《I Found Your Love -Interracial-》Chapter One


I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"What?" I screeched, it came out high pitched.

"Chase, You are going to New York." My manger said slowly, "It's just New York" he added. How the hell could he be so calm about this? This must be some sick joke.

"What why?" I whimpered. "I like L.A. better, though." I said gently bowing my head.

"It's required, if you're going to shoot the movie. You at least need to have experience with school" He said patting my shoulder. "Plus, I heard they have cute girls there." He winked, and gave a big toothy grin. What that suppose to make me feel better? Ha, good one, though.

"I am not going to fuck-"language," He hissed. I nodded, I'm trying not to get him angry. Last time didn't end so well.

"I've have plenty experience with school," I insisted. Ever since, I've been in the industry it's been hard. But online school, was there.

"You have no friends, though." He started, "I'm starting to worry about you, chase." Okay, let me get this straight, first he tells me I have no friends, now he's telling me he's worried about me.

"Okay," I gave him a gesture which says "So.". He gave me a smile, and started up the limo.

"So when I'm I going to hell?" I mumbled under my breath, He seemed to had heard me, because he replied saying, "Tonight,"

Hell has just begun, and I was right in the middle of it.

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