《I Found Your Love -Interracial-》Chapter Four


"Oh my gosh, Did you see the way he was staring at you?" Diana went on shaking my shoulder roughly, "I think I saw him bite his lips at her too" Randi added. "He was totally undressing you with his eyes," Diana cooed. This needed to stop now, or else I'll never hear the end of it.

"Can you guys shut up?" I looked at both them, "He was obviously looking at Hannah," I sighed, knowing he was looking at me. Hannah is popular, I guess. She can get anything she wants, even the teachers love her. We used to be good friends, but even then I was always the third wheel. Like in 3 grade, she told me to play the slave and she was my master, because I'm dark skinned. She would force me to ask boys out for her. One day I felt confident, and I told her I didn't want to deal with her shit anymore. Well, I didn't say that exactly. I just told her I couldn't be friends with someone who was mean. I was friendless until I met Randi, and Diana. We are really, like sisters.

"Calm you're flabby titties. You know he was staring at you too." Randi said, pulling her sleek blonde hair into a high ponytail. Diana nodded in agreement. I rolled my eyes. Randi was know around the school with that phase "Calm you're flabby titties" she even says it to the teachers. Nah, just kidding. Her ass would have been expelled if she did.

"What are you thinking about?" Diana asks, with suspicion in her tone.

"Nothing," I lied, I was really thinking about Chase, and my mom. The bell interrupts my thoughts, I make my way to my locker. Of course, Chase is conversing with Hannah. I scooted a little closer, to hear. I'm not a big fan of ease dropping, but a famous teen star, and a famous slut talking. Sorry, but I can't miss that.


"You're really hot," Chase huskily whispered into her ear, I watch in disgust as her face went red. She gave him a slutty smile, as grab his collar and pulled him closer to her lips, and watch in horror as my favorite star, and my ex-best friend tongue tackle. I moved away slightly tripping over my laces of my favorite sneaker wedges, I was falling, and it happened fast too. I waddle my hands around to see if I could stop myself. I fell right in front of Chase, and Hannah. Panic boiled in my blood.

Could this get any worse?

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