《Perfect Stranger》Twenty-six
😗sorry for any mistakes
Atlanta, GA
December 6th
"Shit" Matthias gritted, holding onto Ailani's waist tighter—digging his nails into her skin. Lani was too wrapped up in the please to notice the pain as she road him in the reverse cowgirl in his office at work.
"Mmm UGH," Ailani moaned loudly while grinding on him, rolling her hips in a circular motion—bringing them both a strike of pleasure. She was glad his window in his office was set up so you could see the outside but nobody could see inside on the other side.
"You feel so good baby" Matthias grunted, leaning back into his seat. Lani started bouncing up and down again, he watched her ass jiggle every time she bounced. "Jus' like that baby" He slapped her ass, gaining a light whimper from Lani.
"You doin' so good baby." He praised, guiding her up and down his shaft faster "You ride yo' dick so good" He groaned, curling his toes inside his dress shoes as she kept getting wetter.
She leaned back onto his chest, holding his head close to her mouth, knowing how much he loved her sounds. "It feels good daddy? You like it when I do that?" She asked, grinding on him again. Matthias' eyes slightly rolled "Yes baby, Pussy so good" He groaned.
"I'm finna—" He was cut off by Ailani and she quickly jumped up off him. He frowned, looking at his shaft still standing tall and her going into his drawer, pulling out some baby wipes.
"W-what you doin'," He asked, watching her clean between her legs and her thighs with a smirk on her face. "Yo', you deadass right now Ailani?" He asked mugging her so hard.
She started laughing while pulling up her leggings "Very." She shrugged nonchalantly, taking a wipeout of the package, and started to clean him off too. He snatched it from her and cleaned off himself.
"Oh, you furious huh?" She started laughing.
He shook his head "You came hea' ta' do that fa' what? Shit was unnecessary" He said, pulling his briefs back up.
She scoffed "You wanna know what's unnecessary? When you kissed my cheek bye this morning to come here. That's unnecessary" She rolled her eyes, looking at her camera on her phone to make sure her hair was straight.
It was Saturday and they already had an agreement with each other that if he had to work on the weekends, it would be from home. Ailani was tired of expressing how annoying him doing that was especially when all his work was at home too. It was the weekend too and they didn't have the girls so it annoyed her even more.
Being the petty person is, she thought why not annoy him just like he does her. He wasn't listening when talked to him about so give him blue balls and he might listen.
"This is my fuckin' job Ailani! Fuck you want me ta' do" He snapped, pulling up his pants aggressively.
She jumped at the yelling. She grabbed her purse and shook her head, blinking the tears back. She hated being yelled at especially when it wasn't a reason to yell at her, she doesn't yell at him so he shouldn't yell at her.
"For you not ta' go back on yo' word Matthias. Enjoy the rest of your day" She said quietly before quickly making her way out of his office. She took her sunglasses out of her purse, putting them on so nobody would see she was about to cry on her way out.
🎶Win win come again, brethren come again, my friend come again, yo come again🎶
Doo Wop (That thing) by Lauryn Hill played throughout the house as Ailani moved her hips and seasoned up the chicken.
"Mommy, we finished this bag of green beans. What do we do now?" Sarayah came into the kitchen with a plastic bag. Lani looked around "Umm, you can put it in the corner over there. Thank you" Lani instructed.
The girls end up coming back home since Jabari came over to watch some college football game. They were helping Lani prepare the food for tomorrow. They were having a grill out for her granny's birthday.
Lani was excited about it since it was her first birthday in a while her granny wasn't going to a Casino for her birthday.
"Can y'all— Daddy's here!" Kennedi came into the kitchen excitedly when she heard the garage opening and Matthias's loud car.
Lani gave her a fake smile "Go wait for him at the door munchkin" She told her, grabbing the other plastic bag from her hand.
"Bari! come here please" She shouted, putting the plastic wrap over the aluminum pan. Moments later, she heard the door to the garage open and Sarayah ran out of the kitchen to go greet Matthias.
Jabari came into the kitchen. "What girl?" he said, leaning on the counter. She mugged him "You know I'on like you?" She asked.
He scrunched up his face "Bi— You called me in hea' jus' ta' say dat? Really Lani?" He asked. She started laughing "I like that I can get on your nerves forever. It brings me joy" She chessed, picking up the aluminum pan and giving it to him.
"I shoulda' pulled out" He grumbled, taking the pan. "Boy don't do that. Can you take that downstairs please" She chuckled. He nodded, walking out of the kitchen.
"Yeah, then we made cards for granny too. You gonna sign it?" Kennedi asked, coming into the kitchen. She was on Matthias's back and Sarayah was holding his hand. He chuckled "Yeah, I'll sign it Mami"
Lani washes her hands quickly in the sink, then dried them. "We help mama with tomorrow too. She says we're her little helpers" Kennedi giggled.
"I'll be back, don't forget to clean up y'all mess," She said, throwing her paper towel in the trash.
"Wait mommy" Sarayah frowned.
"What's wrong Jellybean?" She asked before she could walk out of the kitchen. She avoided making any eye contact with Matthias, she was still mad about what happened at his office. She knew she was the one that started it so she couldn't be entirely mad but the yelling at her was what blew her.
"You didn't say hey to Matt" She giggled. Kennedi nodded in agreement "You always give daddy a kiss when he comes home" Ken said.
Matthias started to chuckle. Lani mentally rolled her eyes, she sighed and turned to Matthias. "Hey Matt" She kissed his cheek making Rayah and Ken smile. "I'll be back," She said again before rushing off past them.
She jogged up the stairs, she started pulling the hoodie she had over her head. She walked into the room, turning the light on. She walked over to her side of the bed, plugging her phone up. She pinched her eyebrows together when she heard the door close.
She rolled her eyes at Matt when she turned around. "I'm sorry 'bout earlier, I didn't mean ta' snap on you like that," He said, throwing his jacket on the couch they had. She nodded, trying to walk past him to go to the bathroom but he grabbed her arm.
"Move" She snatched away from him and walked inside of the bathroom. "Baby I'm sorry" He apologized, following her into the bathroom.
"Cool. You want a cookie?" She scoffed, putting her hair up in a ponytail.
He grabbed her by the arm, spilling her around and his face softened when he saw the tears in her eyes. "You didn't have to yell at me. I didn't do anything that extreme to be yelled at" She avoided eye contact with him. She wasn't a sensitive person and a very strong person but yelling at her for no reason will always do it for her.
It brought her back to her being a little girl and her mom yelling at her for no reason.
"And I'm sorry fa' that. I didn't mean ta' scare you." He said sincerely, wiping her tears away with the pads of his thumb.
"I just want you ta' be okay. You are always working, always and I'm not saying you shouldn't because it is your job but you work way too much. You barely go to sleep at night because you are working late nights and that's not healthy. But you don't hear me and just brush off what I am telling you" She expressed. She saw what overworking and stressing herself did to a person.
She watched her granny do it trying to raise her. It put a lot of stress on her granny, especially raising a child that had just gone through a lot of trauma and living with someone she didn't know. Her granny stressed a lot and she didn't want the same for Matthias.
"I thought we had an understanding but then I'm waking up to you leaving to go to work when you can do it at home." She said.
"We did, but I'm tryna see the real issue, Lani. Are you mad cause I'm workin' or cause I left?" He asked.
"Both" She mumbled and looked down "Its selfish I know. But it's like sometimes I feel like I come last when it comes to your work. But it's your passion and job so I understand most of the time. Most of the time we don't get alone time because we have kids but when we do, you work and leave. When you work at home, it's not as bad because at least we're together but when you go into the office, you're in your zone and space and I don't feel like I have the right to come and take you out of it." She expressed, tapping her acrylic nails on top of each other.
She sighed and dropped her hands "I'on know. I probably sounded selfish and clingy but I do feel like I come second sometimes" She walked away to turn the shower.
Lani was still working on how to express herself without feeling like she sounded dumb for feeling that way. Or that nothing she was saying made sense.
She took her tank top off before she felt arms wrapped around her body and soft kisses on her shoulder. "I didn't mean to make you feel second mama."
She shook her head "No it was dumb to say" She said.
"It wasn't. If that's how you feel then I'm obviously doin' it to make you feel that way. And I apologize fa' that. I know we keep havin' this same disagreement but I mean it this time" He turned her around to face him "I'm gonna fix it. I don't want you to ever feel like your second cus your not" He said seriously, holding her face in his large hands.
"Okay," She said simply. He said the same thing last time and the time before about slowing down and pacing himself. She wasn't going to believe it until she saw it.
He pecked her lips a few times and she felt his thumbs on the rim of her leggings. She bit her lip watching him pull them down to her ankles, she stepped out of them.
"So pretty" He mumbled when he was face to face with her center. "You don't have t— Ooohh" She was cut off when he slightly lifted her right leg and sent a long, slow lick to her core.
"Y'all nasty." Jabari mugged them as they came downstairs.
"We didn't even do anything. See what happens when you don't mind yo' business" Lani laughed, sitting next to him on the couch.
"Go to hell. Aye bro, it's your turn to go play tea wit' dem. They kicked me out" He laughed, Matt sucked his teeth "I'm tired of drinkin' air," He said, walking out of the living room and going down the hall to the girl's playroom.
"Is that a new girl?" Lani smirked when she saw Bari typing away on his phone. He scoffed "No, it's an employee that about ta' get fired if she doesn't get ha' shit together," He said and put his phone down.
"Well damn. You a mean lil boss" She chuckled. He was always threatening to fire someone and she thought it was hilarious. She understood because he's an accountant and they work with money, lots of it at that. He didn't need anyone playing around in his business.
"And I told you I'm not ever gon' be datin' and shit" He shrugged, looking ahead at the Tv.
"And why is that Bari? You can't let what Bonnie did stop you. Isn't that what you told me?" She asked.
"What makes you think Ima find somethin', Lani? I'm fucked up, I take the good shi I get in my life fa' granted. Just like I do wit' you" He said.
"I-" She sighed "Bari you can't hold what happened between us over your head. You not fucked up, you did something fucked up but you were 19. You got yo' karma fa' it but don't think because you did that one fucked up thing that you don't deserve love" She said seriously.
He chuckled "You don't hold it over my head?" He asked.
She shook her head "Honestly no. I joke about it now because we're best friends but no. If I did we wouldn't be able to sit next to each other right now because I would drag yo' ass upside—"
"Aight Lani, I get it. You would beat my ass every day" He laughed.
"But foreal tho, don't let yo' one fuck up that you did as a kid be the reason you think you wouldn't find someone now."
"You think if I didn't cheat back then, we would still be together now?" He turned to look at her, she avoided eye contact with him and shrugged. "I'm serious Lani"
"I can't answer that Jabari." She sighed. She couldn't lie, she thought about it before, way before she met Matthias. Of course, it would've crossed her mind in the past, at one point in time she thought he was it for her.
"I can't answer it because you did it. But I'm a strong believer in something or someone you really want, you won't do anything intentionally to lose them. I wasn't meant for you nor was Bonnie but there's someone out there for you."
"You're gonna find someone and see their potential, that's not worth losing. I wasn't that for you and—"
"That's not true Lani. You're worth a lot" He frowned.
She chuckled, "It is true. The truth that I accepted years ago, I wasn't the person for you. And that's great because you weren't the person for me. My person is in there drinking air out of kids' tea cups" She said and they laughed.
"They be killin' me. They could at least put some water in dat shit" He laughed. "Not too much on my daughters na' " She chuckled.
"But foreal tho, don't let that one fuck up you did in the past dictate what your life holds in the future. I forgave you for it but you have to forgive yourself too. And it's not like you was going around doggin' females out. It was one fuck up and can't nobody be mad about it but me and trust I'm not." She smiled.
"Thanks, I guess being attached to you for life ain' dat bad after all" He joked making her smile drop.
"Ahaha, kiss me ass" She rolled her eyes and stood up from her spot on the couch. "Ew, that's Matt's job." He scrunched up his face.
"You ain' lyin'. He does it faithfully every day" She said and started laughing even harder when she heard him fake gagging.
Atlanta, GA
December 7th
"Yeah, jus' send the paperwork over to my computer in the office and I'll look at it tomorrow" Matthias typed at his computer while on the phone with his assistant.
"Thank you. I'll see it in the morning" He said and Zeke said bye before they hung up. "Come in" He called out when there was a knock at the door.
"Matthias, it's Sunday. Why are you up in here working?" Vanessa frowned coming inside and closing the door behind her. He sighed, finishing up the last email before closing out.
He cleared his throat "I had to do something real fast but I'm down now" He shut his computer down. She chuckled "You sound jus' like yo' daddy," She said, leaning on his desk.
He sucked his teeth "I'm finished now and I had to get it done" He shrugged, fixing the papers on his desk.
"And it couldn't wait until you go to work tomorrow?" She asked, "You look stressed, when was the last time you got some real sleep?" She frowned.
"I'm fine" He snapped, causing her to raise her eyebrow. He closed his eyes and took a breather. "I'm sorry" He apologized, running his hands down his face.
"Mhm," She hummed. "This must be why I asked my daughter-in-law where you were and she tried to act like she didn't have an attitude"
He sucked his teeth "She always has an attitude momma, that ain' nothin' new" He shrugged, leaning back in his seat.
She jerked her head back some "That's not true and don't be lying on her like that to justify that you're the reason" She said shaking her head in disappointment.
"You have your girlfriend out there entertaining anyone by herself while you are here doing something that can be handled tomorrow. Then wonder why she has an 'attitude' when you're the reason" She said, then walked out.
Matthias groaned, throwing his pen on the desk. He didn't understand why everyone wanted to be mad at him for working. He had a family to provide for and he couldn't do that if he didn't work.
He was the only architect, along with having other 25 employees to direct and handle. It was a lot going on for him so of course, he was going to work 24/7 because that's what he has to do.
"Why are you in here instead of out thea' wit' everyone else?" Adonis came into the office frowning.
"I had ta' handle something, I'm about ta' come out," He said.
Adonis nodded "What's wrong wit' Lil lani?" He asked.
Matthias shrugged "Ask her. There's always something wrong with her" He scoffed then his eyes widened. He really needed to get some sleep, he was talking crazy and that's not usually him.
"That's crazy" Ailani bitterly laughed as stood in the doorway and heard him. He sighed, as she walked fully into the office and put his plate down.
"Baby" He reached out to grab her arm before she could walk away. "Don't touch me, it's always somethin' wrong wit' me, remember?" She scoffed, moving away from him before walking out.
Adonis shook his head "What is wrong wit' you?" He asked, giving his son a disappointed look.
"I didn't mean it" Matthias rubbed his temples "I just need some sleep or a red bull," He said.
"I've been tellin' you since you took over this business Matthias, you gotta pace yourself. You not gettin' any sleep and you talkin' about yo' lady crazy. You can't be doin' dat son." He advised.
"Now you 'bout ta' be sleepin' on the couch tonight" Adonis chuckled, Matthias mugged him "That's not funny. I keep messin' up with her all weekend"
"It is funny. If you keep messin' up, why not fix it?"
"I'm tryin' but it's a lot right now. I'm the only one that takin' over things at work and I feel like I have to because It's my responsibility. I have a crazy-ass baby mama somewhere and I have to worry bout if she gonna come back and start some more shit. I have to worry bout Ken because she's been more clingy since Cora came back. Drowning myself in the work helps me not focus too much on the negative of Cora." He vented.
Matthias could admit that he was a work alcoholic but working so he didn't have to focus on the bad things helped in a way. But his problem was instead of working so much, he didn't want to ask for help and balance it all.
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