《Second Wife》Chapter Sixteen


Right in front of Da Fan was Prince Jing Long, devoid of any of his guards and looking downright sodden. Jing Long screamed when he saw an unconscious Feng Huang on the ground.

"Brother?" Da Fan looked between the two. She suspected that they have some sort of relation but never this.

"Brother?" Jing Long cried.

Coming back to her senses, Da Fan tried to reassure the prince. "He's fine, his fever has broken and his wound has been stitched."

The terror faced prince finally seemed to have noticed Da Fan.

"He's fine?"

"Yes." Da Fan nodded.

Jing Long pulled at Feng Huang clothes to look at the wound at his shoulder. There, he noticed the neat stitches that ran the entire length of the wound.


To Jing Long it should have been impossible to treat Feng Huang wound.

Da Fan showed him the torn part of her dress and showed him her packet of emergency medicines.

"With this and the torn strips of cloth, I managed to treat him."

Jing Long looked on in disbelief. "Thank you for saving my brother."

It was the first time Da Fan received such gratitude.

"Remember he's my husband too."

The trio; Da Fan, Jing Long and an unconscious Feng Huang only waited a couple hours before the military came to their rescue.

During that time Da Fan wanted to question Jing Long but couldn't find the opportunity to do so.

"She knows." Jing Long stated to Feng Huang.

By the time they had arrived to Weifeng, Feng Huang had woken up and was treated. He now laid on his bed talking to Jing Long.

"Who knows?"

"Your wife, Cheng Da Fan. I called you brother, the weird thing though is that she didn't question me."


Feng Huang smiled, a hidden light flashed through them. "She probably wanted to. She's curious like that. I bet the anticipation is killing her."

Feng Huang let out a laugh which quickly turned into pain.

"Brother?" Seeing the teary eyes of his brother Feng Huang sighed. It's so hard to imagine this cry baby prince as the First Prince.

"I'm fine, just a little bit of pain. Don't worry about Da Fan, I'll talk to her. You focus on who those soldiers were. That ambush wasn't normal, they knew you were coming."

The two talked for a while before Jing Long bid Feng Huang good bye. A few minutes had passed when a knock sound at his bedroom door.

"Come in."

Da Fan took a tentative step to Feng Huang when she opened the door and shut it behind her.

Seeing that it's her. "Wife." Feng Huang called out to her. " What are you doing here? You were also injured."

"Just bruises, I came to see how you're doing and also..."

Seeing the hesitation, Feng Huang answered for her. "You wanted to know about Jing Long?"

Hearing him call the Prince so casually confirmed her suspicions.

"Feng Huang eyes darken, " You're treading on a dangerous path, Wife. It's better to be blind and deaf."

"I'm your wife."

"That you are, but so is Wei Yang. Shouldn't I tell her too?"

"No!" Da Fan's voice was sharp.

"Why? It's just as you said, she's my wife?"

"She's General Cong's daughter, he's the Second Prince supporter."

"You really are Inspector Cheng's daughter. You've done your investigation."

Da Fan shut her mouth knowing she just fell right into his trap.

"Come." Feng Huang patted the space beside him on the bed. When she sat beside him she gently hold her chin with his uninjured arm and looked into her eyes.


"Know the path you tread Da Fan." That was the first time he called her by her name. "There is no going back. You are my wife till death and I, your husband. My Second Wife you maybe but I need a pillar in my home. Are you that pillar?"

Da Fan nodded and answered him, "Till death. I will not betray you trust Feng Huang."

Feng Huang nodded and let go of her chin and pulled her into his arms.

"Jing Long's my biological brother.The Empress, my birth mother. After our birth she asked Mother (Madam Feng) to raise me. At that time, General Feng had just began to get sick. Mother gave birth to a son, but he died at birth. To secure her future and that of her sick husband, she agreed to raise me. The General passed away when I was ten and at fifteen I knew about Jing Long. I don't think the Emperor knows and if her do, that's one less son after his throne."

"That's lese majeste?"

Feng Huang shrugged, "What will you do now Wife?"

The entire plot between the Empress, Madam Feng, Jing Long and Feng Huang was worthy of death.

What can I do, but support my husband. I reckon that's the reason you carried Cong Wei Yang and I."

At the lack of response she smiled, "You're my husband."

"And you my wife."

Da Fan laughed feeling more like herself and closer to her husband that ever. She placed a kiss on his lips.

At that moment, Cong Wei Yang burst through the door in a flurry. Tears running down her face as she sobbed.

Seeing the hysterical woman Feng Huang frowned.

Cong Wei Yang on the other hand was panicking. Feng Huang had an arm around Da Fan with her perched beside him on the bed. A sense of crises gripped her, 'if this continue on that slut will take my husband.'

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