《Urban Divinity》1


My fingers burned with every brush of the sponge, the ringing of scraping metal echoing in my mind as I stared


Dark brown orbs locked onto my own.

Darkness seeped from the pupil to taint the white until only black sockets remained.

Water slowly flowed from the sockets. Smooth and steady, it pushed past the dirt and built up grime, creating a separation just big enough for the darkness to make its way down. Creeping lower and lower, turning the water black and hot as it seeped into every pore and cell until the soil turned charred black.

The river stopped on a cliff. Only then did the darkness seemed to cease. But alas, the water began to build up higher and higher until it began to run down the cliff .

My chin felt wet as I brought my red fingers up to stop the flow but only was it like a twig in front of a raging river.


Not once did the eyes rip away from my own. They only bore into me like a tangle of vines twisting it's way into my system, squeezing my chest until my heart bled around it's black tendrils and my lungs burned from its spiked leaves.

My mouth could open to scream but I knew nothing could come out. The grasp it had on me was too tight to even form a thought. I could only stand like a husk.

Empty and cold.

The river that once flowed so smoothly became raging river. It's waves crashing wildly as it set a chill to my spine and drowning my soul. The vine was being watered and growing stronger, keeping me trapped and hurting in its unwavering grasp.

Scolding water splashed on my toes, burning them red and snapping me out of my thoughts. My burned fingers turned off the faucet and let the waves turn to ripples in the metal bin before me. Only now could I tear my eyes away from the window and look at my skin.

I wipe my eyes with the back of my hands and flinch, "Ow.." my voice was hoarse as I looked down at my raw fingers. Red and aching, blood pumped loudly in the tips but it rang in my ears.

Foot steps echoed down the hall and I quickly went back to work, scrubbing the red stained clear container. "Lyn." I jump at the voice, my burning chest barely muffling the beating of my heart as my mind tried to grasp who the voice was attached to. "Are you kidding me?" I look behind me to see Alicia, a deep frown on her face as she pointed to the puddle of water beneath my feet. My eyes fell back on the container and I began to scrub again, "I-I'm sorry.. I'm trying to get this red out.. it's stingy.." I chuckle softly and clench my jaw as I scrub harder. Soft hands landed on my wrists as she pulled my red fingers up, "Lyn.. how hot is the water?" She moves to touch it but I grab her arm, "Really hot. It was only for a second to get the red out." Her face contorts as she looks down at the container in my hands. She turns on the faucet to rinse it off.



I sigh, "Well, that's a relief.. for a second it was like it was never going to be clean." I take a step back and move my hands behind my back. She sets the dish to the side before looking over to me, "Do I need to start watching you again?" The disappointment in her eyes made my chest tighten, "No! ..No. I'm okay. Promise." I give her a small smile, "I just ended up zoning out again... promise." Her eyes scanned me slowly before she gave in with a soft sigh, "Fine. I'm going to work." I watch her walk out the room, "Okay. Be safe." I smile and she gives one back but it doesn't meet her eyes, "Dont forget to lock the door, okay?" She grabs her heels before slipping them on then grabbing her keys off the hook. I move to the door and give her a thumbs up, "I won't. I never do." I giggle as she chuckles, "I know, boo." She wakes to the door and gives my forehead a kiss, "See you later." My skin burns where her lips touch but I smile, "Ha. Yeah. Bye.." I wave as she walks out the door and down the hall, "I want chicken for dinner!" She yells and I laugh, "Bye!" I close the door.

I lock the lock 3 times, the soft clicking soothing me slightly, before pulling the door knob. I twist it six times before pulling the chain into place and holding it for a 10 seconds.

"Done." I sigh softly in relief before rushing to the bathroom. The hot water felt horrible on my skin but it soothed me as I burned away all the germs off my face, the place where her lips touched no longer burning but just a small tingling feeling from the soap.

I look at the wall next to the mirror as I pat my face dry before leaving the bathroom.

White walls and white sheets greeted me as I sat down on my bed, thinking of what to do today. My eyes scan my room and fall on my plant collection. Burst of Green plants from bamboo to fly traps decorated every corner of my room and above my window from hanging pots. I grab my watering can (which I painted lilies on myself) and fill it with water before going around the room and giving each plant a small pat and a blown kiss as I water them.

I stop at my aloe and poke the leafs gently, watching it's juice ooze slowly. I pierce it again with my nail, making a new mark. I shake my head quickly, not letting myself get distracted once again. I sooth the stem gently for it to heal into a little brown scar, just like the others littered all over its body.


I set the can down on its spot on my dresser before straightening it a little, "Perfect.." I move to my closet and look through my clothes, "White or black.." I mumble softly to myself as I look through my sparse clothing, "White.." I pick out my big white sweatshirt and a pair of ripped jeans.

It doesn't take me long before I'm already dressed. I look myself in the mirror one more time. Disgust sinks into my stomach and leaves a nasty taste on my tongue but I do my best to brush it off as I grab my keys and purse.


The hallway was busy as I watched sweaty men carry furniture into the room next to mine, "Excuse m-" A box scrapes my back and I jump away to press myself against the wall. A man turns around to frown at me, "Whatchu doin'?" His heavy New York accent makes my hands tighten around my keys, "Y-Y-You hit m-me me with y-y-y-y.." my voice fades out as my chest tightens and I give up, nervousness pounding against my skull as a million sirens go off in my head. He steps closer, making me press myself tighter against the wall, "I hit you wit my box?.." he raises a brow and I nod my head quickly,"My bad." He steps back, letting the air leave my lungs.

He slowly backs up until his back is against the wall like my own, "Your.. my neighbor?" He points to my door and I nod my head quickly. He hums softly, "You been here a while?" He asks and I nod my head once again. He chuckles, "Ya head hurt?" I nod again but stop as he laughs softly, "I-I mean.. no.. it doesn't." My cheeks burn red as I look at my shoes, "I-It doesn't hurt.." I repeat like a dummy and listen to him sigh softly, "So do you actually live there or was it bull?" He nods to my door and I play with my fingers, "Yeah.. I do.." I play with one of my curls gently and feel his eyes watch my fingers. "You live with your boyfriend or do you like sweatshirts that reach your knees?" He teased, making a giggle slip past my lips. I look away to the floor again, "I-I like big shirts... a lot." I mumble softly and he nods his head, "Hol' up." He puts his box down before walking over to one of the grey bins.

I nosily watch as he pulls out a big grey sweatshirt, "Here." He holds it out for me to take and I stare at him with wide eyes, "F-For me?" I hesitantly grab the soft fabric as he chuckles, "Nah for ya mom." I puff my cheeks a little and give him a small glare, "Hush." He leans back against the wall and shakes his head, "It's cold out. You should put it on." I shake my head, "Later I will." I smile and he nods his head slowly.

A large man pokes his head out, "I did something wrong..sir." His deep voice shakes slightly as he looks at my new neighbor. The once smiling man's face turns cold and dark, "The fuck you do?" He gets up from the wall and steps up to the man, his head easily half a foot over his. The man looks up, "I-I dropped the glass box.." He looks away and sighs softly. My neighbor smacks the man upside the head, "You fuckin dumb?! Huh?!" He yells and points to inside the apartment, "Clean up the fucking mess! You can't be clumsy and picking up glass!" I watch silently as he yells at the man, using this time to take in his appearance.

White tank. Gold chain. Grey sweats. Dark brown skin. Waves. Inked up.

Dear god.. he's fine..

I flinch, snapping out of my day dream, as he pushes the man inside. He turns back to me, his face still angry, "I'll see you later." I nod quickly before turning away to my apartment. I hesitate as my hand touched the handle, "Your name?" I look over and he smiles a little, "Dion...Yours?" I blush as he looks me up and down, his tongue gliding across his lips slowly, "Jocelyn.. but you can call me Lyn.. if you wanna.." I shyly look at my feet and listen to him chuckle,



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