《Wildfire (a Stiles Stilinski fanfic)》Oh bloody hell.
• • •
She feels the heat emanating off herself. Everything is made of metal or rock and it's all melting. An entire world is dying. Being erased from history. She hears the sound of the who world steaming. Begging for mercy she cannot give. This is her destiny. What she was made for. She was created for this. To foster destruction. She is and will always be the destroyer of world. The created of chaos. She knows this and yet, she hopes for rebirth. She is strongest when death is all around but she yearns for life again. Her pain is growing. It begins to become unbearable. There is nothing left for her here. No one wants her. She has been thrown away like trash. More pain, it's excruciating now. It continues until she can take no more. Her world goes dark, again.
• • •
Suddenly I'm at the school. I have no idea how I got here and it's eleven at night so I really should be home but then I see Stiles's Jeep.
I start to walk over to it. I don't know why he would be here but it doesn't matter. I just don't want to be alone out here. As I get closer it becomes clear that the car is empty. Then I see something else. As soon as I get close enough to realize what- or really who -it is I start to panic. It's Derek. He's lying on the ground bleeding out of his mouth. He looks dead. I look up to see Stiles and Scott pulling the doors to the school shut. I start to walk towards them but my walk quickly turns into a run when I hear growling behind me.
When I get to the doors they have small windows thank God. "Stiles, Scott! It's me, Persephone! For the love of God, open up!" I yell. Just then I hear scratching and growling. I slowly turn around. The big, black, ready eyed beast is sitting right behind me. Well that it then. I'm going to die. I think as I stare the ugly thing down. It starts running towards me. "Oh bloody hell," I say. I'm about to throw my first fireball in years when the doors suddenly open and I'm pulled inside. I feel arms around my waist and then pushed against the wall as the doors clang shut again. "Are you okay? Tell me you're okay," I hear Stiles say to me. He sounds worried which makes me blush a little. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine," I say back. "Well then I'm sure you've anticipated my next question then which is, what the hell are you doing here?" The last part came out as an almost yell which surprised me. "I," I say, "I honestly don't know." Stiles lets go of me and rolls his eyes. "You don't know. You don't know? How could you not- you know what, it doesn't even matter. We have a pissed off alpha chasing us and I was hoping to live through tomorrow, so Scott? Any ideas?" Scott, who is still trying to keep the door shut says "Im thinking okay?" "Grab something. Anything! We've gotta barricade the door," I say. Stiles suddenly looks out the window. Scott and I realize what he's looking at at the same time. "No," Scott says. "Yes," Stiles says back, opening the door and squeezing out. "Stiles!" I yell, but it's to late. He's already running down the steps, trying to get the chain cutter he left on the sidewalk. It looks like a pair of oversized pliers so I don't know how that's helpful in the situation but oh well.
He goes to grab them and just as he leans down the alpha comes out from behind the Jeep. "STILES!" I scream. He looks back at me and Scott and then he sees it. It's running straight at him. He gets up and bolts tears the door, which we already have open. Once he's inside he slams the door and shoves the plier things through the door handles. this very affectively keeps them shut. The thing is gone just as quickly as it came. "That won't hold will it?" Scott asks. "Probably not," Stiles says back. Then we here a howl. Stiles grabs my hand and we start to run. Next thing I know we're in a classroom moving a desk. "That door is not going to keep it out," Stiles says. "I know," Scott says. "It's your boss," Stiles starts. "What?" Scott and I say at the same time. "Deaton, the alpha, your boss," he says. "No!" Scott exclaims. "Yes. He's a murdering, psycho werewolf." Scott shakes his head "That can't be." Stiles gives him a look. "Oh come on. He disappears and that thing shows up ten seconds later to toss Derek twenty feet through the air? That's not convenient timing?" "It's not him," Scott says again. "Yes it is. He killed Derek," Stiles says. "Derek is not dead! He-he- he can't be dead," Scott protests. "Blood spurting out of his mouth okay, that's not really a minor injury," Stiles says. "He's dead and we're next okay?" "Guys, shut up!" I say, "we have to figure out some way not to get eaten okay?" "Alright," Stiles says, "we get my Jeep, get out of here, and you seriously think about quitting your job okay?" We walk to the window. "How do we open this thing?" I ask. "They don't open, it's school policy. They're to high," Stiles explains. "Stiles, what's wrong with the hood of your Jeep?" Scott asks. "The hood of my jeep? Nothing's wrong with the hood of my Jeep, what do you-" he stops when he sees that the hood is bent and torn. "What the hell hap-" I never finish my sentence because something huge and heavy flies through the window. "Stiles?" I say, "that's your car battery... isn't it?"
• • •
"We have to move," Stiles say. "He could be right outside," Scott exclaims. "He is right outside, he just threw a car battery at us," I say. Scott sighs. "Just let me take a look." There is a pause. "Anything?" Stiles asks him. "No, nothing." "Move?" I ask. "Move," they both say.
We get up and walk out to the hall. Scott points down one side. "This way." "No," Stiles says, "Somewhere without windows." "This is a school Stiles, every room has windows," Scott says. Stiles groans. "Well then somewhere with less windows." "The locker room," Scott says, and we start running again.
When we get there Scott immediately tells Stiles to call his dad. "And tell him what?" Stiles asks. "Anything, Stiles. Literally anything at this point," I respond. "And what if he goes Terminator and kills every single cop in site, including my dad?" Stiles asks looking at Scott. "They have guns," Scott says. "Are you kidding? Derek needed to be shot with a wolfsbane laced bullet just to slow him down!" I say, "Did you see that thing? Guns aren't gonna stop it." "We need to get out of here," Stiles says. "There's nothing close to the school for a mile," Scott says. "What about Derek's car?" I ask. "That could work. We go outside, get the keys of his body, and take the car," Stiles says. "And him," Scott adds. "Okay fine. Common."
We start to walk out of the locker room. Just as Stiles reaches for the door, Scott stops him. "What?" Stiles asks him. "I think I heard something." We slowly back away. Then we see it. It's outside the door, pacing. "Hide," is all Scott says and we take off. Stiles starts to get into a locker and pulls me in with him. Scott does the same.
We're squished so close together I can feel his hart beat. He has his arms around me to make more room. I'm trying to look out the little slits in the mettle but I can't see much.
A shadowy figure walks past and I can feel Stiles tense. I know he's about to make a sound so I reach up and cover his mouth. We keep very still. Then we see the figure stop at Scott's locker. I hold my breath. The figure throws the locker for open and screams. This causes Scott to scream, then me and Stiles. We burst out of our locker, still screaming.
Instead of a huge, red eyed monster, we see a short, stocky janitor. "What the he'll are you trying to do, kill me?" he yells at us. "You almost gave me a heart attack. The three of you get out!" "Just listen to us for a second-" Stiles pleads, but the guy won't have it. "Get the hell out right now!" he says again.
"We need to explain," Stiles sounds desperate now. "Just shut up-" the guy starts to say. Instead of finishing his sentence though, there is a growl and he's gained back into the locker room.
A second later, he's at the small window on the door, screaming. Scott starts trying to open the door but Stiles grabs him.
Hauling Scott away from the door, we take off running.
• • •
A few minutes later we get to two doors leading out of the school. Scott and Stiles run to open them but they won't budge.
Scott manages to open one a crack. "It's a dumpster," he groans. Great. We're trapped in a school with a crazy killer, we're probably going to die, and now there's a dumpster barricading the door out. "Her pushed it in front of the door to lock us is," Stiles states the obvious.
He looks worried. He starts freaking out, banging against the door. "Stiles stop," Scott grabs him, pulling him off the door.
We start walking down another hall. "I'm not dying here. I'm not dying at school," Stiles starts to panic. "We're gonna die, Stiles," I tell him, remembering that I can shoot fireballs out of my fingertips. I don't want to do it in front of them so it's an absolute last resort.
"For the love of God, what does it want?" I inquire. I think I already know the answer but I have to be sure.
"Me," Scott rasps, "Derek said it was stronger with a pack." "Nice. I psychotic werewolf that's into team work. That's, that's beautiful." I almost laugh at that. Only Stiles could make me almost laugh in a life or death situation.
"Wait," I come to an abrupt stop. Standing on the roof across from us is the alpha. It's big. Like, gargantuan. It has glowing read eyes and a pitched-up face. It's fur is the color of gun metal and it matted with blood. To complete the look, it has claws longer than my pinky finger.
All at once, it breaks into a run. Scott, Stiles, and I scramble away from the window and begin to run down the hall. Seconds later I hear the window shatter, but I don't look back.
We explode through the doors that lead to the doors that lead to the basement and sprint down the stairs.
• • •
We end up back in the locker room. The alpha comes in after us but turns a different corner. We go around the corner and into the showers.
"We have to do something." Yeah. No shit, Stiles. "Like what?" Scott and I asked at the same time. "I don't know. Kill it, hurt it, inflict mental anguish on it. Something," Stiles says.
We keep walking forward, jumping at every little sound. I here Stiles' keys jingle and hope to God that it's not a part of some plan he thought up.
"Stiles," I start to say. To late. He throws his key away from us and starts running in the opposite direction. Why does he do this stuff without telling us first? Scott and I follow.
We take a turn and we're in the coaches office. "Common, common, the desk!" Stiles yells at Scott. They move it in front of the door, locking us in.
There's a bang, and the room shacks, but the door stays shut. More banging. "I wanna get a look at it," Stiles announces. "No-" Scott begins but Stiles cuts him off. "It's grapes okay? We're fine, -Yeah that's right, we got you." "Stiles, shut up," I warn. I know it's trapped and all but I've heard of werewolves that can rip through stone. I'm not taking my chances.
"I'm not scared of this thing," he says back. Just then The beast throws itself against the door, knocking Stiles off the table. "I'm not scared of you," He calls. It growls again but he continues. "Right because you're in there and we're out here."
I tense as he goes on, willing him to stop. "You're not going any-" just then we here metal tearing. "Oh great," I mutter. "It's in the freaking ceiling."
• • •
"Do you here that?" Scott asks us. "Hear what?" Stiles inquires. "Oh my God, that's Alison's phone." Scott takes off.
We're on the second floor, heading towards the school's lobby. Stiles calls Allison. I hold my breath until she answers. He tells her to get to the lobby as fast as she can.
A few minutes later we walk in and she's standing in the middle of the room. "Persephone?" she asks. I start to answer but before I can, Scott speaks. "Why did you come here?" He asks her. "Um," she starts to reply as if this is the dumbest question she's ever heard, "Because you told me to." She turns her phone screen towards us and we just stare.
"Why do I get the feeling you didn't write this?" Allison looks uneasily at her cell. Scott looks dumbfounded. "Because I didn't."
"Alright, did you drive here?" Stiles asks her. I really hope she did. There's no way we can outrun this thing.
"Jackson did," is her response. Yes! We're saved! "Jackson's here too?" Scott groans. "And Lydia, what's going on-" Alison's phone starts to ring. She answered it saying "Where are you?"
A second later Lydia comes stomping through the doors, with Jackson in tow. Allison snaps her phone shut. Lydia sighs with relief. "Finally, can we go now?"
We all look up as the ceiling starts to creak. Oh God. WHY IS THIS HAPPENING?
Stiles feels me tense up and grabs my hand. "Run!" Scott yells, and we all bolt. I hear the ceiling give way behind us.
We end up in a class room. "Help me barricade the door," Scott says to Jackson.
"What was that, Scott? What was that?" Allison panics. "What fell through the ceiling?" Lydia whines. "Just help us barricade the doors," I respond, because there's a flesh eating monster running around outside and we really don't have time for chitchat.
"Guys," Stiles keeps saying, but we ignore him. "HELLO!" He finally yells. We all stop and turn to him. "Okay nice work. Really beautiful job everyone. Now, what should we do about the twenty foot wall of windows?" He gestures to the wall of windows.
"Shit," I mutter. The alpha could easily smash through those. "Could someone please explain to me what's going on, because I'm freaking out here," Allison says, grabbing on to Scott's arm. Aw even in this situation they're adorable.
Scott pulls away from her and walks over to a desk. I can tell he has no idea what to say. "Somebody killed the janitor," Stiles comes to the rescue. "What?" Allison squeaks. "What's he talking about? Is this s joke?" She says, indignant.
"Well who killed him?" Leave it to Jackson to get right to the point. "No, no, no," Lydia says with a far away look. "This is supposed to be over- with the mountain lion, and-" "don't you get it?" Jackson spits out, "There was no mountain lion." "Who was it?" Allison yells, "What does he want?"
There is a pause. Allison looks at me. "What's happening?" "I don't know, I..." "Scott!" She yells again. "If we go out there he's going to kill us," Scott says. "Us?!" Lydia squeaks.
"Who, is it?" Allison demands for the second time. There's a long pause. The tension in the room is so thick I think I could cut it with a knife.
"It's Derek." this startles me. Scott knows it's not Derek, we saw him dead on the ground. Why is he lying? I think to myself.
"It's Derek Hale," he continues. "Wait," Jackson doesn't sound convinced, "Derek killed the janitor?" Allison is shaking now. "Are you sure?" she manages to choke out.
"I saw him." I still can't figure out why Scott is blaming Derek. Stiles and I exchange a confused look. "The mountain lion..." Lydia says. "No! Derek killed them." Allison looks back at me.
I can see the fear in her eyes. "All of them?" She asks Scott. "Yes, starting with his own sister." He's trying so hard to convince them it's Derek. A sudden realization hits me.
He's protecting them. He's trying to save them from the truth. It's the only way they'll get out alive.
"And if we don't get out now," Scott stats, "He's going to kill us too."
• • •
"Call the cops," Jackson orders. Stiles glares daggers at him "No," he deadpans. "What do you mean no?" Jackson demands.
"I mean no. You want to hear it in Spanish? No." I laugh at this, affording a glare from Jackson.
"Look Derek killed three people, alright? We don't know what is armed with." Jackson, Lydia, and Allison stare at him.
"Your dad is armed with the entire police department, call him!" Jackson says. "I'm calling," Lydia states.
"Wait, Lydia-" I start. I put a hand on her shoulder but she shakes me off. "Yes, we are at Beacon Hills high school. We're trapped, and we need you to- but-... She hung up on me." "The police hung up on you?" Allison asks her. "She said they got a tip warning them that they were going to be prank calls about a break-in at the high school," Lydia spits out, "She said if I called again that they are going to trace it and have me arrested."
"Okay then call again!" Allison tells her. Stiles sighs "They're not gonna trace your phone. They'll send a car to your house before they send anybody here."
"God, what is this?" Allison grabs her head, "Why does he want to kill us? Why does he want to kill anyone?"
Stiles shakes his head, and looks at Scott. This causes all of us to do the same. "Wha- why is everyone looking at me?"
"Is he the one that sent the text?" Lydia half yells at him. "No! I... I don't know!" "Is he the one that called the police?" Allison demands. "I don't know!" Scott yells back at her.
Allison gives him a hurt look. "Okay how about we ease off the throttle a little bit here alright?" Stiles tries, pulling Scott aside.
As they talk in the corner I try to comfort the others.
"Allison. It's okay, we're gonna get through this alright?" She looks back at me. "I didn't do anything, why is he yelling at me?"
Before I can answer, Jackson cuts in. "ok ass heads, new plan. Styles calls is useless dad and tell him to send someone with a gun and decent aim. Are we good with that?"
"He's right," Scott says, looking at Stiles. "Tell him the truth if you have to, just call him." Stiles looks at me, then back at Scott. "I'm not watching my dad get eaten alive," he deadpans.
"Okay give me the phone," Jackson starts to charge Stiles.
The scene unfolds as if in slow motion. I see Jackson going towards Stiles. I see Stiles's shoulders tense. I see his arm pull back. I see him woo around way faster than I thought he could. And finally, I see him punch Jackson square in the face.
"Jackson!" Allison gasps. She runs over to him. I don't make a sound. I just stare at Stiles.
He shoves his hand into his pocket and pulled out his phone, flipping it open. He put it up to his ear and then says "Hey dad it's me and it's your voicemail. Look I need you to call me back now. Like right now."
Just today and there's a loud bang at the door. It keeps getting louder and louder. We all scramble together and move as far from the door as we can get.
"We're at the school. Dad, were at the school," Stiles says before hanging up the phone.
The banging is getting worse. The room starts to shake and the screws on the door knob fall to the floor.
"Oh God!" Lydia squeaks, holding onto Jackson. I find Stiles' hand and squeeze it. I don't know how we're going to get out of this.
"The kitchen, the chemistry kitchen. It has stairs," Stiles suggests. "Yeah that lead up," Scott protests. "Well up is better than having your jugular ripped out of your throat, isn't it? Common!" I say.
We go to the kitchen and lock the door behind us. I hear the door smashed open. Stiles tries open the stairwell door and we all running through.
We happen to run into my chemistry class room. Scott shoves a stool under the door know to make it harder to open.
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یه پسر پولدار و یه پسر فقیر .ارباب یک خونه و خدمتکار یک خونه .عشقی بین دونفر ، از دو دنیا و مقام متفاوت . چه اتفاقی قراره برای این دو عاشق اتفاق بیوفته ؟؟؟؟ این عشق درسته ........ یا نه ؟؟؟؟ نویسنده : melina کاپل : kookv ژانر : رومنس ، انگست ، امپرگ
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