't wake up near by people who were sleeping. The big yellow dead trap pulled to a stop in front of us. The doors made a swishing sound as they opened. I climbed the three bus stairs and headed for my seat, thankful that Ethan didn't push my horrible weather conversation. We had assigned seats, yeah I know, giving high school students assign seats is stupid. I sat down, knowing Ethan was going to sit right behind me.
It was about a five to ten minute ride on the bus and I always hated it. I couldn't wait until I could drive and never have to ride the bus again. The people on there were so annoying and loud at seven in the morning. We were at the last bus stop when the bus made a whooshing sound. The bus stopped and wouldn't move, causing me to frown. This was why I hated the bus. It freaking broke down, again. I stood up from my seat and so did everyone else and the bus driver stood up and told us to wait here while she looked under the hood.
I knew what was going to happen. She would "look" under the hood and pretended she knew what she was doing, then come back and call for another bus to come get us. I was right, that's just what happened. We would have to wait ten minutes for another bus to get us. At least I would be late for science class. I sat back in the leather seat and waited for the next bus. I decided to daydream because I had nothing better to do.
I was in the warm Florida air, enjoying my time on a beach. The warm sun was beating down on me, and the cool ocean water, splashed against my feet as I sat on the edge of the water. I remembered when I went to Florida; I was literally on the beach the whole time, enjoying the sun. I hated the ocean though, which was ironic since people usually go to the beach for the ocean. It was beautiful, but I never got in it, unless you count my feet. There were sharks and fish that could kill me in the ocean. Seeing all the waves wash up onto the beach was truly beautiful. I loved how the sun reflected off the ocean and how I never wanted to leave my paradise.
I lived in Colorado so there weren't oceans around me. I remembered sitting outside my hotel at night and listening to the ocean waves crashing onto the beach and falling asleep under the stars and how my dad would end up carrying me back into my bed to sleep. I loved the memories I made there and how I never wanted to leave. I would never forget the fresh smell of salt water, the sound of the seagulls scrounging for food, and the way the snow, white sand felt in between my toes.
I felt someone shake me on the shoulder. I must have fallen asleep because it was Ethan that had shaken me and said that the bus was coming down the road. I felt embarrassed for falling asleep on the bus and for him having to wake me up. Everyone stood up as the other bus came to a stop next to each other. Ethan hadn't said anything else to me and I hadn't said anything to him but 'thanks' when he had woken me up.
We all got onto the new bus one by one. The replacement bus was newer and hopefully wasn't going to break down on us. Stupid, cheap buses. I tried not to fall back asleep and managed to do so. I felt my eyes close but I would open them right back up. I saw my school in the distance as we approached the school. We pulled into the parking lot and were told to go to the office and get passes to go to class. I just wanted to go back home and sleep.
Everyone went into the office and we all got passes. I walked down the never ending hallway to my locker. Locker 2342. I turned my lock and opened my locker. I grabbed my books for first through fourth period and shoved my book bag and books for periods fifth through seventh.
I slammed my locker, maybe a little harder than I needed to and walked slowly to class. Today has just started off crappy. A crappy Thursday morning. I finally got to science class and gave my teacher my pass. I swear once I walked in, all eyes were on me like I had just murdered someone. Stop staring at me. I took my seat and my teacher kept on talking about whatever we were learning that day. I understood our homework when we got it and I hurried and did it before the bell ended. I hated to have homework and having to do it at home.
I went to my next class as quickly as I could, trying to avoid the massive crowd in the halls and the stupid people who decide to stand in the middle of the freaking hallway to talk to their friends. I just wanted to get to world studies and lay my head on my desk. I entered the room and there were only about four other people, including the teacher. I sat down and laid my head down.
My head was pounding, probably from the lack of sleep. I heard the bell ring and I lifted my head up and waited as the teacher gave out papers. We were supposed to be working on a worksheet as the teacher passed out graded work. I was almost done with the worksheet when I got my chapter test back.
I looked at the grade. A+ Great Job. I was used to getting A's so I didn't really care. I finished my work and laid my head down. My teacher didn't say anything to me and I was glad she didn't. I wasn't in the mood for teachers to tell me to put my head up or something. That's why I liked my world studies teacher; she didn't care what I did as long as it was quiet, which I was good at. My world studies class went by fast and before I knew it, my third period, English had already gone by and I was heading to fourth period French. I liked French and my best friend was in that class. I entered my class and was greeted by my friend, Madison Allen or Maddie for short.
"Hey, Kelly." She exclaimed, being her hyper, happy self. Our French teacher gave her a look.
"Oh, I'm sorry. Bonjour Kelly." She said smiling at our teacher.
Our teacher smiled and went back to her work. We sat down next to each other. Maddie was the kind of girl who was always happy and was never sad or tired or anything that involved being grumpy. I think she does a great job hiding her emotions because I can't see how someone could be so happy all the time.
Maddie and I had grown up together, being best friends since I can remember. We met when she moved next door to me but she moved last year to a neighborhood over from me. She had the prettiest brown hair that slightly curled and brown eyes to match. I listened to her go on about her math class and how she hated it and about her day. I never really have a chance to talk with her talking all the time. The bell had rung and everyone got quiet.
French was a drag and even Maddie couldn't make French better anymore. I sat there bored out of my mind as I stared at the clock waiting for it to ring. Twenty minutes. Ten minutes. Five minutes. One minute. I packed up my things as I heard the bell ring. It was now time for lunch. Maddie walked over to me and we walked to lunch together.
"What's wrong with you? You were so out of it today in French." She said, her big brown eyes staring at me.
"I'm just not feeling good. It's been a long week already." I frowned, but she nodded, knowing the struggle of high school.
We got into the long lunch line, but I wasn't hungry, surprisingly. I wasn't going to eat so I just waiting with Maddie as she got her food. We talked about our day and our plans for the weekend. Of course, I had nothing so Maddie said she would come over Friday night and we would have a movie night or something. Maddie got her food and we went to try and find a seat in our packed cafeteria. We squeezed at the end of a table and right next to the table that Ethan sat at. I noticed that he stared at me but I didn't return the look and just looked away. Maddie smiled because she had seen the look.
"I bet he likes you Kel." She said smiling as she twirled her medium length brown hair.
"Yeah, alright." I replied sarcastically.
"I'm serious, you guys share a bus stop now, he's got to see how pretty you are." She smiled, shoving a mouthful of food in her mouth.
"Looks aren't everything." I said, rolling my eyes.
Luckily she dropped the topic of Ethan. My phone vibrated, notifying me that I had two new text messages. One was from my mom and one was from a restricted number. I looked at my mom's text and it said, "I may be home late tonight. Father and I are fighting. Sorry boo." I sighed and wanted to cry. My parents had been fighting more often now for some reason. I read the other message from someone and it said, "Hey Kelly. Can't wait to see you." I didn't know who it was and so I replied, "Who is this?" Was it a coincidence that they were meeting someone named Kelly?
I put my phone away and it was almost time for study hall. I hated study hall. It was so boring but at least I could sleep in there. I walked to class and sat down in my seat in the back. My teacher didn't care what we did as long as we were quiet. I didn't have any homework so I laid my head down and closed my eyes. Just wanting today to be over with.
I woke up to the bell ringing, thankful that study hall was over. I now had to go to gym class after just waking up, though I was feeling a little better after from nap. I didn't really hate gym because I was good at it. I had always been athletic, never playing sports but I loved running in my free time to stay in shape. I went into the locker room and changed into my gym clothes. Most of the other girls were already in the gym so I was running late.
My gym teacher, Mr. Reed loved me and thought of me as one of his favorite students so he didn't really care if I was late. I walked into the gym and everyone was all around Mr. Reed as he took attendance. Ethan was in my class and glanced at me as I walked over to the circle of students.
"Okay class, we are going outside today and are going to time how fast you can run to a hundred meters. If you are fast enough, you can be on our school's track team that will start soon and last through the summer. It's a new program I've started. " He said walking to the outside doors to our track.
I heard a few moans and groans as we walked outside. We got to the track and stretched and he asked for volunteers. I wasn't going to volunteer even though I didn't really care. He stared at us and said, "Don't make me pick." He said and a girl in front of me raised her hand. He nodded and she went to the starting point.
"Now, everyone please take this seriously or you will not get credit for today." He reminded us.
He blew his whistle and she took off running. When she was done, she had a time of 25.6 seconds. I could go way faster but she was a bigger girl than me and wasn't in as much shape. The girl seemed sad about her time and maybe embarrassed. Mr. Reed asked for more volunteers and no one raised their hands this time.
"Fine, I'll pick." He examined the crowd and said, "How about our quarterback, Ethan." He said smiling at him.
He didn't say anything but stepped up to the starting point and waited for the whistle. He looked really attractive in his gym clothes. It really made his abs and muscles stand out. I shook away the thought, I was being a creep. The whistle blew and he took off running. He ran really fast and I couldn't take my eyes off of him. When he was done, Mr. Reed announced his time as 11.50.
"Okay if anyone can beat his score; I will give them extra credit and doesn't have to run the rest of the week and next week."
11.50 seconds was a quick time and would be hard to beat. Most kids couldn't do it but he could because he was the quarterback. Once he was done, he went over to the side of the track and drank some water. It was getting hotter outside, so most people were drinking water.
Mr. Reed looked at the crowd and pick on a boy who was obese and wouldn't do so good. I was right; he got a 40.42 as a score. Mr. Reed looked again but looked right at me. I knew he was going to call on me and I was right again. Have you ever gotten on a good side of a teacher and them liking you so they decided that once they see you that they will call on you and it happens every time. Well, this happens to me all the time in gym.
I stepped up to the starting point and Mr. Reed gave me a smile. He doesn't know how fast I am because I am just a freshman and this is my first year with Mr. Reed. I've run in his class before but I wasn't actually trying. I was in position and waited for the whistle. I heard it and took off running.
I always get lost when I am running, it's like I'm running away from my problems. Before I knew it, I was at the finish line. I walked back over to Mr. Reed, kind of out of breath. A drip of sweat fell down my forehead. Everyone looked at me in awe, even Mr. Reed. Ethan was standing by him looking at my time, so I must have gone pretty fast because no one said a word.
"Uh, hello? What was my time?" I asked looking concerned.
"You got 11.25 seconds. You beat Ethan's time." He said, stunned.
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