《I Found Your Love -Interracial-》TWENTY FOUR


 Chase was the only thing on my mind. Why did he hate his brother so much? I mean with such hatred. Wyatt's a sweet guy in my point of view both then again I've only known him for a couple weeks. Chase is the big famous guy but he acts like a jerk. He thinks he can push me around like I'm rag doll. 

All I needed right now was my dad. Tears brimmed my eyes,

"Papa, why did you have to leave so soon?" I mumbled. "Why did you have to leave me like this?"

I always wondered that, Why couldn't it had been me instead. Right now, life is worth living. I have a so call boyfriend who turns out to be the heart throb Chase Walker brother and the guy who nearly freaking rape me is now my mother's boyfriend. I swear I'm the most unluckiest person in the world. 

History class and Physics went by fast. Thank God.

On my way to the lunch room I noticed the janitors door was ajar. I usually really don't care but something was drawing me too it. Wanting me to close it. I slowly approached the room.

I peek my head and look around in the corner I saw two people kissing. It was absolutely disturbing, the guy was literally stuffing his tongue down the poor girl throat. I turned on the lights expected to see two freshman's but it was no other than Chase and some blonde busty bimbo bitch. His hair was messy in front which looked hot but that's not the point. I looked at the bitch and rolled my eyes. Chase looked at me surprised. 

"Something's never change." I mumbled. 

I turned away and left the too their business. Somewhere inside of me I felt disappointed but what can I expect? 

"Maya" I hear Chase call after me.

No way in hell did I bother turning around. 

I heard his footsteps and knew he was close. He grabbed my arm suddenly and spin me around so I faced him. 

"Let go of me." I said, my voice tingled with sadness and emotion. 

He doesn't let go, instead he tightens his grip. 

"Chase, I'm fucking serious. If you do not let go right now I'll kick you in your small ass dick and make sure you never be able to get your own child." I said in a deep serious tone.

He lets go of my arm and took a large step back and held up his hand defensively. 

"I'm leaving." He blurts out.

I look at him confused. "And I care, why?"

He shrugs. "Just thought you'll like to know."

"I'm starring in a movie, the set's over in Italy." He says softly.

A pang of sadness hit me. Why did I feel this way?

That's because you like him, stupid.

No way, he's a player. 

Don't deny it.

I do-

"Maya?" Chase was waving his hand in my face.

"What?" I replied slightly annoyed. 

"I was just thinking you could come over." He mumbles. 


"No, Thank-

"Just for dinner, unless you have something else in mind." He winked

I scoffed. He really thinks he's all that. That part of him pisses me off the most. 

"I'll think about it." I said trying to scoouch away from his intense presence. 

His face lit up with relief. "I'll text you."

I nodded, and made my way to the lunch. Damn, I was hungry and this stupid boy was wasting my time. I went to the vending machine and slip a dollar in. I was in the mood for a bag of Doritos's and plus lunch is basically over all because of my noisy self looking in the room. I quickly scarf down the bag, wanting a second. The bell interrupted my hunger and sent me off to class. 

A ping startled me as I hurried down the hallway in search for the Gym. I slipped my phone on my back pocket and read the text.

Chase Walker: Hey, Maya. Since today's Friday, let's meet up. ;) I'll be outside waiting, and don't you dare tell my idiot of a brother about this otherwise.... ;)

I rolled my eyes at his text. Otherwise what? and what's up with all the winky faces. I left class early to get's some cute clothes from my locker. Luckily, I still had that Lacey red thong and bra set that was giving to me from Wyatt. I had a nice cherry blossom fragrance that I had bought but never used. I also had a short black velvet dress that was stuff deep behind my locker. This was the dress I wore to valentine dance in freshman year. I always had it in my locker for emergency purposes. I also had the red heels to go along with my outfit. 

I grinned, and quickly changed. I looked at my self in the murky school bathroom mirror the dress was very tight but in a good way. It showed up my bum, and curves nicely. I slipped on my shoes but trying not to drag attention to myself I put on a large sweater and joggers on and covered the short dress. I quickly applied some slightly red color lip balm and winged eyeliner to make my tired eyes look more awake. I put some concealer under my eyes, and three long coat of mascara. I fixed my curly hair that was in need to be straighten. 

I did one last twirl before I sprayed the perfume on and left the bathroom. I looked good, and I knew it. I strut down the hallway like it was nobody's business I hear murmurs and mumbles from the freshman's and juniors.

Chase was waiting outside leaned up against his expensive car wearing a freaking tux surrounding by girls, of course. A smirk formed on his face when he saw me. 

Good, now you see what your never going to get.

He tried to pried a girl off of him which was a pitiful sight. I laughed, and watched as a huge wave of girls appear by his sides. He had a pleading look on his face, begging me to help.


I shook my head. I wouldn't help you even if you were the last man on earth.


I walked over to him and open his car and sat into the passenger seats. 

I heard girls yelling the words, 'slut get out of his car', and 'whore', and banging on the door but then they left when they realize it was no use.

Chase came in and sat in the drivers seat. "Thanks."

I nodded. "No problem."

I took off my sweater revealing my perfect 36DD cleavage, I got a glimpse of Chase staring which was the point.

"Whoa." He said as he started the car.

I then proceeded to take of my joggers showing my long legs. 

"Hey, watch the road." I snapped at him, breaking him out of his daze. 

I turn up the radio. Ed Sheeran thinking out loud was playing.

I feel in love with this song when it first came out. In sync both me and Chase broke out into the chorus.

I laughed. "Who would have known you would like this?" 

He smiles flashing his pearly teeth, and dimples at me . "I could say the same." 

I continue laughing, as he pulls in to a massive restaurant. 

My laugh fades, and my eyes adjust to the beauty. It was absolutely amazing, the building it's self was a deep ivory color with large pillars guarding the entrance. Chase opens my door from the outside and take my hand swiftly pulling me out of his car and onto his hard chest. His full pink lips inches away from mine.

"Is this what you do with all the girls you get?" I said breaking the romantic moment. 

He smirks, "Only if they're the special one."

He links his arm with mine and guided us to the entrance. We were greeted by a man with a well groomed beard and his black hair was sleek back. 

"You must be, Mr. Walker." He said looking at me up and down.

"The one and only." Chase mumbled under his breath.

The man cleared his throat, "I will show you to your seats."

The restaurants lobby itself was beautiful it glistens with every turn and angle. The tables were cream tops dashed off with a black leather seat. In the background played a very lovely melody that sounded like Classical. 

I stared at Chase with a daring glare. He shrugged and smirked, and pulled out my seat for me.

I looked around the restaurant was empty. 

"Erm, where is everyone?" I asked quietly taking a quick sip of the glass of water.

"I rented it out just for us." He said calmly,

I nearly spit out my water. "What?" 

"I said, I rented it out." He said slowly as if I were deaf. 

"B-but, why?" I stuttered.

He didn't answered. Instead he called over the waitress

The waitress had dark blonde hair that was pined in to a smooth bun. Her boobs were literally popping out of her button up shirt. I looked at Chase but he didn't seem to notice. "I'll have the steak and herb potato's." He said looking at the menu not even eyeing the bitch.

"I'll have the salad and ribs." I said.

"Oh, and can I try the newest version of your wine." Chase said calmly.

My eyes bulged out. "Chase, your only seventeen."

He looked at me and smirked. "Babe, Chill out."

How can he be so calm? He's not even the legal age to drink, and why isn't this bitch saying anything.

The waitress left disappointed that Chase didn't notice her slutty ass. I felt happy, knowing he didn't even look at her. Our food arrives and i'm freaking hungry.

I instantly begin to eat. The ribs were delicious and the said was amazing. It had a savoring type of sauce on it that made every bite worth eating. Chase had already finished his meal, along with his wine. My wine cup was still full, and was going to stay full. After finishing up, Chase pays for the bill. I look at the amount and was surprised. 

The wine it self cost $150 and the meals were each $50 this restaurant was expensive. I was going to say something but I didn't want to be the type of girl that jumps on everything.

He drives to his house. 

"Um, Chase." I say slowly.

He looks at me his piecing blue gray eyes making my body yearn for his. 

"Never mind." I mumbled.

The memories of this house wasn't good, when Chase past out. It was such a scary experiencing, I didn't know what to do. I step into the door, the house smelt like peppermint. 

"Want a beer?" He asks me as I make my way to the couch.

A beer wouldn't hurt. "Yeah sure." 

His house was huge and empty. Everything was so neat, he photos of his father and him lined on the walls. He was such a adorable child his eyes looker warmer, and bluer there.

I hear a can open, and see Chase appear at the door way. He hands me the can.

I slowly sip at it. The bitter, tangy syrup slid down my throat. It wasn't that bad after a few baby sips. We sat on the couch talking about our deceases father's. I felt much better talking to Chase. I found myself drinking a second, then third beer. Soon, It was like drinking water. 

"You know, Maya." He slurred. "I liked you every since I saw you."

I hiccuped, "Yeah, right."

"Noooo, really." He said longing his no. He moved closer to me.

"Chase, I like you." I giggle. I felt weightless, as if I was on a cloud. I move closer.

"Do yooou really?" He said, I hear a hint of lust in his voice. I felt his warm breath on my face making me tingle all over.

I nod. 

"Prove it." He slurs and smirks.


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