《I Found Your Love -Interracial-》Chapter Thirty-Four


Maya POV

I looked over at Wyatt, slightly nervous about our whole plan thing. He hanged up the phone, and glances over at me. Tapping his finger on the black leather steering wheel. "I think he gets the hint."

"Why? What did he say?" I asked suddenly.

"Well, he uh asked about you and-"

"And, what Wyatt?" I followed his his light eyes. Across the street Rosy stood, her hand clutching a red-stained metal baseball bat. She looks around quickly before stuffing the bat deep down into the green trash bins then quickly re-entered the car. She sped off around the corner.

Wyatt cursed softly, and I stared at him. "Why did she have a bat?"

"Better question, why is she throwing it away?" Wyatt added. I thought about it for awhile, but couldn't find any reason why'd she possibly have a bat.

"Was that blood on it?" I wondered quietly. Wyatt didn't seem to hear me I didn't bother repeating myself. I shrugged the thought off.

"I'm going to have stop by the set. We have to redo a scene." I tell Wyatt who seemed to be deep in thought. He quickly snapped out of his trance and looked at me. "They said Chase got hit, right?"

"I think that's what the doctor had said." I agreed.

"Wait a second." Wyatt opened his door and hurried across the street keeping in my of the passing cars. He opens the trash bin and pulls out the bat. Smiling at me from the other side.

"I got that bitch." He yells loudly, causing unwanted attention by bypassers. "I'm going to test this to see if it's Chase blood."

Did Rosy really hit Chase? But why?


I tried hard not to look at Chase. This was our fourth read through before we actually begin filming. He had a bandage wrapped around his head wound. I couldn't help the wild thoughts that were bombarding my mind.

"Maya?" Anne snapped me out. I looked around at the cast members who were staring annoyingly at me. I missed my part again. Rosy snickered grabbing Chase hand intertwining it with her own.

"Sorry." I mumbled. I looked over the script twice more wondering where the hell we were. "After the breakup scene." Anne directed me.

"James, before you leave me I'd like to say something." I looked towards Chase.

"I already told you we're done. Over. What about of that don't you understand?" Chase says standing up, holding his script. I follow his movements standing up letting the teas flow down my face.


"Don't ask to meet anymore. I won't com-

"I'm pregnant." I bursted out.

Chase stopped, he didn't read his lines. He took a long pause before continuing, this has to hit close to home.

"You're what?" Chase read his lines, his deep voice shaking with the perfect amount of anger needed.

"James, I'm pregnant with our child." I explained. I felt Rosy tight glare on me as I read the lines as stated.

"Our child? There is not "our". Get rid of it." Chase said forcefully, grabbing my wrist. I hope he knew we didn't have to act it out. It was simply a rad through. He was getting a little bit too into it.

"Get rid of it?" I flipped the page. "We've been dreaming of this day since we were young."

"I said get rid of it." Chase pulled on my wrist hard. "I don't want to have anything to do with you are your stupid child."

"You're probably not even fucking pregnant." Chase voice raised.

I stopped, that line wasn't in the script The other cast members realized that too and started murmuring among themselves. They all looked at Rosy whose tanned face was the brightest shade of red. She clutched her stomach and stormed off set.

Chase cursed, and chased after his pregnant fiancee. The Director took off his glasses and hacked loudly. "Why can't a read through ever go right?"

"We have three months until we begin filming. If Rosy Wells can't get her act together. She's out." He huffed.

Anne looked towards me giving me the thumbs up. I smiled slightly, still stunned. I looked at my wrist, bright red finger marks were clearly visible. Chase had been mad. For what reason?

The read through ended shortly after that little incident. The rest of the crew, and cast went for dinner but I stayed back. Anne had left too. I pushed my straight hair back sighing loudly as I picked up my black coach purse and headed for the door.

I called Wyatt.

"Hey." He says causally. "What's up?"

"Chase freaked out on set today, and Rosy ran off." I begin to explain the events that had taken place just hours ago.

"Really? Shit, I always miss the good stuff." Wyatt deep voice groaned. "What are you doing now?"

"I'm still on set. But I kind of need a drink." I admitted truthfully. I haven't exactly been sleeping well these past nights. So, a few shots would do me some justice and hopefully make me feel normal.


"It's on me, babe." Wyatt laughed. "To be honest, I'm outside."

I peered at the black car that's been parked there for about an hour now. I knew it looked familiar. "I never left." He added.

"I'll be out in a second." I chuckled.

"Maya?" I stopped in full movement taking my hand of the handle and turning around. It was Chase. What was he still doing here?

"Oh hey?" I stared at him. The bandages covered the entire of his forehead and wrapping around his head.

"Look. I'm sorry about today. I just-." He stops and looks outside. I do the same, Wyatt waves, giving us a cheeky smile. I looked towards Chase.

"What were you saying?" I asked.

"Nevermind. Sorry about your uh hand." He hurried off into the darkness. That was weird. Wyatt opened the door peering into the set where Chase disappeared off too. "Where'd he go?"

I shrugged, tightening my red scarf around my neck. Wyatt held the door for me as we both exited. The drive was silent, and I found myself turning up the radio at times just to brighten up the car ride. We turned into Wesley's Bar, which is well known in this residential area. My mouth began to watered, with thoughts of the many drinks I can try tonight.

"Tonight let's get drunk." Wyatt cheered on as we neared the brown wooden bar. I took a seat on one of the stools besides Wyatt.

"If you think getting me drunk is the way to get me, try again." I started. "Been there once, and certainly not again."

Wyatt laughed, "Oh. Maya, Maya, Maya."

I ordered my first drink.

Then my second

Then my third.

Half of my fourth

All of my fifth.

Chugged down my sixth.

I held the seventh glass in my hand, unable to keep my hand steady. Wyatt seemed to have two heads at this point. His worried eyes reminded me of Chase. God, I hate twins.

"Maya, stop before you give yourself alcohol poisoning." Wyatt took the glass away from my tight grip, and chugged the bitter liquid down. I stared at him so long until suddenly all I saw was Chase. That bastard who can't seem to get out of my damn heart.

I pushed him hard on his chest. "I hate you!"

"How dare you leave me like I was nothing!" I hit him hard again, with tight fists. "I thought you loved me."

"I thought you fucking cared." Tear blinded, and fogged my eyes. Chase caught my hand in mid-air before it slammed against his chest. "Put this on my tab." He says calmly. The bartender nodded and tapped away on the screen. I was lifted up off of the stool and brought back into the car. "Let go of me. I'll scream." I said, my voice raising slightly.

"Shut up, Maya."

"Here drink some water." Chase handed me the bottle, and I sipped at it before peering questioningly at him.

"You drugged this didn't you, Chase?" I asked. "So'd we have sex, and you'll leave me all over again. Right?"

I felt my blood boil, my overwhelming emotions drained out. I poure the water bottle on top of Chase's head. I opened the car door and headed out, stumbling slightly with each step. How dare he try that move again? He must think I'm a damn fool.

A hand grabbed my wrist, dragging my back towards the black car. "Maya! Snap the fuck out of it. It's Wyatt!"

"Wyatt?" I repeated, staring up into the oh so familiar face. Water droplets plopped down from his hair unto my forehead as I swallowed hard.

"O-oh my bad." I stuttered. Wyatt looked angry, his jaw was clenched as he pushed me back into the passenger seat.

"Look, Wyatt. I jus-."

"What's so good about him?" Wyatt asked. "What's so good about him that you can't even forget him?"


Wyatt kept his eyes on the road, not looking over at me once.

"Back then, I actually liked you. But even then you fucking liked only Chase." I couldn't tell whether he was being serious or what.

"He never once treated me like a brother." Wyatt continued, pushing hard on the gas pedal.

"Wyatt. Okay, look I'm sorry. If It's what I did to make you act this way. I really sorry." I tried to calm him down but it seemed to make him angrier.

"Chase has everything. A career, fans, even you." He chuckles, "And he doesn't even fucking know it."

"I got rid of the bat." Wyatt said calmly.

I looked at him. "What?"

"I said I got rid of the bat." Wyatt repeated again.

"But why? I thought you were going to get it tested."

Wyatt laughed, a weird but strange laugh. "I didn't want my fingerprints on it."

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