《Once again king's obsession and love》Moving things


Next day when Nandini is in garden, early in the morning, Manik couldn't stop himself to reach her, he unnoticeably walked to her, she scared to find some one back of her, he held her arms and dragged her towards him and in very low and deep voice "shhhh it's me"

"Yuvaraj???" She turned her eyes to look at him

He with his teeth removed her dupatta from her head "Why have get this difficult to see your face?" He is nuzzling his nose on her bare back she got goosebumps all over her body, she shivered he smirked, he loved his effect on her

"Don't cover your face"

"Everyone in mahal does how can I wont be?" She said in soft voice

"I don't care dam about everyone"

She kept silent as she don't have any answer and she doesn't have any clue what Manik is thinking.

"And you are not dasi to bring such a heavy bowl alone"

"It's my duty"

"Which you choose" he said in anger while sucking her skin harshly

"Yes I did"

"Why are you so stubborn?" He said in irritation

"I don't know" she hissed as this time Manik held her skin with teeth

Manik smiled, at her confession "ask dasis to bring them" Manik said in stern tone

"No I can't!!! It's prashad no one is allowed to touch it"

Manik laughed a little she looked at him in amusement

"I didn't take bath, I touched you now" he said leaning on her face very close to her lips, she opened her mouth o "o my lord I need to take bath and pick flowers again" she said with annoyed face he laughed more she turned away and was about to go Manik held her again "wear Chappel you are not a servant dam it" He is more angry now


"I came to pluck flowers for puja how can I wear chappal?" She said in low voice

he smiled again left her she ran away.

Nandini while taking bath she felt sharp pain she touched the place and found again pain she looked in water and found red mark on neck she recollected everything just happened between she got goosebumps all over again. "This can't be happen, he is married, he has five wives, and I can't let him cross his line, for that I should first keep my feeling in control I know Yuvaraj has seen me naked, for which I have to accept him has my swamy but........ he doesn't think in same way he is just attracted to me which is dangerous and according to my kundali I should stay away from him" he warned herself.

Whole day she is sad, when she is doing work in kitchen Badi rani ji came, all bowed there head Nandini too bowed she walked to her and said " beti you are not worker, Hukum has already cleared it then why are you working all day?"

"Rani sa I want to work"

She looked at Nandini smiled a bit, Nandini felt as if Manik smiled both smile so amazingly, she drowned in her own thought again

"Ok come with me I need to talk to you"

She nodded and followed her

"First go and change into fresh dress and come to my place" Nandini nodded and walked fast

After getting freshen up Nandini came to Badi ranisa room, she first took permission and then entered. All three queens along with Manik are present in room she bowed in front of all

"Come here and sit beti" Padmavathi offered seat Nandini hesitatingly took place

"You are a panditayan so never hesitate to sit with us" choti rani said


She nodded

"Nandini beti we want to know about yourself everything about you" Badi rani asked

"I am normal girl" she said in soft voice

"No you are not, you are the daughter Srinivasa murthy so tell us what skills you have?" She specified

"I learnt about politics, administration and economics, my father even trained me in sword and arrow shooting, he was teaching me aboard tharkashastra now a days but..." she sobbed a little

"That was unfortunate beti don't cry"

"What more you know?"

"I learned about finances and social discriminations and what what are there strengths and limits"

"Good next"

Nandini presses her lips a little and continued "I learned how to read fortune, how to cook and make garlands of flowers I can do knitting too"

"That is amazing now say me what is real reason of you not got married till now so that we can search for a right groom for you"

She felt uncomfortable she stirred in her place and in low voice she said "according to my kundali if I marry before 15 years I may loose my life so my father didn't not let me get married till now"

"Ok!!! Did he select any one for you?"

She nodded no

All took sharp breath except Manik he is just watching her all actions keenly listening to her.

"Shall we look for one now?"

Nandini got up "I want to serve god for life time I can't marry anyone now" she said with shivering body

"I understand you completely beti you just now lost your family but you know the shastra, which says, that when a daughter get married just after death of parents is good for them in heaven so we want to perform your marriage"

Nandini folded her hands and bowed her head in front of Badi rani sa and with tears she said "I beg you rani sa I can't marry anyone I will stay alone whole life please spare me I can't do that sin"

All looked at her in shock " Nandini why can't you get married?"

Nandini looked at them in horror and cried more "I can't"

"Nandini just say what is stopping you"

"I just can't say"

"I order you as a queen"

"I accept my punishment" Nandini bowed her head

"Nandini Hukum is in agony he want to help you just understand" this time Badi rani tried to convince

Manik got more irritated he just want to scream at every one and take Nandini away from everyone and keep her in his arms tight.

Nandini sat on knees, she cried more "ranisa!!!!! How can I explain?"

"Ok let Only we both talk?"

Nandini nodded rani sa took Nandini inside her bedroom.

Manik is impatient he want to know everything about Nandini, he want to go inside and listen to her words

"Now say it Nandini what is the matter"

"Rani sa!!!!! Some one has seen me naked when I lost my parents"

"Nandini" ranisa hugged her tight she cried more

"Who is he? Let you get married to him"

"Ranisa!!!! He is not in my reach so please I beg you let me be single whole life" Nandini begged her

Leelavati sat down in agony as king is desperate to perform Nandini marriage as early as possible.

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