《(Real) Unsolved Mysteries》dorothy scott "i've got her"


The year was 1980. For months, Dorothy Hane Scott—a 32-year-old single mother—had been getting unsolicited, anonymous phone calls at her place of work. She couldn't recognize the voice, which swung from telling her how much he loved her to threatening unspeakable violence. The caller told her he was following her ... and described details of her day-to-day life that proved it.

Dorothy began studying karate to protect herself. She considered buying a handgun. Neither of these things would save her.

On May 28, after taking a fellow employee to the ER for treatment of a spider bite, Dorothy left the lobby to pull her car around front. Her companions waited for her to arrive, but it took quite a while. When they finally spotted her car, it was traveling at a high rate of speed and promptly took a sharp right out of the parking lot.

They were left puzzling over Dorothy's strange behavior—perhaps she needed to get her son or there was an emergency of her own. Except several hours later, Dorothy Jane Scott's car was found about 10 miles away in an alley. It was burning and abandoned, and there was no trace of Dorothy to be found.

Dorothy's family was advised to stay quiet about her disappearance in regards to the media. A week after she went missing, her mother Vera received a phone call. "Are you related to Dorothy Scott?"

When she replied yes, the caller said, "I've got her," then hung up.

Then taunting behavior repeated as weeks went on. The same caller would tease her family about "having" Dorothy and confessed to a radio station "I killed her. I killed Dorothy Scott. She was my love." He went on to describe details that hadn't been released to the press—Dorothy's red scarf she wore that night, her coworker's spider bite. The calls finally stopped in 1984.


Almost four months later, a construction worker discovered both dog and human remains in some brush. With the bones were a turquoise ring and a watch that had stopped at May 29, 1980, 12:30 a.m.

Dorothy's mother identified the ring as having belonged to her daughter. A week after the bones had been positively identified as Dorothy Scott and an announcement was run in the local newspaper, her family got two more phone calls from the same mysterious caller, asking only in a knowing voice:

"Is Dorothy home?"

Her killer was never identified.

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