《My Best Friend》Chapter 5 ~ Agitation
I woke up to my phone ringing. I searched the bed and under my pillow until I found it. I wasn't sure how long I had been sleeping but if it was based off the drool on my pillow I would say a while.
The phone rang again and I slowly opened my eyes. I wasn't sure who it was so I had to answer it. I looked at the time and it was almost six am.
"Dr. Johnson?"
"This is Gloria from the OR. We have a patient with a possible broken lumbar spinal stenosis trauma from a motorcycle accident and we've managed to get him stable. Dr. Truehill asked me to call you since Dr. Turner is not answering his phone or pages."
"I'll be there in forty-five minutes get me a surgical suite ready. If he's in pain give him an anesthetic until I arrive. "
"Yes Dr. Johnson."
I hung up and rolled over. Aries was sleeping on his side so I just kissed him on the shoulder. Getting out of bed, my legs felt like jello and my back ached just a little from all the good sex I had been getting over the last week. I turned on the shower and got in.
The last few days having Aries around made me realize I needed companionship outside of Sean. Don't get me wrong, I love Sean but I was missing someone to call my own. Aries had proven over the last few days that he wanted me. From bringing me flowers, to a picnic lunch, even to me coming home to massages, his focus had been me all this week.
Unfortunately tonight was his last night. The big game was this afternoon and shortly after he would be leaving to go back to Atlanta. The preseason had already started and in a couple of weeks the first game of the season would be kicking off.
I quickly finished up, grabbed some scrubs and sat down on the bed to put my tennis shoes on.
"You're up early," Aries said pulling me back in the bed.
"There is a patient in the OR I need to attend to."
"I didn't think you were on call?"
"Peter didn't answer when they called him from the OR. I wonder if Rita his wife might have gone into labor. She's expecting any day now."
"Will you be gone long?"
"I should be back before the game starts. I need to assess the patient possibly operate, but I won't know until I get there."
"Ok. Since the game starts at ten, why don't you meet me back here? The field is only twenty minutes away. Let's say we meet up around nine and that will leave you enough time to change."
"Sounds good," I said leaning over to kiss him. He deepened it and if I didn't stop I would be flat on my back naked.
"I gotta...go," I said pulling myself away.
"I think I'm addicted to you."
"Really now?"
He nodded his head yes. I giggled raising up tying my shoe. I brushed my hair back and twisted it in a bun.
"I'll be back shortly. Keep my side warm just in case I get back here earlier."
He smiled taking my pillow and putting it under his head. I grabbed my wallet, keys along with my badge and headed out.
Almost four hours later I was zooming through traffic. The game had already started and I could tell Aries was upset that I didn't make it back on time when I called him. The surgery didn't take long but then somehow I was called in on three consults and to set a broken leg.
I made it to the field and the game was almost at the end of the first quarter. I paid my admission and took a seat in the bleachers. The stadium was packed with families and coaches. I scanned the field until I saw Aries at the fifty yard line. He was looking around guiding the players for the next play. Two other coaches came over and they disperse.
I tried waving but he didn't see me. I wasn't sure if he wanted me on the field or not so I was just going to stay in my seat until half-time.
My phone buzzed in my pocket. I grabbed it and there was a video with a play button. I didn't recognize the number so I was a little weary to open it but I did out of curiosity.
There was a black envelope with my name on it written in white. A finger puppet that looked like me and another one that looked like Sean were dressed up walking over to the envelope. The puppet that looked like me opened the envelope and two tickets came out breakdancing to Move Like Jaggar. On the tickets the writing said, Join Adam Levine and Maroon 5 for their listening party for their new album Animal on Friday at Club Glacier.
My phone rang and it was Sean calling.
"Hey tookiebookie," I said laughing in the phone.
"You must have gotten my breakdancing tickets video?"
"Yeah. Where are you?"
"I'm in my studio with Kale and Robbi. Practice ended early."
Sean owned an animated studio in LA. Growing up he loved to draw and paint and when he became a successful football player, he took his passion of art to a whole new level. His little studio dream turned into a business, now big budget movies would call when they needed something and he had a contract for doing animation projects for the Department of Education. His studio went from being a guy with a passion for art to a fifty employee business making money by the truckloads.
"Is that pool stick gone yet?"
"That's not nice Sean."
"His head reminds me of the top of a cue stick, it's hard but has no direction at times."
"I could say that about your women," I said laughing.
"True." I heard him laughing in the background.
"Oh I was calling because the video I texted you are two tickets to see your dream man Adam Levine and Maroon 5, on Friday night. My teammate has a club and Adam is allowing him to do a special screening party of his new album."
"What?! Oh my freaking god. Boy you betta not be playing with me?"
"If I was playing do you think I would be sending you videos?"
"I love you boy! You know he's one of my faves."
"I know. You can thank Teddy when you see him."
"I'm super excited. It's going to be so much fun. I have to look cute. Do you think he will let me touch his tattoos?"
"You sound like a crazed fan. Do I need to put a collar with a chain on you before we get there?"
"Just as long as I can wear a black corset and a thong. You can just pass the chain over to him."
"You do know he's married?"
"I would turn that sexy man out," I said laughing. The lady sitting next to me looked over at me, shook her head and pushed over some.
The whistle blew alerting us the first quarter was over.
"Are you at the game?"
"Yeah, the first quarter just ended. No one has scored so it's probably going to be a good game."
"Whatever. Anyway I will be at the airport to pick you up Thursday around two. The traffic in LA can get ridiculous."
"So what do you have planned?" I asked as I watched the little cheerleaders do their thing. Although these were young kids, I felt as if I was at a real football game.
"Thursday when you get here I can show you around the area and we can just chill and go with the flow. Friday is the concert and you have an appointment with a stylist. Saturday is the event, so you will be pampered leading up to that. Sunday, got tickets to a gospel brunch and hanging out."
"Sounds good to me. Pampering is like my favorite word in my vocabulary."
I heard him chuckling on the other end.
"I really can't wait to see you Lizzy Bear, I've missed you."
"Uhm, we talk everyday."
"It's not the same Lizzy."
"Don't get all mushy on me."
He laughed. "The girls here can be so fake, with their fake attitudes even down to their fake body parts. Sometimes I wished I could just play back at home. It would be a huge pay cut but it's not all about the money."
"Tell me about it. I met the director of the UCLA Orthopedic Spine Clinic and he was telling me about all the new minimal invasive procedures they are doing and told me I should stop by as they were always looking for young talented people like myself."
"We can stop by there since you are so close."
"Nah, there's no place like home. Maybe if mama wasn't around, I would consider since you are there, but I can't leave her here by herself."
"How is she doing?"
"Fine. She's just getting old. She has to watch her blood pressure and cholesterol."
"Mrs. Johnson is going to be fine. She will probably out live the both of us."
"You're probably right."
We talked some more and I didn't realize it was half time. The teams ran through their perspective tunnels and my phone beeped.
"It's Aries calling, I have to call you back."
"I thought you were at the game?"
"I am. I was late so I've been sitting in the bleachers."
The phone rang again.
"I'll call you back Sean."
"So you are going to hang up on me to answer that greasy head cue stick."
"Stop it Sean, just be nice."
The phone rang again.
"Bye Sean."
"When did you ever let a man dictate your movements?"
"What? Sean you talking out your neck," I said getting up scooting through the people.
"So he calls and you go running to him."
"I'm not running." Okay I was walking fast which led to a swift jog.
"You're out of breath. You're breathing heavy in the phone."
"I'm trying to get to the locker room."
"Whatever Lizzy. I've noticed we haven't talked much over the last week. Shinyhead must have been keeping you busy."
"Oh he has. Sorry that discussion is for mature audiences only."
"So it's like that."
"You made it that way. I gotta go, I'm walking into the hallway of the locker room."
"Whatever bye," he said hanging up. I had hit a nerve and I could tell he must have been a little jealous, since my calls to him had gone down this week.
I heard loud voices and watched through the glass as Aries and some older guys were pumping up the kids. I walked in leaning against the wall. A few minutes later, Aries saw me and called me over. I walked towards him and he led me to an office on the side.
"You made it," he said with a grin on his handsome face.
"Yes, since the first quarter."
"Why didn't you come over to where I was?"
"I started too but I didn't want to interrupt."
"I'm sure you wouldn't have since you were on the phone the whole time," he said opening up the office door. I walked in behind him and he closed it.
"I was talking to..."
"Let me guess Sean."
"He sent me a message and..."
"Personally I don't want to know."
Aries was turning a good week into a sour one. I wondered what was truly wrong with him because he not only was acting crazy towards me but something was off.
"What's wrong Aries?"
"Nothing." He said pacing back and forth.
"Something's bothering you. You were fine all this week and this morning. Are you mad because I didn't make it back on time?"
"No that's the least of my worries," he said sarcastically.
I was a little taken back. There was a knock on the door.
"Come in," he yelled.
"Time to get back on the field," the man said.
Aries nodded and the man closed the door. I turned around and was about to leave when Aries walked up to me.
"I'm sorry," he said turning me around. He went in for a kiss but I moved my face.
"You talk to me when you find your senses."
"I promise to tell you what's going on when this game is over. I got some news and it's just thrown me for a loop. I am really sorry if I snapped at you. I don't want you mad with me. In a few hours I will be leaving and I want everything cool between us."
"Then you need to drop the attitude and sarcasm. I won't let anyone talk to me any kind of way."
"You're right. I promise I will do anything if you forgive me," he said bringing those talented lips to my neck. I could already feel my core getting wet.
He kissed along my neck up to my cheek until he softly kissed me on my lips.
He whispered, that he was sorry against my lips while my arms wrapped around his neck. He raised me up some and I deepened the kiss. We heard loud chanting and someone knocked on the door bringing us out of our devilish thoughts. He let go and brought his forehead to mine.
"You better go. Maybe we can finish this later?"
"I can't walk out there right now," he said pulling away and he looked down. His boner was saluting me. I touched it and he licked his lips.
"Maybe if you're a good boy later," I said opening the door.
"I will get you for that Miss. Johnson," he yelled out before I walked out.
I turned around and said, "it's Doctor Johnson if you're nasty."
He laughed and I closed the door. I managed to find a seat right above where Aries was coaching. He finally came out in his sunshades before the marching band and cheerleaders were exiting the field. He looked up and I gave him a thumbs up. His team came running through the tunnel and the crowd went crazy.
I watched him coached and before long we were in the fourth quarter and his team was up by seven. These boys had played hard and now it was time for them to prove who was the best. The ball was snapped and number 17 took off towards the end of the field but was stopped shy of the ten yard line. The crowd was going crazy.
"Number 17, AJ Harris was stopped and now the Cougars are first and ten," the announcer said.
People were standing on their feet cheering. I looked around and they were starting to chant, "AJ, AJ,AJ."
I stood up as Aries whispered something in AJ's ear and he nodded. AJ ran back on the field and got into position. The play was called and the poor quarterback was sacked. I could hear the crowd ooo and ahs. The play clock was down to six seconds and this was a nail biter.
They lined up again in a different formation. Quarterback snapped the ball to AJ but he was trapped. He was knocked down losing a yard. Aries called a timeout and his team ran over to him. I could hear him yelling and the other coaches stood back and nodded. He tapped AJ on the helmet and he nodded. The players went back and lined up.
"The Cougars are third at eleven. Will they be able to pull this off?" The announcer said.
The quarterback went wide looking for a receiver but they were all blocked. He ran the ball in but was stopped short of the two. The crowd was standing on their feet while the cheerleaders and band were entertaining.
I was sure they were going for the field goal but the little kicker was still on the bench. My hands started to sweat as I became anxious. I wanted them to win. Lining back up on the field, the quarterback gave AJ the ball and he literally jumped over the crowd. Boy after boy piled on top of him and the whistle blew. The clock was down to zero but we couldn't tell if AJ still had the ball.
The referees pulled the guys off of one another and finally little AJ came up with the ball in his hand. The crowd went crazy, band began to play and parents stormed the field. AJ had won the game and now they were holding him up in the air.
The crowd chanted his name and he took off his helmet. He was a cute little boy. He was enjoying the accolades and I saw Aries shaking hands. The kids lined up from both teams and shook hands. Aries and a guy came over to where I was.
"This is my teammate and partner in crime, Brandon Yates," Aries said introducing us.
"You must be the lovely Elizabeth Johnson that Aries talks about everyday all day. It's a pleasure to finally me you," he said holding out his hand.
"The pleasure is mine, but please call me Liz," I said shaking his hand.
Brandon was hot. Tall, good looking, light-skinned and curly hair. He seemed nice and well mannered.
"So Aries said you are coming out to Atlanta to one of our games."
"Yes I am."
"Good. You can meet my wife Charlene. She's from Monroe and she played basketball for Ohio."
"Really I played for Vanderbilt years ago. Your wife wouldn't be Charlene Kelley would it?"
"Actually it is."
"We played in the All-Star game together two years in a row. We had a good time hanging out back then."
"I will have to tell her. It was nice meeting you Liz and I will see you soon." He walked away shaking hands.
"He's nice," I said turning my attention back to Aries.
"He is a good guy. Do you mind taking me back to your place. Brandon picked me up from your house and my rental is still there."
"No problem. You want to meet me at the car?"
"Give me ten minutes."
I nodded and he walked away. People stopped him and took pictures of him. He was a superstar athlete along with Sean, but I guess I just saw them as themselves. I eased my way out the bleachers and stopped behind two black ladies.
"Do you think he will give you some more money before the results come back? Girl you better work that gravy train," the one with the short black hair said.
"The test will prove he is the father. I knew he would make it but now since he is at the top of his career I'm sure he's getting paid," the one with the long weave said.
"Sharon if you play your cards right you could be living the life. Mansions, cars, a husband. You could have the whole pie."
"I know. I have to have a subtle approach. One piece at a time until all the puzzle pieces fit. By the way, I have the money I owe you. He gave me a check."
"What?" her friend said.
"Yep. Me and my boy are about to get a new place to live, a nicer car and I might not ever have to find a job."
"You betta milk it alright," her friend said laughing as the crowd was starting to move down the stairs.
"Girl don't you worry. I will milk it, suck it do whatever I got to do to hold on. I was stupid for letting him go in college. That was the biggest mistake of my life, but this could be my second chance and I'm not gonna mess this up."
I watched the two ladies walk off and thought that whoever they were talking about was in for it. I kind of wondered who they were talking about. There were a lot of professional football players out on the sidelines coaching and even scouts out there.
I shook it off as I walked to my car. My phone rang and it was Aries. I had given him the Superman theme song as his ringtone.
"Where did you park. The media won't let me get through."
"South side of the stadium by G."
"Okay, I'm closer to C. Will be there shortly."
I got in my car and waited. I looked around as people were disbursing to their cars. I saw the woman Sharon that was talking to her friend. What surprised me was that the little boy AJ was walking next to her with his bag and jacket. They got in an old Ford Taurus with an expired inspection sticker and drove off.
Taking my attention away, Aries got in the car, leaned over and kissed me.
"What are you looking at?"
"I heard these two women talking about some guy. The one named Sharon said she was basically about to get paid and hopefully she could live the life. I just saw her and your star player AJ drive off. I feel sorry for whatever guy she was talking about."
"What all did she say?" he asked turning his head and grabbing something out his bag.
"Evidentially the guy gave her some money and she's about to get a new place to stay, a new car and no telling what else."
"How did you hear all of this?"
"She and her friend were in front of me talking. They probably thought with all the noise, no one could hear them, "I said pulling out of the parking space.
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