《Perfect Stranger》Thirteen
😗sorry for any mistakes
Atlanta, GA
April 5th
"It's a big packet and it's not fair." Kennedi ranted while she and Matthias were sitting on the couch folding clothes and towels. She always wanted to help when he did laundry so he let her fold the towels and rags while he folded the clothes.
He chuckled "Why isn't it fair Mami?" He asked, putting her clothes in her basket.
"Becauseeeeee it's spring break! Why should I have to do work when we are on a break from school" She complained.
"It's a study packet princess, you take that big test the week after y'all go back. When you are on break you tend to forget things, this is so you won't forget" He explained.
"So why if we don't do it, we get a bad grade?" She asked, putting the rags in a pile. She looked down and started color organizing them. She liked everything to be color organized, her clothes, shoes, everything.
"It's extra credit. You like to have good grades right?" He raised his brow. "What is Extra credit?" She asked.
"It's another word for bonus points." He explained, finishing folding all her clothes. He didn't color organize them like she liked since he knew she would do it when she put them away.
"It's still too much and it has science in it" She shook her head in disgust. "Why don't you like science?" He chuckled now, folding his own clothes.
"It's just never been my thingg, not into it soo not approved by me" She put her hand up.
He chuckled "Go make puttin' these clothes up your thing" He pointed to her purple basket. She giggled standing up and dragging the basket across the floor.
"Stop draggin' that across my floors and pick it up" He fussed while she groaned.
"It's heavy! you have to help me duhhh" She threw her hands up.
He sucked his teeth "Gon' be the death of me" He got up from his spot on the couch and walked over to the basket and picked it up.
"Move it, move it, move it" She clapped her hands while following up upstairs to her room. He just shook his head, walked into her room, he put the basket on the floor.
"You want me to help you?" He asked.
"No, last time you mixed my light blues with my dark blues" She frowned, opening all her draws.
"Blue is blue Mami"
She shook her head no "It's not. They would be called the same thing if they were the same blues daddy" She put her hand on her head as if he was stressing her out.
He was about to say something until the doorbell rang "I'll let you have it today" He chuckled, walking out and jogging downstairs.
He turned the alarm off, walking to the door. He looked at the peephole seeing his sisters before he unlocked the door.
"Hey buds," Sydney and Brooklyn said in unison and both hugged him.
"Hey, why didn't you say y'all were coming over? I would've got something to eat" He kissed both of their heads before closing the door once they were in.
"We came to get our niece" Syd chuckled as they walked further into the house.
He mugged them "Who said y'all could come and get her?" He asked, following them upstairs.
"Us," They said, in unison.
"Can never have my child to myself" He joked, going into his room while they went into Kennedi's. He started straight up his bed when Syd wanted in.
"Where y'all goin'?" He asked.
"Out to eat, just to have a girl's day before we go to Miami on Monday" She shrugged, sitting on the edge of his bed.
"I'm surprised you goin' " He chuckled, sitting next to her. She shrugged, "You'n wanna go?" He asked.
She sighed "No, I'm only going because Brook asked me to go. I noticed she is always doing stuff with me when I ask but I don't do the same for her" She said.
"You know it's okay to like to stay in the house and to yourself right?" He asked, he always felt like Sydney would beat herself down because she didn't like doing things.
He often thought she was depressed because of how much she likes to be alone or just in the house. He would check up on her a lot because her being this closed-off didn't happen until she started high school.
She was always closed off but never this much.
"I know," She mumbled, putting her head on his shoulder.
🎶And I don't let my walls down
But I see us buildin'🎶
Facts by H.E.R. played throughout Lani's business room ass she was filling up her inventory.
"When we're alone, I wanna zone out. Baby, with you, I ain't got no doubts. I'm just tryna to let you know nowwww, Facts" Lani sung while putting the rose oil labels on the bottles.
Ailani was always surprised at how well her stuff sells out so fast. When she first started when she was 15, she didn't think her business would blow up like it was. Here she was now 24 with two successful businesses and living comfortably.
She pouted when the music stopped.
Would like facetime...
She smiled, picking the phone up and clicking the green button.
She changed his name on her phone after their first date. Did she ever call him that? No. Was she going to tell him? No. She liked him a lot and was glad she was taking this risk but she still had her wall up just to be on the safe side.
"Hiiii Matthias" She smiled and mentally rolled her eyes at her smiling so much.
In private, Lani was a bit obsessed with him already. She let herself get attached to him too quickly then she'll like it. But she kept it all to herself, something and feelings were better for her that way.
In her head though, that's her man and she will, my man my man herself to death when she thought about him.
He smiled back showing his perfect smile "Wassup mama, where are you?" He asked.
"In my workroom" She turned the camera a little bit. "Always working" He chuckled, shaking his head.
"No I'm not and I know Mr. work all night yesterday not talking" She giggled, putting the phone up so she could continue what she was doing.
"I had to, so I didn't have to do it today," He said.
She shook her head "Where is my baby?" She asked, talking about Kennedi.
"I'm right here...." He scrunched up his face.
She started laughing "Sir, I'm not talking about you" She giggled, trying to stop her face from heating up.
"That's crazy but she went out with my sisters for the weekend," He said, she nodded, putting the tops on the bottles.
"Your sisters are twins, right? Is it ever hard to tell between the two?" She asked. Lani always wanted a twin, she wanted to see what it was like to look at someone identical to you.
"Yeah but when they were first born I couldn't. But Sydney has dimples on both cheeks and Brook only has one of her left cheek" He said.
"Aww, being a twin seems fun," Lani smiled.
"Whatchu doin' tonight?" He asked.
"You're looking at ittt, why?" She asked, putting the stuff in its correct bend.
"I wanna take you somewhere if you up for it"
"Where? and what time?" She tilted her head to the side.
"7 and don't worry 'bout it, just be ready" He chuckled.
She sucked her teeth, straight facing him "How am I supposed to know what to wear?" She squinted her eyes. He did the same thing on their first date and didn't tell her where they were going. Had her stressed out about what to wear.
"Wear something fancy but not fancy at the same time " He smirked.
She rolled her eyes "Okay" She shook her head, that still wasn't good enough for her but she'll try. She looked at the time seeing it was already 4.
"Okay, lemme finish this so I can go get ready," She told him, about to hang up.
"Wait, you never showed me your hair. I know you got it done today" He said, making her chuckle because she did actually go get her hair down this morning.
"Nope, you'll see it later" She stuck her tongue out.
"That's crazy" He shook his head, she laughed "Bye Matthias"
"See you later gorgeous"
Matthias was walking up to Lani's doorstep as he fixed his black, rip fitted jeans. He rang the doorbell, he hoped she was mad at him for being a little late. It was only 5 minutes late.
Moments later, the door opened with Lani tryna to walk out and lock the door since she set the alarm.
"Damn" He mumbled, taking in her Attire. She hands on a bodycon leather dress with black stiletto heels, strapped up at the ankle. The back of the dress was out, her diamond studs were shining.
"Damn girl" He licked his lips, grabbing her and holding it up slightly. She started blushing, one thing he knew how to do was make her nervous. She still didn't know how she felt about it either.
"Do a spin fa' me mama" He dragged his tongue across his bottom lip. She smiled even harder, giving him a 360 spin. She jumped when she felt a stinging sensation on her ass.
"Matthias! that hurt" She frowned, and turned to face him. He smirked, rubbing the spot and gripping it. "Yo' ass fat mama, I can't help that" He chuckled and pulled her dress down some.
She playfully rolled her eyes and draped her arms over his shoulders "Kiss" She puckered up her lips. He leaned down and pecked them 3 times causing a smile to go across her face.
"I hope we get food, I'm starving" She pouted, he chuckled "We are, let's go before we're late tho" He grabbed her hand and walked them to the car.
She told him thank you when he opened the door for her. Once she was all the way in, he jogged to the driver's side and got in. "I'on know why you brought that thing again" He shook his head, starting the car and letting it roar.
She furrowed her eyebrows "What thing?" She asked, confusedly while putting her seatbelt on. He pointed to her small handbag, she sucked her teeth "My purse!?" She laughed loudly as he pulled out of the driveway.
"Yes, you'n need that. At least not when you're with me" He scrunched his face. Matthias grew up, if you're taking a woman on a date, she shouldn't have to bring her own money. Especially when you're the one that asked them on the date.
That's what he was taught at a young age. Neither one of his mothers carried purses when out with his father. If they did, it only was to hold his dad's keys and wallet.
Lani laughed even harder, she never met a man that did let you do anything while with them. "I need my ID and cards Matthias" She giggled, rubbing his hand that was on her exposed thigh.
"Your ID, yes. Cards and cash? No" He said with all seriousness in his voice.
"Your something else"
🎶Most intellects do not believe in God
But they fear us just the same
Oh, on and on and on and on🎶
On & On by Erykah Babu played loud in the restaurant as Ailani followed behind the hostess with Matthias very close behind.
Matthias didn't want to do too much because Lani technically wasn't his but the more the men eyed her, the more he wanted to beat their ass. They were looking at her like they had never seen a beautiful woman before.
"Here are your menus. Your waitress should be with you all shortly, enjoy" The hostess said once they got to the booth and laid the menus and drinking menus on the table.
"Thank you" Ailani smiled, sliding inside the booth and Matthias sat in front of her. The hostess left them alone, Matthias grabbed one of the menus while Ailani smiled looking around.
Some people were dancing together, others were eating and mingling around. Lani was loving the R&B music playing, she could tell the place was black-owned. It was decorated beautifully, you could see some of the city from their booth, and Atlanta at night was always a vibe to see.
"I really like this" Ailani said, grabbing the menu and drink menu. "How did you find it? I never heard of it" She asked while scanning the menu. Her stomach started to growl looking at all the food choices.
"My dad told me about it after he brought my moms here on their 28th anniversary," He said, looking up to her. He smiled at her beauty, she was effortlessly beautiful.
"Wow, 28 years? That's a long time aww" She pouted then she caught when he said moms, which confused her "Moms?" She asked, looking up at him.
He chuckled "Mhm, I have two," He said and the waitress came over to take their drink orders and ask if they wanted any appetizers.
"Wait two? I thought you just said your dad..." She tailed off asking after the waitress left to put in their drink and appetizer orders.
"My parents are in a poly relationship" He chuckled watching her jaw literally drop. "And they have all been together for 28 years?" She asked, very shocked but also interested.
"Mhm," He nodded. People were always so shocked when he told them but think again, it wasn't your normal thing to see.
"Wow, gotta love black love" Lani shook her head, and he nodded agreeing "Wait so how does that work? Do they all sleep in separate rooms?" She asked.
Lani found poly relationships very interesting. Personally, she would never do it, she hates sharing but she loved it for other people that did it.
"No, their room is huge so years ago, I think before I was even born, my dad got two king-size beds put together and they sleep on that" He chuckled thinking of how big his parent's room was. It was probably the size of an apartment.
"That is so sweet" Lani pouted "So you and your sisters?" She asked. "My momma, Vanessa had me, and my ma, Autumn had the twins" He explained, seeing what she was asking about how having children worked.
"That's beautiful, 3 loving parents in one household. I know your family is big" She chuckled.
He shook his head no "It's not, it's always been my parents, me, and my sisters" He shrugged. She furrowed her eyebrows "Really? no aunties and grandparents?" She asked.
"Nope, they didn't agree with their relationship so they all cut ties" He shrugged.
"Wow, that's sad. If they're all happy, why can't they be happy for them?" Lani grumbled. Lani was a big supporter of if it makes you happy then she was going to support and love it for you. Everyone's happiness was different and deserved to be supported just like normal happiness.
"Who knows" He chuckled. He never really cared because he always had his parents and sisters. When he was younger, he did wonder what it was like to have other family members like cousins and aunties but he learned to get over it.
"What about you? Are you close to your family?" He asked, and he noticed they never talked about family until now.
"Nope, just been me and my granny since I found out about her and moved in with her when I was 6" She shrugged.
"You didn't know her before going to live with her?" He asked.
"Nope, she was my dad's mom and my bitter and miserable ass mother kept us from her. My dad was so blind in love with my mom that he cut my granny off and didn't speak to her for years. Never knew of my mom's family and if they're like her, I really don't want to meet them. And my dad was the only child" She said.
"Why didn't she like your granny?" He asked, from the time he was on the phone with her before while she was at her granny's house, she sounded so sweet and nice.
"Because my granny didn't like her." She chuckled "My granny always has a good intuition about people. She has never been wrong about someone yet but my dad didn't listen. And sadly, my granny never got to say goodbye before he died. It's funny because he was taking us to her house that night he died, " She explained, shaking her head.
Lani thought it was always sad with the story between her dad and her granny. Her granny always told her story's about how close they were but her mom ruined that by filling in lies in her dad's head about her granny being obsessed with him which wasn't true. She was just trying to warn her son to watch out.
"It's a good thing she has his mini-me in memory of him," Matthias said.
She smiled "Yes, my twin or whatever" She giggled.
"I'm full now" Lani frowned, looking down at her half-eating Gouda shrimp and grits. Ailani never had gouda grits this good, she was glad she didn't finish so she could eat it tomorrow.
"Damn, and I'm over here still hungry" Matthias chuckled at his cleaned plate. The only thing left was the bone of the steak he had.
"I know what you can eat," Lani mumbled, pushing her plate back some.
"Oh yeah? What's that love?" Matthias smirked, hearing exactly what she said. Her eyes widened, she didn't know he heard her.
"W-when I looked at the menu, I saw they had cheesecake. I know you like cheesecake" She quickly covered up and nervously chuckled.
"I'on think I want cheesecake tho" He winked at her, her face started getting hot causing her to look the other way to avoid eye contact.
The sexual tension was thick between the too. Especially when they were together. Lani was more so of the one that didn't speak on it but Matthias was very blunt. He would always make slick comments, she just wanted to get in a hole sometimes.
Ailani smiled at the couples in the middle of the floor that was slow dancing to Untitled (How does it feel) by D'Angelo.
"You want to dance?" Matthias asked, noticing her looking at everything. She turned to look at him "Oh...umm I-"
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