《Heaven Warrior》twenty six
Continued from last chapter...
It was now later in the afternoon and Heaven and the kids had just woke up from a nap. Of course Nevaeh was the first one, and Daloni wanted to be nursed when he woke up. Heaven had decided to let Solana sleep in for the day, because she knew that she hadn't gotten any sleep the night prior.
"Oh mama I forgot to tell you that girl gone." Nevaeh said, plopping on the bed.
Heaven tried to stand up but sat right back down when Daloni started whining. She was in the middle of breast-feeding him and the sudden action startled him.
"You sure she gone Vae?" Heaven asked, feeling her anxiety rise. She was sad that Solana left, but honestly she knew Solana wasn't in her right mind. It was like Diamond envaded Solana's brain.
"Yeah the window open. Oh and she left a paper on the bed." The little girl shrugged without a care in the world to what was going on.
"Can you go get it for me?" Heaven asked. Nevaeh nodded her head, running to go get the paper. She had tried to read it on the way back to Heaven's room but gave up at the length.
"Thank you." Heaven mumbled. She sighed opening the paper skimming through.
Sorry Heaven for letting you down. I can't do anything right. I hope you won't be mad for going out on a limb for me. I just didn't want her coming to your house putting your kids in danger. I know my consequences will be bad when I go back but honestly I'll take whatever just to not feel anything. Thank you for trying, but this is on me. This is my fault so don't blame yourself.
"Go put some clothes on." Heaven told Nevaeh.
"What is 4B?" She asked herself.
Seeing the facial expression on Heaven's face, Nevaeh knew it wasn't the time to ask questions. She simply got up from her spot and went to the guest room to look for an outfit.
"Papa is you done?" Heaven frowned, looking at Daloni still drinking. She didn't feel anything coming out, he was just sucking her nipples. He shook his head no,
playing with her shirt.
"You are done. You just sitting here." She chuckled, carefully deattaching her nipple from his mouth. Daloni mugged her getting down off the bed, stomping to his room.
Heaven shook her head wiping her breast with a damp paper towel and then throwing a shirt over her sports bra. After that she threw some of Zylin's sweatpants over his boxers that she wore, and went to help the kids get ready.
"Baby I need to drop the kids off to you." Heaven said to Zylin on the phone, running around the house looking for Daloni's spider man crocs.
"What's wrong?" Zylin asked, turning the needle off and wiping the girl's forearm.
"I need to go look for Solana. She snuck out and I didn't even know." Heaven replied, finding the croc under the couch.
"Mama—No Zylin, I'm going to look for her!" Heaven said interrupting him, already knowing what he was about to say. Zylin told Heaven that she had to play the situation safe, but Heaven wasn't hearing anything.
"Alright. Bring them some to eat too, we gone be here for a while." Zylin sighed, dropping the subject. He knew that it was a argument he wouldn't win so he left it alone.
"Okay, I love you."
"I love you too." Zylin nodded.
"Nevaeh and Daloni let's go!" Heaven yelled, rubbing vaseline on her face and arms. She just knew she was about to beat Diamond ass, so she wanted to be prepared.
Daloni and Nevaeh came running at their mom's voice. Nevaeh helped Daloni put on his crocs and then slipped her yeezy slides on. She had very color but she wore the beige ones like they were her only shoes.
"Where we about to go?" Nevaeh asked, following Heaven out of the front door with Daloni on her hip.
Daloni was to busy talking to himself about how Spider Man was only strong because he didn't eat candy. Daloni always talked to himself about things that didn't make sense to nobody but himself.
"To your daddy shop. I have to handle something." Heaven replied. She opened the doors to her car and helped both of them get buckled into their booster seats.
After both kids were secured she sighed jogging to her side of the car. When she started the ignition, she immediately pulled out of her driveway driving towards Zylin's tattoo shop. She was glad that there was a Mcdonald's next door so that she could pick them some food up in one trip.
"Look Vae!" Daloni yelled, showing her his muscles.
"Nothing there." Nevaeh straight-faced him.
Daloni reached over and pushed Nevaeh. Nevaeh pushed him back and now they were pushing each other whining.
"Both of y'all be nice. Papa say sorry." Heaven said, looking in her rearview mirror seeing Daloni mug Nevaeh.
"Sorry Vae." Daloni mumbled.
"It's okay." Nevaeh shrugged. Nevaeh never really cared when Daloni hit her. She would just simply hit him back and go on about her day.
"Why you been ignoring me? Heaven I swear on everything I love I didn't know about none of that shit." Cane said, when Heaven walked in his house.
"I didn't come over here for that, where does Diamond stay?" Heaven replied. She knew that Solana had went back to Diamond's place, but she never knew where Diamond stay.
"Green Grove Apartments, why?" Cane asked.
"You coming or not?" Heaven asked. She didn't have time for questions, she needed to find Solana.
Cane sighed following behind Heaven back to her car. She didn't wait for him to buckle up, instead speeding off to Diamond's apartment. Cane looked at her and shook his head. He was confused, but he only went with Heaven because he didn't want her doing something she would regret.
"Call the ambulance, tell them to meet us there." Heaven said. She had a gut feeling that Solana was in danger. Diamond was crazy and Heaven knew it. She just hoped Diamond didn't kill the girl.
"Yo Heaven what the fuck going on?" Cane asked.
"Call the ambulance and tell them to meet us there Cane! I don't know the answer to your question right now." Heaven shouted. Honestly Heaven was still confused herself. She was trying to piece things together but something wasn't adding up.
Cane followed Heaven's directions and called 911, telling them Diamond's address. The operator was asking questions that Cane didn't know the answer to, so he just told her that somebody got hurt and hung up in their face.
Five minutes later and Heaven and the paramedics were pulling up at the same time, along with police officers. Heaven saw the ran down apartments and shook her head.
"We got a call to come to this location." The chief of Fire Department said, looking around for anybody hurt.
"Yes, follow me please." Heaven nodded. Cane had told her Diamond's apartment number in the car so she knew where she was going. She didn't realize that it was the same number that Solana left on the paper.
Getting to apartment 4B, Heaven banged on the door with her first, startling the police officers and paramedics. "Solana open the door!" She yelled.
Getting no response Heaven banged on it again. "Open the door!" She yelled.
"Can't y'all break this bitch down?" She asked the fire department who held jaws and the forcible entry tool.
"Ma'am, we need consent from the tenant to enter the house." The police officer stated, trying to grab Heaven's arm. Heaven looked crazy in his eyes.
"There's a girl in here who's been abused! If you don't break the door, I will." Heaven snapped, skin boiling hot. Cane chuckled already knowing that Heaven was about to break the door.
Before the police officer could respond Heaven turned around and kicked the door off the hinges. "Solana!" She yelled, running through the house.
"Ma'am I'm going to have to ask you to come with me." The police officer frowned, suprised at the bold girl in front of him. He had never seen a woman disobey his orders like Heaven did.
"No, she's in here somewhere." Heaven said, looking everywhere for Solana. She saw the empty pots of water and a wet stain on the carpet in the living room and pointed. "See she's here somewhere."
"Heaven she ain't here." Cane frowned.
"Yes she is, she's probably hiding." Heaven replied, as her eyes started to blur from the tears. She was trying to convince herself that Solana was there, but things weren't looking up.
"Solana, baby please you're safe now!" Heaven yelled, stopping in her tracks to hear if she heard anything.
"So y'all don't smell that strong ass paint smell." Cane frowned, covering his nose from the toxins. The Fire Department and police officers nodded their head in agreeance.
"Everybody stop and think." Heaven told everyone, making them stop in their tracks.
"Feel for wet paint." She instructed. Everyone started feeling the walls in the living room for wet paint but was instead met with dryness.
Heaven followed her feet as it lead to Diamond's room. She saw a can of paint sitting by the bed and swallowed the nervousness she was feeling in her throat.
Her hand met with the walls and when she touched a particular area she felt the paint come on her hands. "Guys in here!" She yelled. "I found wet paint!"
"Okay so what that mean?" Cane asked.
The firefighters ignored him hoping that they didn't see what they were thinking behind the wall. They used the hammer and forcible entry tool, breaking a hole in the wall.
Heaven stood to the side, nervously biting down on her fingernails. When she saw the firemen remove a piece of a wall, she immediately saw Solana's hair. "There she is!"
Firefighters broke the whole wall, pulling Solana's limp body out. Her wrists were purple and her face was stained with tears and dried blood. Her ankles were bruised and her toes were loosing color.
"Come on." Heaven watched as the paramedics performed CPR. Cane couldn't form his own words being in such distraught. His stomach was starting to twist up making him run to the bathroom to release his insides.
"I got a faint pulse." The paramedic said, placing a oxygen mask over Solana's face. They carefully placed her on the gurney and rolled her out.
"Contact the owner of the apartments, this is now a crime scene." The police officer spoke into his walkie-talkie. He had never seen anything like it. He couldn't imagine being buried alive.
"Who's the tenant that lives here?" The police officer asked.
"Diamond Huff." Heaven replied, following the gurney that Solana laid on. "Can I ride with her?" She asked the paramedics.
Cane weakly came out the bathroom, holding his stomach. The sight of seeing Solana pulled out of the wall churned his intestines. He was now starting to piece everything together.
Heaven got in the ambulance with Solana grabbing her hand. She squeezed it hoping that Solana could feel that she wasn't alone.
"Can you contact her parents, let them know we're taking her to Chicago Med." The paramedic told Heaven, injecting Solana with fluids.
Heaven silently cursed. She didn't know Solana's parents, in fact she didn't even know Solana's real age. She only nodded to the paramedics thinking of what to do. If Solana was underage, she would be put into the system until she turned 18.
"I keep loosing her pulse." The paramedic sighed, compressing on Solana's chest.
"So nobody knows anything about this girl. Where the hell are her parents and how did she even get inside of a wall?" Sharon sighed, rubbing her temples.
She was in a conference room with a social worker, a police officer, Heaven, Jayda and Doctor Grey. It was her duty to decide what proper protocols were to be taken to ensure Solana's safety.
"Well I'm looking at her birth records that we got from her fingerprints, looks like her birthday is today." Doctor Grey frowned. Even though he specialized in cancer patients, Heaven wanted him and Jayda on Solana's case.
"Damn that's fucked up. So how old is she really?" Jayda asked, making Heaven's heart beat flutter.
If Solana was underage, Heaven knew that she would be thrown into the system which is what she didn't want to happen. She knew that the system treated teenagers like homeless dogs.
"Turned eighteen today." Doctor Grey sighed.
"Well it's no reason for me to be here anymore." The social worker shrugged, standing up. Chicago's social workers were all trash. Only a handful cared about the youth, while the majority only worked for a check.
"Grey is she awake?" Heaven rolling her eyes at the worker.
"Yes she's awake. I would say that she was in that wall for around five to six hours. Discoloration starts at the fourth and gets darker every house. She was very dehydrated and deprived from oxygen, honestly don't know how she's alive." Docto Grey replied.
"So since she's awake, I need a statement from her. We have yet to find the suspected person, so we need all the information we can get." The police officer sighed.
"Can I talk to her first? I'm sure she don't want a police officer to be the first person she sees." Heaven asked. She needed Solana to tell everything, so she wanted to go in first to do some convincing.
"Five minutes." He mumbled.
Heaven nodded her head going to Solana's room. She opened the door seeing Solana stare at the black TV screen. "Hey babe." She greeted.
"Why am I not dead?" Solana asked with a small sigh. She didn't want to be alive, she didn't expect to see another day of life.
"Baby—Heaven you don't understand. My whole life has been nothing but bullshit. I'm a mistake, just like my
parents said. I'm not supposed to be here. Why is it that everytime I try to go, it doesn't work." Solana spoke, as her lip trembled.
"There's no point in life." She added on.
"Solana if you really wanted to leave, all of those other times that you attempted you would've made sure that you did it right so that nobody could save you. There's something in you that still wants to be here, but you're trying to convince yourself that life is pointless." Heaven said, speaking nothing but the truth.
"Let me ask you this and l want you to be truthful. When Diamond was doing what she did to you, did you scream for help?" Heaven asked.
"Why does that—Did you scream for help?" Heaven asked, shutting her eyes to hold back any emotions.
"Yeah." Solana admitted.
"So then you wanted help. You wanted somebody to stop her, you wanted somebody to save you. If you didn't, you would've cut deeper with that razor when I caught you and you would've died in that wall." Heaven stated.
"You want help, you just feel like nobody will hear you. Diamond brain washed you so bad that you don't even believe in nothing unless it's coming from her."
"So when this police officer comes in here, I need you to tell him everything from start to finish. I need you to help yourself, so that we can help you." Heaven finished.
"But Diamond will find out and—Solana there's no more Diamond. She can't hurt you anymore. When you give him your statement, she'll be gone forever." Heaven sighed, interrupting Solana.
"I don't want to see her ever again." Solana shook her head.
"Okay, so tell him everything that you remember after that I promise you won't ever see her again." Heaven nodded, now holding Solana's hand and looking in her eyes.
"Can you stay in here with me?" Solana asked, breaking eye contact with Heaven.
"Of course."
Right on cue, the police officer came in with a detective with their pencils and notepads. "Okay young lady, I need you to tell me everything you remember and everything that you know about Diamond Huff."
Solana looked at Heaven. Receiving a reassuring nod, she swallowed the lump in her throat and parted her lips. "I'm her little sister..."
hey loves
I know this is kinda late, but hey at least l got it out for y'all. This is over 3000 words. Period!
We have exactly two weeks until Thanksgiving! Comment something that you don't want on your plate.
Mines is cranberry sauce and ham!!
So Nevaeh was the first to notice that Solana was gone and brought it to Heaven's attention. Y'all think if Nevaeh remembered to tell Heaven earlier, it would've helped Solana quicker?
Solana even left a note, i feel like the note was kinda like a reach out to help, because she left the apartment number at the bottom, what y'all think?
So Daloni think he been slick lmao that boy was just being lazy and sucking on Heaven's nipples, because he didn't want to get up.
Why y'all think Zylin was skeptical for Heaven to try and help Solana?
Daloni and Nevaeh is very bipolar, don't y'all agree? One minute they arguing next minute they cool lmao
Y'all think that Heaven should stop giving Cane the cold shoulder? I lowkey think it's hurting his feelings lol.
Most of y'all think that Cane is innocent and that he didn't know. I agree with y'all. His reaction showed it all.
Heaven don't play baby, she kicked that door down regardless of what that officer told her, yall think she got anger issues?
We gotta give credit to Cane for giving us a big ass clue about the paint, right?
Solana was barely hanging on, poor baby. Do y'all seriously think that she wants help she was just scared to ask?
And then what's really sad is that this all happened on her BIRTHDAY!! We finally found out that she was really seventeen, but she's now EIGHTEEN!
Why y'all think she kept lying about her age?
Y'all think what Heaven was saying to Solana was the truth, regarding Solana successfully committing suicide?
Last but not least!! We got a mf plot twist. Solana is actually Diamond's little sister, how y'all feeling?
What y'all think gone happen next?
vote and comment pls!!
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