《Urban Divinity》21


My eyes shut tight as I sat on the floor.

Gravity seemed to grow stronger and stronger by the second as my shoulders and back began to sag lower and lower. Bile sat it the back of my throat, a ball of disgust and shame that burned so bad it made tears flow down my cheeks.

"You stupid stupid stupid whore!" My fist punched my head with every word, "Can't keep your fucking legs closed, huh?" I grip my hair and yank it hard, making a yelp leave my lips but I keep my grip. My eyes slowly move up to the mirror and despair fills my body at the sight.

I couldn't even recognize myself.

It's hand slowly reached up to stroke its face. The tips of its fingers tracing its dry cracked lips until following the tear line up to its black eyes.

It's hand claws at thier upper cheek, trying to pierce the skin but the being was too weak. Only red irritated rings created divots in its skin as the hands pulled away to drop to its side.

"So fucking disgusting.." My voice echoed but it didn't leave my lips. The monster had spoken, it's voice weak but angry. "Opening your legs for anyone.. everyone." A twisted smile slowly made its way on to the monster's face, "You stupid little girl." It's hand began to attack its skull again. Each blow getting faster and harder until the being's head flew back.

I didn't even realize my hand was punching my scull until the world began to rush and blur around me.

I lean over and dry heave as I try to stop the blur, "P-Please.." I beg to the air as I hold my head in my hands, "I'm sorry.. I'm sorry.." I whisper and feel my chest starting to cave in, "I'm so sorry..."

A soft knock sounded at the door. I freeze and sit in silence. The knock comes again, "Jocelyn? You still in here?" Dion called from the other side. My eyes widen as I quickly wipe at my face, "Y-Yeah." I curse at my hoarse voice and I could tell he noticed as he took a small step closer.


The door handle jiggled softly, "Jocelyn?" I jump and scramble off the floor, my knees wobbled as I grabbed into the wall for support, "Do I need to come in?" Dion's voice held worry but I could barely comprehend as my head throbbed and I used every ounce of energy in my body to finally stand up. I pant softy and lean against the sink, "N-No.. I'm okay." I call back and try to make my voice calm.

The door cracked gently, "I know you're upset." Dion spoke softly and our eyes connected through the mirror. The dark brown eyes I loved so much turned black as he looked at my state, "The hell?!" He pushed the door open, making me flinch and hug myself. He looked passed as he stepped closer and examine me, "Why is your face bruised up?" Despite his rage his hands were gentle as they came up to gently touch my bruises, "I'll kill them.. just tell me.." I gasp softly and shake my head, "I-I did it.. I got upset again.." I mumble shamefully.

"You hurt yourself like this?" He struggled to keep his face controlled as pity and sadness began to fill his features. I move my face away from his hands, "Yes.." I wasn't worthy of his sympathy. I earned every last hit for deceiving him. I had no right to pretend to be innocent.

I'm a whore.

"Why?" He asked gently as his hand moved my chin so I could face him again. I couldn't bring my eyes to look into his because I knew I would cave in and spill all my secrets. I shake my head slowly, "Because I'm not good enough for you..." I mumble softly and move to back up but his grip tightened, "Look at me." His voice hardened, "Look in my eyes and say it." I couldn't.

Sure I had told half of the truth but to look into his eyes and say it?.. I just couldn't.

"I-I.. I can't." My hands clenched at my side as I Doug hit another wave of tears. "Then tell me what's really wrong, Jocelyn." His hands move to cup my face gently, forcing me to look up at him, "I can't help if you don't let me." My chest ached at his pained look.


I hurt him.

"I-It's Mr.Williams.." I mumble and he frowns deeply, "I should have known.. His bitch ass talked to you like you was shit... he hurt you, didn't he?" I nod my head and Dion frowns, "Ignore what he said, okay?" He spoke gently and I nod my head, "Okay.." He gently let's my face go and grabs a napkin, dabbing my cheeks gently, "I'll have him handled with.." my eyes widen and I frown, "Y-You're gonna fire him?" He nods his head slowly but I could tell he was holding himself back as he began to pay a little harder.

I flinch at his hand and he pulls his hand away quickly, "I'm sorry.. I'm just pissed." He sighs softly and I can't help as my head falls, "I'm sorry.." I mumble softly and hug myself, "I keep making you mad.." His arms slowly wrapped around me as he pulled me into his warm chest, "I'm not mad at you.. I'm mad at that dick head." He curses as he resists his chin on my head, "But forget it.. Are you okay?" He asks again and I nod my head slowly, "Mhm.. much better." He presses his lips against my head, "Let's get out of here." I squeal as he lifts me up to wrap my legs around him.

I tuck my face into his neck to hide my smile as he starts walking us back to the office, "It's been a long day.. Let's just go home." I nod my bead as my arms tighten around his neck, "Okay."


I was more than happy to finish my work and head home with Dion. I could tell he was still worried by his quick glances and pity filled eyes whenever he looked at me. I felt like a puppy in a shelter commercial.

"You ready?" Dion stood by the door with his suitcase, a small smile on his lips as I nodded my head. He extended his hand and I more than happily rushed over to take it and let him lead me out of the room.

"Can I pick dinner again?" I look up at him and he chuckles, "Better be something good or imma pick." I nod my head, "I saw a soul food rest-" "Leaving already?" Jason comes around the corner, a small smile on his lips.

I tuck myself in Dion's side, making his eyes darken, "I should beat your ass but you lucky we're at work." He took a step closer to Jason who put his hands up in surrender, "I apologize for earlier, Mr.Miller.." His eyes twinkled with mischief as he looked over to me, "I can't help myself sometimes.. I truly love a good whore.. I'll admit it.." he says solemnly before chuckling softly, "I like to take them to my bathroom and use them before tossing them back out.." Dion pulls me closer, making Jason's smile falter and hands clench.

I flinch and his eyes snap back to me, "They're like condoms, Jocelyn." He starts laughing as he shakes his head, "Buy it, fill it, and throw it out!" He bent over with laughter as if it was the funniest joke in the world. I hug my stomach as it became tight and icky.

"Are you fucking done?" Dion snaps, "We get it. You have to buy sex." Jason's smile drops, "Not all.. Some girls just give it up.. see?" I gasp as my panties dangle from his fingers. Dion quickly covers my eyes as he walked us to the front door, "Dont listen to him. He's a pussy as b-" I cut him off with a small whimper and he sighs softly.

"I'm sorry, baby.. let's just go."


Authors note:

Do you think she will tell Dion or he will find out?

How are you feeling about the situation?

What do you think Jocelyn should do?

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