《Perfect Stranger》Fifteen
😗sorry for any mistakes
Atlanta, GA
June 27th
"Hey tik tok. Okay so I know I usually say when I do these that these storytimes aren't about the person in the video, but today they are" Ailani giggled as she held the phone up to record.
"Tell me your boyfriend is obsessed with you and clingy without telling me your boyfriend is obsessed and clingy. I'll go first" Lani chuckled, putting her tablet in her lap and showing her availability for today. She made sure to cover up his full name and number.
Matthias started laughing as he watched her as she sat in his lap. "Oh, not only did he book me fully today y'all. This man was late for the first appointment!" She laughed "And he's off today so he has no reason to be late" She added.
Ailani thought when he said he was going to make sure her schedule was clear for him today he was just joking. But no, he made sure he booked every appointment he could the other day.
She only had 2 appointments from previous clients that were booked weeks ago.
"I hope you know you are paying me for all the money and tips I'm missing out on because of you" She stopped recording and turned around to face him.
"You kno' money ain' no problem and I was already planning on it." He smirked, grabbing her by her neck and pulling her down for a kiss.
"Stawpp, I'm at work sirrr" She chuckled, pulling away from the kiss.
"Mama I haven't seen you all week" He started pecking her lips repeatedly.
"You've been working more bubba" She shrugged, moving the tablet out of her lap and straddled his lap before wrapping her arms around his neck.
"So over this damn lady. I might either drop it or give it off to someone else" He huffed, resting his hands on her ass.
"So do it. Don't stress yourself out over someone that doesn't want to be professional" She rubbed his cheek. Lastly, that client of his whose daughter he went on a date with before he and Ailani got serious was stressing him out.
He's been complaining to Lani all week about how when they have meetings she would bring up her daughter and why they should be together. She even went as far as to bring her to their meeting and would try to flirt her ass off with him.
He shut them down every time and would end the meeting. He would call Lani so irritated that she would be irritated with him.
One thing she couldn't stand was someone that knew you were in a relationship and purposely disrespected it. That was what pissed Lani off, she wanted him to drop the client so badly but she didn't want to make it seem like she was overly jealous and didn't trust him.
She kinda didn't trust him but at the same time, she did. She was still working on it and working hard.
"Yeah, I think that's what I'ma do. I still haven't even started building yet on the house and it's been months. I just didn't want to end it and they brought a bad rep to my name, especially as a new boss." He vented.
She nodded understanding "But when you look at it, you need good business not bad. They're being very unprofessional on top of disrespectful" She said, standing up from his lap.
"Where you goin' ?" He frowned, pulling her by her waist, back between his legs.
She chuckled "To start setting this facial for you up. You booked it so you gon get it" She pecked his lips.
"F-fuck baby" Matthias groaned, his eyes rolled to the back of his head as he felt the back of Lani's throat. Lani just wanted to take a bit of stress off of him and they just so happen to be at the daycare to pick up the girls.
Lani came up for air, she stroked him with one hand while the other massaged his balls. Matthias bit his bottom lip as he watched her intensely, her head began to bob up and down, letting it get a little messy but not too much since they were in his car. Lani was glad his windows were tinted or this would be very embarrassing and she would have to move.
"Fuck Ailani" He actually moaned that time, boosting her confidence even more. Lani hasn't done this in years and even before that she only did it twice before.
She stopped massaging his balls and used her other hand to stroke that she couldn't fit into her mouth, twisting it while sucking on the tip, knowing he was sensitive there.
"Sshiitt" He dragged in a shaky voice, gripping her hair a little more than he was holding so it wasn't in her way.
"Go all the way down— just like that baby fuck" He groaned, pushing her head further down so that she could take all of him in her mouth.
His mouth fell open when she started to gag around him but didn't come up "What the fuck Ailani" He moaned, trying his hardest trying not to take his eyes off of her.
"I'm finna—Oh shit" He mumbled when he reached his climax with loud grunts down her throat. "Damn baby" He breathed out, watching her swallow.
"Open" He instructed, wanting to see. She opened her mouth to show she swallowed all of it causing him to smirk "Good girl" He grabbed her neck, sloppily kissing her.
She was shocked he wanted to kiss her after that but she wasn't going to complain. He was a man. "Thank you, mama" He sighed, putting himself back into his boxers and pants. "Your welcome" She licked her lips to savor his taste, she didn't know someone could taste good like that.
She wiped the side of her mouth with a wipe "Y'all spending a night this weekend?" He asked, staring at her, making her a bit nervous. They have been dating for almost 3 months and the way he stares like she's the most beautiful person he has ever seen always gets her.
"N-No. Not tonight, maybe tomorrow after the party" She said, trying to avoid eye contact with him. He turned her head to face him before pecking her lips repeatedly causing her face to heat up.
"I'm nervous about tomorrow," She admitted. Tomorrow was Kennedi's 6th birthday pool party and Lani's first time meeting his parents and sisters.
He chuckled "Why? I told you my folks are cool as hell. It's nothing to be nervous about" He assured her.
"Yeah, you say that until both of your moms don't like me" She groaned, she really wanted his parents to like her. It was 3 of them so she was stressing herself out, even more, she was also nervous about his sisters too. He talked very highly of his family, she didn't want to mess it up.
"It's gon' be aight, I promise. They've been wanting to meet you since that's all Ken be talking about you and Rayah" He shook his head.
Lani smiled "That's my second baby, I love her so much. That's my second child in my head" She chuckled.
"I appreciate you for loving my baby. More than her surrogate ever did" He rolled his eyes.
"It's hard not to love her, especially as much as she is there for Rayah." She nodded.
He started laughing while turning the car off "Hell yeah, Rayah keeps her calm while Ken is trying to get her out of her shell." He opened the door to get out.
Lani loved that for them. Rayah was so shy but Ken was there to push her to do more. Ken was the hothead but Rayah was there to calm it down when needed.
Atlanta, GA
June 28th
"Jelly Bean! Come let me fix your hair baby" Lani shouted from her bathroom after she just finished flat ironing her hair.
"Stop running Alora," She said sternly, calling her by her middle name when she heard running footsteps "Sorry mommy" Rayah did the yikes face, coming into the bathroom.
"It's okay baby I just don't want you to fall and hurt yourself" She smiled looking at her beautiful now 6-year-old daughter.
Lani couldn't do anything else but cry when looking at Rayah sometimes. She was getting too old, she wanted her to stay a baby forever.
"You ready to see Ken?" She asked while putting a little oil on her scalp before massaging her head. Rayah was very tender head at the smallest things really. Lani always made sure to be gentle when doing her hair and she just did some knotless braids without weave yesterday. She knew her head was still kinda sore.
They made it a thing to always massage her head with oil every day to take some of the tension off her head.
"Yeah! She told me yesterday that her pawpaw has a cotton candy machine at his house. Isn't that cool?" She asked excitedly, the pool party was at Matthias's parent's house since they had a pool in their backyard.
"It's very cool, '' Lani chuckled, putting Rayah's hair in a high ponytail. She knew that she was going to get it messed up being that she was going to be in the pool all day.
"Are you excited to meet Matt's parents?" She asked, Rayah nodded "Yeah, Ken told me that she has 2 grandmas and 1 grandpa and they're all together. But how? I thought when people are together it's only 2 people like you and matt" Rayah said, looking at her through the mirror.
Lani's eyes widened a little, she didn't know how to explain this to her without her being confused. "Some people have special relationships when they want to love more than one person. You'll understand more as you get older" Lani explained the best way she could.
She thought telling her what a poly relationship is would just confuse her more.
"Did you put on sunscreen?" She asked after she finished doing her edges. "Not on my back" She smiled at herself in the mirror as she looked at herself.
"Go get it and I'll put it on you" She kissed her forehead before Rayah walked out of the bathroom.
Lani started to put some sunscreen on her arms while she waited. She began to run her fingers across the scar where her mother shot her at. She hated it, she wanted to get it covered up but she never had a real tattoo before. Besides the one, she has on her wrist of a heart that she got when she was 16.
She also didn't know if she got it covered up, and what she would put to replace it.
She shook her head when Rayah came back with the kid's sunscreen. Lani shook her head as Rayah took the shirt that had 'Birthdays girl best friend/sister' on the back of it. They did the same thing for Rayah's birthday back on May 10th.
As Lani squeezed some sunscreen in her hand, she was about to put it on her back until her eyes almost popped out of her head when she saw whip marks and blisters all over her back.
"Sarayah, what the hell happened to your back!" Lani said, rubbing the sunscreen on a towel and grabbing her phone to use the flashlight to see better.
Rayah sighed "I-I got a whooping the other day?" She mumbled, making Lani even more confused.
"A whoopin?! Who the fu—" Lani stopped to take a deep breath. She didn't want to yell at her since she didn't do anything wrong nor did she want to show out in front of her. "Come here baby" She picked her up and put her on the counter.
Rayah was looking down, Lani lifted her chin and smiled "You got a whooping by who?" She asked, trying to stay as calm as possible. Jabari and Lani never wanted to enforce that type of discipline on Rayah. For one, it wasn't needed. Rayah was a good child and always listened and followed directions, they barely had to fuss at her because she always did the right thing. She may have gotten popped on the hand once or twice when she was a bit younger but that was it.
"BonBon," She said above a whisper. That right there pissed Ailani off even more. She and Jabari never even did that and for some, that's not even her parents doing it, pissed her off. They never gave her that type of permission to do that. With the whip marks and blisters on her back, Lani didn't even consider that a whoop that was child abuse.
"Why did she do that Jelly bean?" She asked, looking at her back through the mirror.
"When I was at daddy's two days ago, she cooked broccoli but I don't like broccoli. She said I had to eat it or I was going to get a whooping but mommy I hate broccoli, it makes my stomach hurt" She frowned.
Ailani just shook her head, 'whooping' a child over broccoli was beyond ridiculous. Everyone knew Rayah would eat every other vegetable except broccoli. She didn't understand why she would try and force her to eat when she knew she did like it.
"Where was your daddy?" She asked.
"He was at work"
"Look" She made her look at her face "What Bon did was wrong. You didn't deserve that nor should she have done that without me or daddy's permission. Did you tell your daddy?" She asked, getting up to get a first aid kit. Even though it's been two days since it happened, she wanted her sores to heal up good.
"No, she made me go to sleep before he got home," She said and her little voice started to crack, only breaking Lani's heart even more.
"Why didn't you tell your daddy later mamas?" She asked with softened eyes.
"B-Because he's-he's so happy mommy. He and BonBon don't argue anymore like they used to. And daddy smiles more" Rayah broke down in tears, and Lani immediately hugged her.
A lot of people did see it but a lot of children will really put their parent's happiness before their own. They will do anything just so that their parents will keep loving them and keep being happy.
Lani knew that because she used to do it with her own mother. Some days her mom would beat her relentlessly, way before she started putting her hands on her father. Lani would get whooped for anything and everything but never told Jayce because he never saw the Horrible person in Abigail until she started abusing him.
Of course, Rayah knew what Bonnie did was wrong. She was old enough to understand especially when Bari or Lani ever put their hand on her but she wanted to keep her daddy happy.
"Look, baby, It's not your job to keep me and your daddy happy and hurt in silence. If someone is hurting you, we need to know because that's not right. Nobody should ever put their hands on you like this." She explained.
"We have to tell your daddy now," Lani said, picking up her phone.
"No! Mommy he's going to be sad again" Rayah stopped her. Lani sighed but furrowed her eyebrows "What do you mean by again?" She asked while opening her phone to take a picture of her back.
"Remember, he used to be sad a lot before he met Bonnie," She said. Lani raised her eyebrows in shock " You remember that?" She asked.
She was shocked when she remembered that when she was only maybe 3 when Jabari was kinda depressed. He went into that depressive stage in his life when he and Lani weren't getting back together. That was one of the main reasons Lani didn't tell Bonnie about her and Jabari's past because he did seem happy when he met Bonnie.
Rayah nodded "He used to cry sometimes when I was at his house," She said. Lani sighed, Rayah was too much and aware of things for her sometimes.
"We still have to tell him so that this won't happen again, jelly bean" She sighed. As much as she didn't want to see Jabari hurt again, she couldn't let anybody slide for hurting her child.
"Girl why the hell you beatin' on my door like the damn police?" Jabari fussed once he opened the door. She pushed passed him and went inside the house.
"Why are you here? Where Rayah? You not comin' to Ken's party?" He asked, looking at her confused as she had on a hoodie, leggings, and sneakers.
"I am, where yo' wife at tho?" She asked, making him raise his brow at the tone in her voice.
"She upstairs gett—" He stopped when Lani took off running upstairs "Lani!" He yelled following behind her.
Lani knew exactly where their room was since she stayed there 5 years ago with Jabari. Lani busts into the room seeing Bonnie putting lotion on.
"Oh, hey La—" Bonnie stopped and quickly backed up when Lani was about to run up on her but Jabari grabbed her before she could.
"Let me go! I let this bitch slide wit' so much shit but she really got me fucked up na' " Lani snapped trying to get out of his hold.
"Chill out, what happened?" Jabari asked, keeping a tight grip on her as she was still trying to fight her way from him.
"Tell him what happened with you and Rayah the otha' day" Lani glared at Bonnie.
Bonnie looked scared before she sighed and looked at Jabari "I told you she was going to try and turn Rayah on me. Now she got her lying" She shook her head.
That just pissed Lani off even more, "LYING?! Bitch my daughter ain' got shit ta' lie on yo' triflin' ass about! Tell him how you beat my daughter because she wouldn't eat fuckin' broccoli knowin' damn well she doesn't eat that shit!" She snapped.
"What? You hit my daughter?" Jabari looked at Bonnie, she shook her head "No! I love her, she's lyin' baby" She said.
"I'm lyin? Bet" Lani grabbed her phone from her back pocket. She opened it and went to facetime to call Matthias. She dropped Rayah off at his house so she could handle this first because she wasn't about to wait.
"Wassup mama, Where are you?" Matthias smiled into the camera when he answered on the 2nd ring. She started to calm down a little bit at the sound of his voice and face "Bubba can you put Rayah on real quick" She asked and looked back at Bonnie.
"Little bit! C'mere for a second!" She heard him yell, she guessed Rayah was already in the pool playing.
"When you hear our ha' mouth, you better let me go too. I'm done lettin' this bitch slide wit' shit" Lani said and Bonnie rolled her eyes.
"Hi, mommy! Are you comin?" Rayah said once she got to the phone. Lani chuckled a little seeing the water dripping from her face.
"Hey baby, I'm with your daddy, I need you to tell him exactly what you told me earlier," She said gently. She knew Rayah didn't want to say anything so he wouldn't be mad at her or sad but Lani could sweep this under the rug when it came to her safety.
Rayah's smile dropped "I don't want him to be mad at me"
Jabari grabbed the phone "I'm not going to be mad at you Princess. Tell me what happened" He said softly.
"Uhh, well.. w-when you were at work on Wednesday, BonBon whooped me because I didn't want to eat my broccoli," She said, making him frown.
"Because you didn't want to eat broccoli," He asked to clarify if he heard her correctly. She nodded "Was that the first time she did that?" He asked, Lani was just waiting for him to let her go. Something about her not beating her ass at the moment didn't sit right with her.
"No" She answered, making Ailani's eyes almost pop out of her head. She thought this was the only time.
"What happened?" He asked.
"2 months ago, I-I had an accident in the bed. BUT I promise I didn't mean to! It was an accident, I had a nightmare and I was scared but I promise I didn't mean to"
Lani glared at Bonnie who sat there with a nonchalant facial expression. She really had the audacity to beat her child over the stupidest things.
"Where was I when that happened?" He asked, Lani wanted to know too.
"I think at work, I don't know. It was a Saturday"
- In Serial16 Chapters
The Infinity Islands
I was just supposed to be a normal guy! I was about to graduate from my normal university with my normal English degree, about to begin my first foray out into the real world. But somehow, I had ended up worlds away instead. Far, far away from home, in a world that should have been just like mine, running and fighting for my life in a war I didn't understand. None of us knew why or how we were there or what we were ultimately supposed to accomplish. But that didn't really matter, did it? In my new world, there was only one rule: survive! --- Hey all, I'm Ken, and this is my first time sharing a story online. This story is heavily inspired by Terror Infinity, if it wasn't obvious from the title. I've been interested in making a Terror Infinity story for a while now, but I have a lot of problems with its system and mechanics, so I decided to just make my own system instead of trying to adapt to that one. If you find any mistakes, typos, or awkward phrasing please let me know in the comments so I can fix it! I hope everyone can enjoy this story but, even if you don't, please let me know why and what you think I can do to improve. Thank you. (The original picture for the cover can be found here)
8 125 - In Serial56 Chapters
After Life
The full story is still on this site for free! But now you can purchase the edited/fully polished Kindle/Paperback version if you so feel inclined. https://www.royalroad.com/amazon/B09P26HVDQ Armageddon, everyone dies. Certain people called Ultrasapiens come back to life with superpowers. Who are you, what power do you have, and why? That is the question I asked of my friends. They told me their idea and I wrote them into this story. Feel free to leave a comment of your character's ability. I'd love to add them in! - In the near future scientists have discovered a very real threat to the earth brought on by massive solar flares. With anarchy spreading, the governments of the world have banded together in order to prepare for the worst. Building disaster vaults, and designating safety zones in order to protect lawful citizens and the world's elites. After a chain of catastrophic events beings known as Ultrasapiens, arise from the ashes of the old world. In essence, they are a transcendence of human evolution fused with a primal will of instinct. These individuals are able to reclaim their physical selves, to pursue a road laid out before them by something bigger than us all. Struggling to piece together everything that happened, the Ultrasapiens learn that there is much more to the universe than ever thought possible. They will discover the key role that they, and the Earth truly play for the future. Two forces strive for dominance. One encourages the will of natural growth, letting the universe flow to its own design. The other controls with a forceful manipulation, shaping reality to a designed outcome. Religion is met with science, faith met by truth, and fiction with reality.
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