《Urban Divinity》4


Neon lights exploded the room into a million colors as people danced wildly to the fast paced tempo. Alicia's hand held onto mine tightly as we squeezed through hot bodies until we finally reached the bar. My skin burned from the amount of germs circulating just in the air alone as I eyed the barstool. Alicia sits down with a smile, "Imma take a few shots.. And get her something light and fruity." The bartender nods before heading back towards the liquor covering the walls.

I turn around and look at the large crowd. Anxiety making my fingers pick at my sweaty palms. A hand landed on my wrist, making me jump. Alicia looks at me worriedly, "Your safe. I'm here." I nod my head slowly, "I know.. I know.." She hesitates to move her hand off but let's go as our drinks finally come. I grab a wipe from in my purse and wipe down my stool and bar space before sitting down.

My drink made my eyes widen at its bright colors and swirling sparkles. I lean in and watch the bright pink liquor swirl with soft white sparkles. "I see you like it." The bartender smiles, her deep brown eyes warm. I nod my head shyly, "It's very pretty." She hums, "Yeah. It's a strawberry cocktail but I added a little sparkle to it." I nod my head and grab the little straw taking a small sip. I gasp softly as I pull back, "It taste just like juice!" She laughs, "I put almost no Alcohol." My brows furrow as I pout, "How come?" She nods towards Alicia who's already done her shots and making her way to the dance floor, "Because she's already lit and I can tell you don't like liquor." My cheeks burn as I nod my head, "Thank you." She nods before throwing her towel over her shoulder and walking away.


I turn back to the crowd of people.

The tempo was wild as jumbled lyrics screamed over the bass from the giant speakers. Women wore small dresses that barely concealed them as men ground against them, sweat sticking to their foreheads but their smiles never left their lips. My chest tightened at thier confidence as my eyes roamed thier skinny waists and flat stomachs. I didn't realize my hand was on my own until I moved to pull out the fabric of my dress, hiding my tummy.

I turn back to the bar and take a sip of my delicious drink, making the corners of my lips lift at the sweet taste.

Fingers tap my shoulder, making me jump and turn to a smiling man. His bright blue eyes caught my attention before I looked down at his chest only to gasp at his bare skin being out and sweaty from his button down shirt. I look away to my drink as he takes the seat next to me, "What's your name, beautiful?" I shyly tap at the bar as I shrug lightly, "Jocelyn.." I mumble and he leans in closer, his breath fanning my face and making me itch. I love my hand to my dress and grip it. "Say again?" He asks and I hold my breath, "Jocelyn." I repeat and he smiles as he leans away, letting my exhale. He looks at the bartender and waves her over, "Lemme get a few shots!" He yells and she nods then looks at me with a worried look. I shake my head no and she nods then starts working on the drinks.

His sweaty palm lands on my lap, making me instantly clamp my legs shut tight. He chuckles and leans in closer, "Why don't we take our shots and go somewhere?" His breath fans my face once again and instantly my stomach flips, making me wanna get up and escape.


Glass clinking grabs our attention as the bartender drops out drinks off. "Yours. His." She points to the shots and slides mine to me and his towards him. I pick one up and smell nothing. She winks and I can't help the small smile as I throw back the water.

He takes his messily, letting the liquor dribble down his chin. I grimace and watch his smile falter, "Oops.. Lets go." He grabs my wrist and I pull it away, "No thanks.." I shake my head and he frowns, "Oh! So your too good for me?!" He yells loudly, catching the attention of multiple people. I cringe and sink in my chair as he gets closer, "Your ugly. Look at you!" He pokes my stomach, making my chest tighten. Tears burned my eyes as he started to touch on me, his hands grabbing my thighs as the other gripped my arm, "-Fat ass! Your lucky your getting dicked down! Plenty of fema-" I couldn't bare to hear his words as I looked away at the bar, trying to focus on something else as he yelled at me.

His grip suddenly disappeared as people began to yell and crowd around. I look back and gasp as Alicia stands over him. Punching his face and yelling at him. I get up and grab her to pull her off but she starts stomping him, "Get up bitch! Since you so damn tuff!" She yells in his face as I pull against her arm. Phones shine light as people record and egg on the fight. Alicia smiles as she starts swinging again, her eyes wild as she started hitting his face repeatedly. People screamed and cheered as the man started to bleed, his nose running as his lip busted horribly.

The bouncer shoved through the crowed and pulled her off, "Get the fuck out!" He screamed as he carried her thrashing body out. I follow quickly, pushing through the wild crowd until I finally shoved my way through the thick black doors.

"Throw his ass out too! I'll be waiting right here for him!" She screamed as the bouncer placed her on the sidewalk. I rush up and hug her tightly, "Alicia!" I grip her arms making her look down at me, her eyes wild as her chest heaved.

"I'm gonna-" She heaves hard, making me take a step back and point the alley. Her heels clicked loudly as she rushed over and began to throw up all her liquor. She leaned against the bricks as she clutched her stomach, "Oh God.. Please.." she begged softly as her face scrunched up. I take a step back and hold out a head band, which she gratefully took and tied back her braids.

"Thank you.."


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