《Morning ℂoffee ♨》Chapter 6: John Pierce


Morning Coffee

John Pierce

Sebastian smiled, “I would love to.” Naomi could not help but wonder, did he really want to go, or was he going just out of pity. That was the main thought on her mind throughout the morning, after getting ready, and dressed for the day Naomi went over to Julia's door and knocked on it.

When the door opened Naomi eyes had to look down, “Abby!” The little girl jumped into Naomi open arms. “How is my little munchkin doing?”

Abigail smiled a big toofy smile, “I am doing good, what about you?”

Naomi smiled, and walked into the house with Abby attached to her hip. “I am well. Where's mommy?” The little girl pointed her tiny arm to the kitchen.

Julia's looked up and smiled at her daughter, and best friend. “Naomi I still don't get why you stayed, but you are a woman and I respect your decision, I was just a little worried.”

Naomi nodded her head, and decided to tell her now, “My mother is out of Jail, and Sebastian is going to meet my family for dinner this Thursday.”

Naomi watched Julia face bunch up, “Are you sure, your family is, well something else.”

Naomi looked at her, and let a wiggling Abby go. “I am not to sure, but I feel that it will all go well, I hope.”

The two woman sat and caught up with each other, while Abby counted play money. Julia told Naomi how much Jeffery was pitching in with Abby, how he was taking her and Abby very nice places. “Naomi everything happening to me has been amazing, though through all this I am just happy Abby has a father now.” The two put Abby to bed.

Julia looked at her friend, “I think Sebastian is good for you, ever since you meet him you have this glow to you. You look happy, don't lose him if you think that you can have any sort of life with him.”

Naomi hugged Julia, “You don't lose Jeff, he's a clown yes, but I can tell through all that he dose care and love you both.” Julia just hugged her back, not knowing what to say. “Get yourself ready while I get Abby ready.” Naomi pushed her friend in the direction of her room.

Julia nodded and started walking, “She already had her bath and has had breakfast she just needs to get dressed.” Julia through over her shoulder.

Naomi walked into Abby's room, “Now where is princess Abby?” Naomi called out in the room, well aware of Abby hiding in her mountain of stuff animals. “Is she here?” Naomi check behind the door, “I guess not.” Naomi went to Abby closet next. “How about here.... mmhm I guess I was wrong again.” Naomi heard Abby's giggle and suppressed one of her own. As she got closer to the pile of stuff animals, she did her best to be quite. “Is she here.” Naomi got down and pick up a giggling Abby. “Ooo look what I found.”


Abby giggled, “You found me.”

Naomi snuggled her, “Yes I did. What would you like to wear today?”

Abby thought for a minutes, and hoped out of Naomi arms. Running to her closet, Naomi watched as the little girl pulled out a blue summer dress. “Can I wear this?” Her big eyes looked at Naomi those eyes warmed her up so much. She went back to thinking of how much she wants a family, how much she wants to settle down.

Naomi went over and picked up the little girl, and gave her a kiss on the cheek. “Of course you can.” Naomi helped Abby get dressed and put on her shoes.

They went to the living room and watched as Julia jumped around trying to put her other heel on. Julia looked up at the sound of laughing, “Are you laughing at mommy?” Abby shock her head no. “Hmm, Naomi I have no idea how you walked in heels everyday.”

Naomi chuckled at her, “You get use to it, now lets get going.” Abby ran down the stairs while Naomi checked her door, and Julia checked hers.

The car ride to work was loud, Naomi put on Abby's favorite CD and the little girl was singing it at the top of her lungs. Her curls bounced around her head, when she turned to look at her mother, “Mommy I want to become a singer. Can I?”

Julia looked into her baby's green eyes. “You can become anything you want. You just have to work for it.” They pulled up to the front of the building, and all got out.

Abby's grandparents were waiting at the bottom of the stairs. “Abby!” Abby's grandfather picked her up and twirled her in the air.

Abby giggled like a maniac, “Grandpa, Grandma!”

Ashton smiled at the little girl, “Punkin!”

Naomi looked at Julia and saw the happy look on her face, she was happy for her friend, but at the same time her body filled with envy. She wanted what she had, “Bye.” Naomi called to them, and did another wave when Abby waved to her. Walking into the building, the first thing Naomi notice was the place.... it was so quite. Usually it would be loud and everyone would be buzzing around, but today it was silent... to the point where you could hear a pin drop from the floor above.

Naomi brushed it off and took the elevator to the top floor. Stepping out her heels clicked on the floor, everyone turned her head to watch her walk into her office. Naomi did her best to ignore the eyes of the people staring a hole into her back.

Her hand touched the door knob and twisted to open the door....

~Earlier that day at Sebastian house.~

Sebastian snarled at his father, his dark eyes moving to the figure sitting on his couch. “What is god's name is that man doing in MY house?”


His father cleared his throat, looking at his son. “He is here under my request. So what your mouth boy.”

Grace watch her sons jaw lock and his eyes darken to pitch black. Knowing what her husband did was wrong. “This should be fun Sebastian, no?”

Sebastian eyes moved to John's, a smirk came onto his face, “You think so? That's funny you will be lucky is you make it out of my house with no broken bones.”

John Pierce just laughed at his cozen, “You still have a temper even after all these years. Oh dear cozen I wanted to bond with you.”

Sebastian glared at his cozen, “I'd sooner bond with a wild bear in a cage, then with you cozen.”

A smirked worked onto his face, “Well we will be working closely.”

Sebastian sat down and plastered a face smile on his face, “Now here is where you are wrong.” His eyes looked at John, “Both of you.” His eyes moved to his father, and for once he saw a look of confusion work it's way onto his father's usually calm face. “As you see I OWN the company ALONE. You my dear father take no part at all in my company. So I don't know what makes you think you can tell me what to do.”

Anyone could feel the waves of angry come off of Giovanni, the man stood and walked out the room. Looking over his shoulder, “Get ready we are going to your company.”

Sebastian said nothing, he knew better, he knew that all he had to do was go with it for a few hours and Giovanni would give up on trying to force John into his life and company. More importantly force him into the time he spent with his black haired beauty.

~Outside Sebastian and Naomi office~

Naomi twisted the door knob, and walked into her office. She calmly walked over to Sebastian's desk and took the files off of it. “Would you like to me file these sir?”

Sebastian's eyes looked up at her, “Yes please. Than can you change all my appointments to this afternoon, and see what is planed for the week.” Naomi nodded, she knew he was not in the best of moods.

She turned around and smiled at his mother, who returned the gester. Looked at his father with distaste, and caseded a curios glance at the other man in the room. She then walked out through the door into the room off of Sebastian’s which was the filing room. He liked to keep all the files close it made it so easy for him to find and get in cased he needed it.

Naomi did her best not to listen but as the voice got louder and louder, she thought best. Giovanni wants to put John in the company and Naomi could see why Sebastian didn't want that. The man was possessive as hell, he would not share and he did make this company from the ground up himself. He didn't have to share, even with family.

The meeting ended with a door being slammed so loud it made Naomi jump. She wanted nothing more then to walk out of the room and into Sebastian body, but something stopped her, her mind, her heart, she didn't know. “What's a little cute thing like you hiding in here?” John stepped into the room, “It can't take that long to put away a few files.”

Naomi smiled at him, “I had to re organize a few things.” Naomi hated that the lie slipped past her lips with ease. “Well I am done now so excuse me.” Naomi knew it was bad the second he shut the door and didn't let her pass. Her eyes looked up at him finally taking in his appearance, from his brown hair to his brown eyes. He was tall not Sebastian tall but to her small frame 6'0 was huge, she didn't fear him he was not as big as Sebastian in the muscle department either. She really didn't know why she was comparing them right now, she guess it was due to the fact that she knew he would protect her. She knew she didn't have anything to fear, and with that thought in her head, “Sebastian will hurt you if you touch me.”

His eyes harden, “He can't do anything to me.”

Naomi laughed, “He can and will, now let me pass.”

Now it was John's turn to laugh, “You have no power right now.” He went and pushed Naomi into a wall his body covering hers. “He wont let me have his company then I will take something else from him.”

Naomi felt his hands slide up her body, and that's when her brain figured out what was happening. She pushed against him and fought. “Get the fuck off of me!” Naomi tried to knee him in the groin but he brought his leg up and blocked her. Opening her mouth to scream she yelled for the person she hoped would come, “SEBASTIAN!”

John brought his hand up and pouched her, “Shut Up!” he snarled at her. Forcing her legs open and ignoring that she was crying. She didn't want her first time to be like this Naomi started to kick but her attempts were useless, she bite his hands and for a moment her let go. She dropped to the floor and crawled to the door, opening it she screamed again hoping that this time Sebastian would hear her. “You bitch!”

Naomi turned around and was meet with his hand, her body dropped and she blacked out.


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