《Urban Divinity》12


A loud sigh left my lips as my back leaned against the front door. Today had been so strange yet amazing at the same time. This time a dreamy sigh left my lips as I thought about Dion, "He likes me.. a lot." My hand slipped my heels off slowly, cautious of my poor aching feet, before walking into the kitchen, humming softly, a goofy grin on my lips.

"Jocelyn." I freeze and turn to Alicia, her hand stirring her tea slowly, "We need to talk." I look towards my bedroom door then back at her, "No we don't. You hurt me." I snap gently but she seemed unfazed, "You know I have some anger issues.. I'm working on it.." She frowns deeply, "Your not the only person who goes to a therapist.. I'm doing my best too." She snaps at the end before taking a sip of her tea.

"You made me bleed.. because I didn't want to obey you." I glare at the ground as I wrap my arms around myself, "A-And you want me to forgive you in less than a day?" I look to her as guilt fills her features, "No.. But we need to talk about your mental health. I had a talk with your therapist and she said Dion mi-" I hold up a hand to stop her, "Dion never did anything wrong.. you did." She puts down her mug before stepping closer.

I take a step back.

Her eyes narrow for a second before snapping back to looking calm, "I'm trying to look out for you and you're too worried about some man instead of me or your mental health, Lyn." She sighs before running a hand down her face, "You talked to him twice and magically you have confidence enough to be a receptionist and go on dates? He's manipulating you." She takes another step closer but I step towards my room, "He's treated me very nicely and you haven't.. all you do is control me.. not help me." Her face turns to rage as she slams her mug on the ground, "Shut up and just listen! I'm trying to help you and all you do is worry about that stupid boy!" She yells as she throws up her hands, "What has he done for you?! Has it helped you more than me?! No!" I cover my ears before running in my room.

Her footsteps were quick behind me but I closed my door just in time. My body jumped as she began kicking the door over and over, "We are not done! I've had enough with your shit, Jocelyn!" She stopped banging, "I-I'm just trying to make sure that you're okay and that you stay happy but you make it so hard when you don't listen!" I could feel her lean against the door, "I just want to protect you.. But I can't if you don't let me.." Her body slid down the door until she was sitting on the floor.

"I know you want to protect me but you can't do that by hurting me.. and shielding me from everything.. I have to learn again.." I slowly turn towards the door, "And I can't learn without getting hurt.. a-and I'm okay with that." I press my ear against the door and listen to her soft sigh.


"You've been through so much.. including dealing with me.. I just want to give you what you deserve.. happiness.." She shuffles one the other side, a soft sniffle making my chest hurt. "Maybe we need to give each other space.. just for a bit?.." I look at the door and listen but only get silence in return.

"No.. You can't be alone.. You're not safe without me." I could hear the anger in her voice raising once again. I sigh, "I can prov-" "No." she cut me off sharply, making me reach up and silently lock the door.

"You're getting angry again." I spoke softly but I knew there was little to do to calm her down. "Then don't get me mad and just listen to me." She stood up again and the door handle jiggled, "Let me in.. I want to talk face to face." She tried the door handle again but the door remained locked.

"Jocelyn." Her voice was slowly raising but I was already walking towards my closet, packing a bag for the week. I knew she could hear me opening drawers as the door knob began to jiggle faster, "You're not leaving.. Jocelyn!" The door shook against its hinges as she kicked it hard. I gasp and quickly cover my mouth before rushing towards the bathroom and grabbing my essentials before rushing to throw them in my duffle bag.

"Open this fucking door! Now!" Her fists beat against the door repeatedly as she desperately tried to force the door open.

I toss my bag on the fire escape before turning back to my desk. I grab a pen and paper before writing a note and leaving it there for her to read when she finally busts in.

I look at the door and gasp at the splintering cracks traveling up and down the thick wood. I quickly climb across my bed and out the window before closing it silently.

The metal creaked under me, making my gut drop as I balanced my weight. The old metal wobbled under me but did nothing to stop me as I made my way to the window next to mine.

I tap on it repeatedly.

"Jocelyn!" Her screech made me jump and tap the glass desperately.

Dion walked into his bedroom quickly, his eyes widening as he saw me bang on the window faster. He runs over before opening the window and grabbing me, pulling me inside to safety.

I don't hesitate to push out his arms and close the window before locking it and drawing the curtains.

"What the hell is goin on?!" He pointed to my state and I shake my head, "I-I need to leave.. for now." I make my way out his room with him quickly in tow, "Jocelyn." His hand grabbed my arm but I ripped it away, gripping my arm where he touched, "I-I can't stay here, Dion! She's looking for me!" I move towards the door but he grabs my waist, pulling my body flush against his, "I'll hide you." His eyes caught mine, forcing me to stop in my tracks.

"I'll hide you an' keep you safe.. take you to work.. everything.. just don't go out there 'fore she finds you." His arms tightened around me as he leaned down, "I said I gotchu but you keep tryna push me away.." I sigh softly, giving in to his strong arms and kind eyes, "Okay.. I trust you.. I-It's only for a week that I need a place.." I rest my hands on his chest, "Then I'll go back and talk.." I spoke slowly, my own words reassuring myself of my plan.


"I'll sleep on the couch and you can sleep in my bed." He nods towards his bedroom and I pout, "No it's okay.. I can take the couch." I slowly move out his arms and earn a frown from him, "No. She hurt you and you got me fucked up if you think imma let you sleep on the couch." His voice held no room for arguments as he stepped up to me, making my eyes widen, "Aight?" I nod my head quickly and his smile returns, "Good girl.. let me fix you up."

I noisily looked around as I followed him into his bathroom. He pulled out his med kit again, "Where she hurt you?" He opened it and I look down at my arms and hold them out, "Here.." He carefully lifted my sleeves before his eyes widened, "She did this?.. Oh nah." He got up quickly, storming out the bathroom.

"Dion!" I chase after him and grab his arm, "Don't go over there! Please!" I whisper yell as I hug his arm, "If you go over there then she will know I'm here.. I'll be okay.. I promise." His chest was heaving as he eyed the door, "She hurt you.. look at ya arms, Lyn!" He spoke low but his hand pointed to my messed up arms. I shake my head, "I-I know but violence right now is the last thing I need.. please.." I lay my head on his arm, "I'm just tired of everyone being angry.." He stopped for a second, his breathing lowering before a soft sigh left his lips, "I know.. Let's wrap you up." He pulled me into his side before leading me back towards the bathroom again.

"Thank you." A small smile rested on my lips as I looked up at him. His eyes sparkled with something I couldn't place my mind on, "Ain't no problem.." I shyly look at my feet as a small giggle left my lips. "Dont get small and cute on me, yet." He grabbed my waist and lifted me up onto the sink, making a surprised little scream leave my lips. He chuckles and I pout, "I can't help it.." I mumble and he chuckles.

"I know.. I like it." He caged me in with his strong arms, nose gently brushing against mine. I slowly reach up and cup his face in my hands, "Thank you.." I whisper softly and watch his lips press small kisses against my palms and my arms. I pull my arms away as I laughed, "That tickles, Dion." He smiles as he stands back up, "I know." My cheeks burned as I look away to the tiled floor.

"How she do that." He points to the little indented scars in my arms, "She gets angry and doesn't realize how rough she gets.." I mumble softly and he hums before grabbing some alcohol. I gasp and pull my arm away, "Nononononono-" He grabs my arm and pulls it back, "You can't hate germs then be scared of alcohol." I puff my cheeks and look away, "Alcohol hurts.." I mumble and he sighs softly,"You were a nurse right?" He asks and I nod my head, "What you say to calm your patients?" My legs swung nervously as I watched him pour some onto a paper towel, "Be strong.. then tell them it's only gonna hurt for a second.. barely that." I mumble the end but flinch away when he tried to put it on the wounds.

"No. Be strong." His voice hardened but was still soft as he lowered the paper towel. Tears burned my eyes as my legs began to kick harder, "I-I can't!" I sob softly and he pulls the paper towel away, "Look at me." He commands softly I look at him, red faced and all as I felt another wave of tears coming, "Tell me about a patient you had." My eyes widen slightly but I don't object as I look into his deep brown eyes.

"I had met a little baby.. They named him Elliot and he was really cute.. He was a gassy little boy and would toot when you rubbed his belly." A little giggle left my throat as Dion chuckled. "What else?" He asks and leans in closer, making my cheeks burn. "H-He would hug my hands when I listened to his heart because he had bad asthma and would do the cutest little kick if the stethoscope was cold." I laugh softly at the memory and shake my head, "He had a bad habit of trying to eat my hands when I checked his ears a-" I gasp loudly as the towel cane down on my arm.

My hand slapped Dion hard in the cheek, making both of us gasp in surprise. I lift my hand to my mouth, "I am so sorry!" I grab his head and hug it into my chest, "I am so so so sorry!" Tears stung my eyes but stopped as he began to laugh, "Done slapped me like a bitch.. Thought I'd never see the day." He shakes his head and lifts up out my arms, "And see? It's over." He smiles cheekily but I pout, "But I hurt you.." I mumble and he waves it off, "We even."

My lips lifted to a smile as I shake my head, "Fine.." I giggle and he smiles widely, "Let me finish and we can sleep." He gently grabs my arms again and I nod, "Okay."


Bit of a long chapter but I know y'all don't mind lol ❤️

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