《My Best Friend》Chapter 18 ~ Not Falling For It
Jarreau pulled into his circular driveway. His house wasn't as big as Sean's but it seem nice and cozy. He grabbed my bags out the back seat and his trunk.
"Jarreau you didn't have to buy all these things, I do have a job you know."
"I asked you to stay so that's the least I can do."
I dug in my purse and pulled out my checkbook.
"What are you doing?" he asked taking out his keys to open the door.
"Writing you a check."
"Lizzy please, you a long way from breaking my bank. I spend more than this at the strip club in one night."
"Eww gross. TMI."
He laughed.
We walked into a huge foyer and he sat my bags on the last step of the grand staircase. The place was a lot bigger on the inside. Hardwood floors, a grand piano in the corner and original prints on the wall, Jarreau had an excellent interior designer.
"Where's the kitchen?"
"Right through there."
The kitchen had top of the line Viking stainless steel appliances that looked liked they had never been used. It was my dream kitchen and more.
"Oh my gosh, have I died and gone to culinary appliance heaven? Look at this beautiful six gas burner stove, stone pizza oven and convection wall oven," I said rubbing my hands against the stainless steel.
He laughed.
"Have you ever used these?"
"Ah that would be a no."
"A twenty thousand dollar kitchen and you haven't even used it?"
"Never home long enough to use it I guess."
"Man you don't know what you have. Sean promised me a kitchen like this." I caught myself, that was a thought that was suppose to stay in my head.
I grabbed my ingredients out the bag. I was going to prepare stuffed halibut, with roasted asparagus, hushpuppies and a fresh cranberry and pecan salad. For dessert a graham cracker bread pudding. I laid all my ingredients out. Cooking was relaxation for me although I wished I had Shaunte's head on my cutting board.
"Since I'm not a cook, I can't tell you where anything is. I know I at least have the basic cooking materials."
"How do you survive?"
"Ah it's called take out, Lizzy."
"That's not healthy. All that process fat isn't good for you. Ya mama never showed you how to cook?"
"No. She always cooked for my sister and I."
I started looking in cabinets. He was right, he had the basics which was enough for the night. I would have to improvise but it wouldn't be too bad. I looked in the refrigerator and it was full of beer, condiments, milk and juice.
"This is pitiful. You need to hire a cook." I shook my head.
"You should move down here and help me find one."
"Hahaha you're funny."
"Would you like some wine before you get started?"
"I'm good. Why don't you turn on some music?"
He walked over to the wall console which was high tech. He turned on Pandora and the smooth vocals of Xscape's, Understanding played.
"Are you trying to throw out hints?"
"No. I just like old school music." He started walking back towards me singing and snapping his fingers. He didn't sound too bad that I found myself singing along with him.
I try so very hard to keep our love alive,
But you don't wanna meet me half way,
Then the understanding dies.
(Me) There's no way that we can work it out,
If we don't pull together.
I don't mean to be demanding,
But I want some understanding,
I want to be with you.
"Girl you sang that, like the old people say."
"Boy you crazy." I started to laugh.
"I can see why Sean is in love with you. You a ride or die chick. It's good to have someone like that. A person you can confide in, bounce off ideas, someone that's there because they want too."
"When I saw that news bulletin about Lucius there was no doubt in my mind, Sean needed me. Our parents use to say we had a bond like Zan and Jayna, the superheroes from the Wonder Twins in the seventies. Sean still has the VHS tape of a few episodes," I smiled reminiscing of the superhero late night movie binges we use to do.
"Call him. Just talk to him and clear everything up."
"I didn't do anything wrong."
"You tried to kill that girl."
"Well I didn't. She lucky I'm not the mafia. I would have put her in a body bag drenched in blood, drop a nest of rats in there and zipped her up, while she begged for mercy."
"Lizzy no more television, that's crazy."
"Or I could bathe her in a tub of acid and watch her skin peel off until only her skeleton remain." I started chopping up my onions and bell peppers. Jarreau took a seat across from me looking a little nervous.
I narrowed my eyes and his got wide. I broke out in laughter.
"Remind me not to get on your bad side."
"Wahahahahahaha, I'm the reincarnated Lizzy Borden."
He shook his head. "God don't like ugly Lizzy."
"He ain't too much on pretty either, but God do love poor people, He made so many of us."
"You're going to hell with gasoline drawers on."
"Then I'm taking you with me," I said laughing. "Bring it! I gotta comeback every time, I can do this all night." I put my ingredients in the skillet.
"You are a mess Lizzy."
"Speaking on going to Hell, in all seriousness, thinking back, a woman having a child would hold their stomach to protect their unborn. It's an automatic reaction and she showed no signs. I would never intentionally hurt a pregnant woman, I'm not that brutal. Thinking back to the things she said, not only is she trying to break up my relationship with Sean, she wants the relationship we have, except she wants the money and fame."
"I hope she isn't pregnant. Another human like her taking advantage of hard working people is despicable. I never understood how one can just latch on to someone else's fortune and think that is okay. If God gave you legs, arms, and a mouth why can't you go out and make something out of yourself."
"You're right but some people think they are privileged."
"Sean and I grew up in one of the worst neighborhoods back home. We had food on the table even if it wasn't a lot but our parents worked hard to provide us with a roof over our heads and the basic necessities."
"Maybe Shaunte grew up differently."
"Regardless of her situation you should never treat people the way she does. I joke and clown but I still have a heart."
"True although I saw it turn black earlier."
I threw a chopped up bell pepper at him. He laughed causing me too laugh.
"I am not the devil's spawn she is Jarreau. Don't get it twisted."
I put my fish in the oven and washed my hands. Now it was time for me to make my dessert.
"So why aren't you married Jarreau? You're a good guy except for being in everyone else's business."
"Hardeharhar, very funny."
"Seriously, why don't you have a ball and chain hanging around?"
"It's hard out here for a pimp."
"When he tryin to get this money for the rent...sorry I love that song." He threw a graham cracker at me.
"Ouch you boogie."
"You need meds Liz."
"Okay go ahead. Although you can't tell me you don't like that song."
He shook his head. "Anytee way before I was interrupted, it's hard out here to find a chick that won't use you. Living out here is like a game. Everyone wants to be at the top. Women stalk you, paparazzi all up in your business and people always have an agenda."
"Everything here is so fast pace. People don't have time to just sit and just enjoy anything anymore. My mama said things were a lot calmer before the cellphone."
"I totally agree. We have gone technology crazy." He put his phone in his pocket.
"Wash your hands and come here. You can help me with this dessert."
"So I am about to get my first cooking lesson?"
"Yep. It will be a change of pace for you. Cooking is my own stress reliever. It still amazes me even as a child to start off with rare materials and turn it into something that is enjoyable and knowing that I made it from nothing."
"I want a woman like you minus the craziness, Rocky Marciano mentality and flip mouth."
"Those are my best traits. She would be a dull person." We both laughed.
An hour and a half later we were about to start eating dessert. We laughed and talked and I even shared a few stories about Sean and I.
"It was spring break senior year in high school and we drove to Miami. It was about eight of us in a broken down van but can I tell you we had the time of our lives. Sean went swimming in the hotel pool with this girl named Kayla and they were horse playing. One thing led to another and when he went to get out the pool she tried to pull him back in but ended up pulling his trunks off."
"I'm sure he was embarrassed."
"Was he! He ended up tearing them so all he could do was cover up his front. When he realized it he slipped and came tumbling down on me and this guy named Devon Taylor. We were sitting in beach chairs relaxing soaking up the sun talking and then bam! Sean's on top of me with his fist in Devon's balls.
"Ouch! Was it intentionally?"
"Probably because Devon, had been crushing on me for weeks and Sean knew but I didn't. I'm not going to lie, Devon looked like Tyrese Gibson even had the muscles. Yummy. Anyway I thought he was just being nice. I think Sean got a little jealous because he was no longer the center of my attention during the trip."
"What happen to Devon?"
"Got up cursing ready to fight Sean, but you know me I jumped right in between them."
"You could have gotten hurt."
"Hell I was tougher than the both of them put together. They talked all that noise but they weren't going to do anything. I had known Devon since third grade, he looked tough from the outside but he was a teddy bear like Sean in the inside. Even Paddington Bear had more fight then those two back then."
I laughed. "I do have to admit if they were to fight now it would be interesting. I'm not sure who would win. They have both grown into their own so it would be hard to call."
We both laughed.
"Lizzy I have to admit this was one of the best cooked meals I have had since you left. The graham cracker bread pudding is the bomb, you should be selling this," he said taking another helping.
"Thank you. I'm glad you are enjoying my food but I can't take all the credit, you did help with dessert."
"I did didn't I?"
"See how easy it was? I will write down the recipe for this and the hailbut, I want you to start eating healthier."
"Are you trying to say I'm fat?"
I remained quiet turning my head but not before I started laughing.
"No that would be impolite. You are not as healthy as you could be. Food is linked to your musculoskeletal system which provides form, support, stability, and movement to the body. It is made up of the bones of the skeleton, muscles, cartilage, tendons, ligaments, joints, and other connective tissue that supports and binds tissues and organs together. The healthier the food the better you perform."
"I workout everyday for hours."
"Yes but when you sweat you have to replace what you're losing. Water is healthy but it doesn't replace the proteins and nutrients you need. Not only if you change your diet your sex life will improve along with your energy and body. You could be a new man in six weeks."
"Six weeks uh?"
"If you make a life change it normally takes six weeks for you to see a difference. When you learn plays, repetition is the key. So if I beat Shaunte up everyday for six weeks, she would be so use to it that she would just automatically come and get her beat down."
"I'm just saying. Look just try it for me. Eat organic fruits and vegetables they cost a little more but you would just miss one night at the strip club, but who knows in a few months you could be the one on stage working it."
"You got jokes."
"All the time. Whenever you need a laugh or a good kick in the butt just call me."
"I will remember that."
His phone began to ring.
"I have to take this. I'll be right back."
I nodded and he walked away. I picked up the dishes and headed to the sink. Looking out the huge clear window, the stars were sparkling like true diamonds in the sky. It was a beautiful clear night and all I could think about were the many times that Sean and I laid under them.
Looking out into the sky memories of Sean and I walking, riding our bikes and dancing in the moonlight brought a smile to my face. We were weird and nerdy at the same time but it made us...us. Any good relationship should be based off a good friendship. I've seen other friendships slash romantic relationships go down the drain. I didn't want that with Sean.
Maybe Shaunte did see something I didn't see before. Maybe I did truly have romantic feelings for him. Spread eagle across his kitchen table and in his bed had me swallowing hard. It did feel so good but I could never tell him that. I tried shaking the thoughts away.
My mind was spinning out of control that I grabbed the sides of the sink. His touch and kisses felt like fire sparks. My body wanted more but my head was screaming to stop. If there was any hope for us it was probably gone. Shaunte had come in and put her nastyass claws in him. What a waste of a human being? She is just so...urgh! I want to scream.
I wasn't normally a violent person but she had pushed my buttons. I was like a mama bear protecting her cub but I had always been like that. Were my emotions of a deeper love for Sean that laid buried for so long finally surfacing again? Did I need to protect him or was he able to do it himself? What would happen to me? Would he not need me anymore if Shaunte was around?
I felt my eyes watering. Maybe I did need to apologize. Not having Sean in my life was not okay. We had been through so much together. Who would I turn to when I needed a friend?
Aries. Could he really take Sean's place? Could Sean actually be replaceable? Could I give Aries a chance or would he rip my heart out too? Maybe I was just meant to be alone for the rest of my life. Everything Sean said last night about us getting together in a year was a bunch of bull.
If we were to ever fix this friendship no romantic emotions could be involved. He hurt me and I don't like that feeling. This had to be God's way of telling me I have been doing Aries wrong. I don't think I've given Aries a fair shot. I've been so worried about Sean that maybe it was time to start thinking about me for a change.
I wiped the tear that was falling down my cheek. This day was emotionally draining. My heart still ached. Seeing him hold Shaunte brought back when I caught him with that girl. The very thought of him taking up for that heifer still had me fired up.
She loved him just as much as that girl I caught him with did. It was about reputation or feeling useful. Deep down I knew Sean didn't love that girl no more than he loves Shaunte but the mind and your perception can play tricks on you.
I continued to stare out the window. I replayed every moment from the time she walked in the house until Sean and Jarreau pulled us apart. Searching for something I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and rolled my shoulders back.
"Call me what you want but once I get Sean back you will become a distant memory. I can do things that you can't even dream of possibly doing. Sean has to be the biggest freak I know. Just wait, I'll send you an invitation to our engagement party. Better yet to the wedding. That should be fun."
"Sean will never marry you. You're a goldigging botch. He has way better taste then you."
"Really now?" She pulled out the napkin.
"Really? A nastyass pregnancy test. Get that nasty thing off the table. The maid was here the day before yesterday and won't be back until tomorrow. Throw that away before the toxic smell kills us both."
"It's his and I'm keeping it."
"Girl please. Sheesh. You know and I know it's for that drug dealer boyfriend of yours. He's probably locked up and he can't provide but oh that's right, Sean can."
I felt my teeth clinching in my mouth. Ooh Jesus give me strength. I know you ask us to love our enemies too but this is a hard one. Please I'm asking for forgiveness now just in case I forget later.
What did Sean see in this chick? He was always a brainiac. He was good not only in art, but math, science and history. He was an all American smart guy and athlete which leads me into why we would want someone like Shaunte?
That hussy needed to be taken down a peg. She was out for the easy way. Hard work would kill her. She was lower than the smashed bug on the concrete. Urgh I hated her with a passion. She was lying about that pregnancy, she never once cover her stomach to protect this so called baby. Wait I kicked her in the stomach and she just continued to keep going.
Something wasn't right. Who would bring a stick to their man's house? Wouldn't you do that after you suspect and why now? I've never been pregnant before but one plus one is not adding up to two.
Maybe if I talk to Sean he can make her take another one and watch her trickyass do it. I don't trust her as far as I can throw her. It's not like he hasn't seen her old stake coochie before.
I went to grab my purse to look for my phone but it wasn't in there. I checked my bags and still came up empty handed. Where in the hell is my phone? I had it earlier. Closing my eyes I needed to think.
"Shit! I left it on the bed in Sean's guest room." I must have been so upset I packed my stuff and left it on the bathroom sink. I blew out a deep breath.
I was more than sure I probably had beaucoup messages especially from Aries probably freaking out. I walked back through the living room looking for Jarreau, I needed my phone. Finding him outside I walked out to see him hanging up.
"That was Sean. He's been trying to call you but you left your phone at his house."
"Thought so. I just realized that. I really need to get it. Did you tell him I was here?"
"No because I wasn't sure if you were ready to see him."
I took another deep breath.
"I need my phone Jarreau is there a way you can get it for me. I'm not ready to see him yet."
"You will see him tomorrow what's the difference? Let's see...twelve hours."
"You're just a regular old Kevin Hart aren't you?"
"Put your big girl flower panties on and we can go and get your phone."
"Nevermind, I'll just go and buy another one tomorrow."
"That's crazy Lizzy."
"I'm not going."
"Lizzy you're being stubborn."
"Call me what you want, I'm not going."
Next thing I knew I was being lifted in the air and carried on his shoulder.
"Put me down! Jarreau I swear..."
"Yeah yeah yeah you're going to kick my butt, ya dadad, I've heard it before, now cry me a river."
"Oooowe you lucky I got religion."
He opened the truck door sliding me in. The looked he gave me was fair warning. I scrunched up my nose, rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.
"You make me sick you know!"
"Good, maybe you will stay quiet until we get there, pouty face. That's your new nickname. What's up Pouty Face?" He started to laugh.
"So not funny!"
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