《Chills & Thrills Anthology》Obstacles | I Will Always Find You | II



Something, or someone, is in your way. Whether you are a stalker about to claim your latest victim, or a lover desperately searching for your partner, or a cop on the hunt for the biggest criminal—the goal is always the same:

"I will always find you."



Five year old Simran had first heard them when she had gotten lost in the children's park and was found in tears by her neighbour, seven year old Deepak. Neither paid any importance to those words, they were a childish promise of comfort from Deepak to a teary Simran.

She recalled that day with clarity, the hot sun and the dusty park, as she struggled with the rope binding her wrists and the salty taste of her tears. How naive and foolish she had been, not to recognise those words for what they were. Three days of captivity had reduced her to a bumbling mess of tears and hopelessness. Today, nearly nineteen years after that incident, she wondered if those words would always be true, that irrespective of where she was, he would always find her.

"I will always find you."

Thirteen year old Deepak had assured Simran; when she had spent over thirty minutes waiting for him to turn up at a common family friend's wedding party. She had been a reluctant guest, only agreeing to come when her mother informed her that both Deepak and Raj would also be there. But when she could not see him on reaching the hall, she had been distraught and on the verge of leaving when he found her. She had thrown a mild tantrum and he said it again, assurance lacing those words.

The rope left a burn on her wrists, which was mild compared to the fear and anger that burnt in her; how had she missed that flare in Raj's eyes when she had ignored him, insisting on searching for Deepak? Then again, at eleven, it could be excusable for her being unable to identify who was who, but at nineteen, she should have been sensible and not fall prey to sweet words which hid the envy and the rage. However, time and distance apparently left one vulnerable and susceptible to manipulation.

"I will always find you."


How she had blushed when Deepak had whispered those words in her ear on her sixteenth birthday, when she had held a masked birthday party and had convinced her two best friends to dress exactly like her. She did not know why she had wanted to know who would recognise her, but then she thought it would be fun. Most of the guests were confused but Deepak had not faltered, he took just a few seconds to stride towards her while Raj had found her only on his third attempt.

She should have realised that it was then that she had started the war which led to her current situation, tightly bound and held captive by the man who swore he loved her more than anybody else. They were lies, as Raj had always said and which she had taken years to believe. Only now she knew how wrong she was in believing them.

"I will always find you."

She had not heard the firm insistence underlying those words, though she had felt a faint fear. Deepak had smiled when he said it but his eyes were angry, as though warning her not to carry the joke too far. She had rarely seen him angry but she was upset too, if he could leave them to start his police training and then join a dangerous profession, a decision she had opposed with vehemence, she had every right to threaten to run away from him.

She had missed Deepak, with every fiber of her being. Long calls were not possible and the messages they exchanged were not enough. It was then that she realised how lucky she was to have Raj in her life, Raj who was always there for her, comforting her and taking her mind off Deepak. It was also then that Raj told things about Deepak, little ones, like the temper he had which he controlled with an iron will or his determination to never give up. They were tiny things, which put him in a different light. She had never thought that calmness and silence could conceal such turmoil, or that hatred would be hidden under soft smiles and comforting words.

"I will always find you."

She had brushed those words and him off in a fit of anger, tired of being pulled in two directions, Deepak with his silent demeanor who rarely spoke more than necessary was no match to the gentle warnings and subtle hints that Raj dropped. Unable to decide who was right, she had confronted Deepak, who instead of denying Raj's allegations had countered her by demanding to know who was trying to poison her. It had led to their bitterest argument, their relationship, already witness to frequent disagreements, almost broke. She had been infuriated at his insinuation that she was an immature woman who could not judge people for who they were. So she simply broke off with him and as she walked away, she heard him say them again, only this time they appeared to the angry ramblings of a man who was dominating and possessive.


The sliver of light widened, as did her eyes, and the door swung open and banged shut again. She squeezed her eyes closed as the dim light was switched on, aware as to who had walked in. And though she knew it was a futile attempt, she tried to reason with him. As he neared, she spoke, hoarse with despair, "Raj, why are you doing this? Please let me go, please..."

His rude laugh echoed in that dim room, mocking her pleas. She shrank into herself, wondering how the friendly Raj had mutated into this unrecognisable person who had gone to the desperate length of kidnapping her.

"My dear Simran, you are such a fool, it was so easy to convince you that Deepak has a possessive streak. He is a fool too, who lays too much store in love and trust and other funny feelings. You have to fight for the person you love and I have loved you all my life. Yet, you would never notice me, you would turn to me only when Deepak was not around. And as for Deepak, you are his life; he is going crazy wondering what happened to you..."

There was a flare of anger; she really had been stupid to believe in Raj and mistrust Deepak, but even when she had pushed Deepak away, he must not have given up on her, which would have triggered the desperation in Raj. Fueled by that realisation and rage, she burst out, "You... you are the psychopath, and you should worry about Deepak, when he finds out what you have done, he will not leave you alive..."

She felt the tang taste of blood as he slapped her, her cut lip oozing warm blood over her chin, deflating her momentary bravado. And along with the ringing in her ears, Deepak's voice echoed,

"I will always find you."

She now clung to those words, they were the only hope she had as she prayed that Deepak would live up to those words, as he had all their lives; she was losing the battle, her sanity and her strength.

She closed her eyes, surrendering to the inevitable, which was when she heard it, they both heard it, a tiny click. Raj whirled around to see him at the doorway, the man he had been friends with all his life and whom he hated with a vengeance. He let out an angry bellow and charged.

Simran relaxed, she was safe and as she slipped into unconsciousness, all she recalled was the warmth whenever Deepak had said,

"I will always find you."

A week later, Simran lay in the hospital bed, alternating between anger and hope, wondering why Deepak had not come to see her even once. She agreed that she had been wrong, both in judging his intentions and by pushing him away, but then he had come to rescue her, did that not mean anything? Or was it only his duty that drove him?

As if conjured by her thoughts, he stood in her room and she stared at him, at his tired face and taut shoulders, he must have been terrified for her. She also knew that he would not have rested, not even for a second, from the instant he learnt of her disappearance till he had made sure that she was safe and fine. At that instant, all her anger, her prepared speech, her internal tirade dissipated. There was nothing she would say, rather there was nothing to be said. Instead, she just slid out of her bed and threw herself into his arms.

And when he tightened his arms around her, she felt his heart beat against hers, repeating his promise,

"I will always find you."

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