《Heaven Warrior》twenty four
*Okay so I'm not sure if you guys remember the 17 year old stripper who asked Heaven for advice. Her name was Angel, but now it's Solana!!!! *
"Hey boo, I already ordered me something to drink it's hot as hell outside." Heaven said, greeting Kenzie into the restaurant. Kenzie had asked Heaven out to lunch.
The two girls had started getting closer every since Kenzie showed up at Daloni's adoption day. Heaven never gave Kenzie a chance to be friends, so she figured they could give it a shot.
"Girl I know right, this is one of the times where I hate having hair." Kenzie chuckled, sitting in the chair across from Heaven. Kenzie still worked at the club, but she was getting closer and closer to quitting.
"So how are things at the club?" Heaven asked. She hadn't been to the club in months, and she was curious to how things were holding up. Cane never gave her the scoop.
"Honestly every since you left, things have slowed down. I still make hella money but it aint how it used to be." Kenzie said truthfully. Kenzie missed having Heaven at the club, but she knew that her leaving was for the best.
"And Diamond thinks she that bitch, girl she been bullying the li girl Solana every since you left." Kenzie added on.
"Foreal? That bitch is nothing but miserable." Heaven shook her head. Diamond always tried to pick on the newbies, but since Heaven left she felt like she was in charge.
"Girl I'm talking about every single time I see Solana and Diamond, Diamond making the girl cry." Kenzie sighed. "Cane ass cut Solana hours too."
"Why?" Heaven frowned.
"You know Diamond his dick toy. I told Solana to just try and find another job, but she said that they don't pay enough and that she wasn't allowed to."
"Damn that's crazy. How old she is again?" Heaven asked. She remembered Solana telling her she was eighteen, but Heaven knew it was a lie.
"She told me she was nineteen." Kenzie shrugged.
"Li mama lying. She told me she was eighteen. Something not adding up." Heaven replied. Honestly Heaven wanted to see how old Solana really was, there was no way she was nineteen.
"I'm gone drop in tonight." Heaven spoke. She knew Cane would be mad, but Cane was pissing her off by acting like Diamond was a perfect angel.
"Everybody gone be so excited to see you." Kenzie smiled. Kenzie and Heaven had really came up from struggling together. They both put themselves through college and beat the odds. They were real definitions of hustlers.
"Uh-Oh, everybody turn to the main exit, Bambii just entered the Empire!" DJ Boogie, said through the mic, making everyone start cheering.
Heaven chuckled and waved at everyone. She wasn't staying at the club long, she just wanted to go talk to Solana and Cane. In fact, Zylin was in the car with both kids waiting for her to come back out.
When Cane heard Heaven's stage name from his headquarters he dropped his blunt and ran out of his office. He didn't know that Heaven was coming, and she had clearly suprised him.
Heaven walked straight to the back where the girl's dressing rooms were being met with a furious Cane. She smiled big and opened her arms for a hug.
"Fuck yo hug, why you here Heaven?" Cane fumed, pushing her arms down. Heaven was playing, and he wasn't. Cane did not want Heaven around the club anymore. Her safety was risked.
"That is no way to greet me dummy. Anyways I'm here to talk to you. I heard you was being stupid." Heaven replied, crossing her arms over her chest.
"How?" Cane frowned.
"Why you cut Solana hours when you know she need the money?" Heaven asked, rolling her neck.
"The girl don't even know how to dance, she just in the way." Cane sighed. Cane was very blunt and had no filter. He told everything truthfully, and he was telling the truth about Solana.
"No your li girlfriend in the way. You know how hard it is for some girls to get jobs, give her hours so she can get better. You can even start her off in the daytime, then transition her to night." Heaven replied.
"You don't tell me what to do." Cane frowned.
"Don't play with me Keontae." Heaven mugged, calling him by his government name. Heaven and his family were the only ones who knew his full name.
"Chill with the name shit." Cane mumbled, making a note to switch Solana to day shift. Day shift was when the beer drinkers came to get a buzz. It wasn't as hype as night shift.
"Matter fact, you ain't even gotta worry about it." Heaven said, thinking of an idea.
"I was gone do it Heav!" Cane groaned.
"No foreal don't worry about it, I got a better idea." Heaven chuckled. She left Cane in the hallway by himself, leaving him to punch the air.
"Bambii!" Some of the girls yelled, seeing her walk in the dressing room. Most of the strippers respected Heaven, not only because she was a good stripper, but because they admired her hustle.
"Wassup y'all." Heaven waved, looking around the room for Solana. She peeped Diamon and her clique staring at her making her smirk and flip them off.
"Where Solana?"
"In the bathroom." One of the strippers said, reapplying her mascara.
Heaven walked to the bathroom, passing the lockers. She stopped at hers seeing a picture of her, Joe, and Cane on the front holding her first duffel bag of money. She took the picture and tore it into pieces. She wanted no memories of Joe.
Making her way to the bathroom, she opened the door seeing Solana quickly try to wipe her arms and face. Heaven frowned, closing the door behind her.
"What were you doing?" Heaven asked.
"Nothing." Solana sniffled, finally turning around to see Heaven's face, she was the last person she expected to see.
"Yo are you cutting yourself?!" Heaven accidentally shouted, seeing the blood trickle down Solana's arms. Heaven looked back at Solana to see a small cut under her eye.
"Bambii it's nothing." Solana shook her head, trying to put a smile on her face. Something she was tired of doing, no matter what, she always smiled through the pain.
"How old are you?" Heaven asked.
"Eighteen." Solana mumbled.
"You not leaving out of this bathroom until you tell me your real age."
"Bambii please, I have to go." Solana shook her head trying to get pass. She didn't want to be late helping Diamond count her money. She knew there would be consequences.
"Bambii I have to go." Solana started to cry, trying to get pass Bambii again. The last thing she wanted was for Diamond to do what she had done again.
"Solana look at me." Heaven frowned, seeing the girl get so anxious and scared.
"Move I need to go!" Solana yelled.
Heaven took Solana's face in her hands and stared in her eyes. She saw nothing but pain. She saw how scared Solana was. She wondered for what reason though.
"Look at me!" Heaven repeated.
"P-Please let me go. I have to go." Solana begged. Solana was terrified of Diamond and her whole clique. Flashbacks haunted her every single day, and she felt like she was living in hell.
"Tell me what's going on, then I'll let you go." Heaven softly said, using one of her hands to get a paper towel.
"I can't, I'll get in trouble." Solana cried, as her chest heaved up and down.
"No you won't. Baby tell me what's going on."
Solana started hyperventilating, as her heartbeats skipped. Diamond's voice playing in her ears like a broken record. She remembered every thing that Diamond told her.
"Baby I need you to breathe. Inhale and exhale." Heaven coached. Her nursing skills were kicking in, right along with her protective instincts.
"I don't want it to happen again." Solana quickly said, trying to catch her breath. She listened to Heaven's words and tried to get her breathing back on track.
"Diamond." She rasped out, instantly grabbing Heaven's attention. She wondered why Solana was so scared of Diamond.
"Diamond what?" Heaven asked, now with a slight mug on her face. She didn't plan on fighting, but if whatever Solana said pissed her off, she would have a change of mind.
"Diamond said that I have to be her girlfriend, and—and do whatever she says." Solana admitted, her cries were finally starting to die down so that she could talk.
"And if you don't do what she says, what does she do?" Heaven mugged, her skin was starting to heat up.
"She'll let them hold me down again while she drowned me with water. Then she'll touch me." Solana finished, looking down ashamed of herself.
Heaven's voice got caught in her throat as she looked at Solana. She felt bad for her. She didn't even know what to say, she wanted to fight.
"Please don't tell her I told you, she'll be mad." Solana sniffled, wiping her face. She felt a bit of relief that she had finally told someone, but she hoped that Heaven didn't tell.
"Where do you live?" Heaven asked, trying to keep her composure.
"With Diamond." Diamond had made Solana move in with her, so that Solana could always be at her every call and need.
"You don't anymore, and you don't work here anymore." Heaven stated sternly.
"I need this job, I'm fine. I just need to go." Solana said, trying to walk pass Heaven once again. Diamond had brain washed Solana so much that Solana thought that she couldn't live without Diamond.
"Look at me, you about to go get whatever shit you got in your locker and you're coming with me. Diamond ain't gone touch you." Heaven snapped. She didn't mean to take her anger out on Solana, but Diamond had just awoken somebody who had been laid to rest a long time ago.
"You understand me?" She asked Solana. Solana swallowed the lump in her throat and nodded her head.
Heaven was the first to exit the bathroom with Solana slowly behind her. Solana's stomach was twisting and turning at the thought of what Diamond was going to do to her.
Heaven stood next to Solana as she emptied her locker. She watched Diamond stare at Solana and tried her best not to kill her.
"Where the hell you think you going?" Diamond chuckled.
"I'm going—nope, you ain't gotta tell her shit!" Heaven interrupted Solana. She dared Diamond to run up on her, but she knew Diamond didn't have the guts to step to her.
"She gone be back." Diamond shrugged. Some of the strippers were in the dressing room watching everything unfold. They were confused. Only Diamond's clique knew about everything.
"Let's go Solana." Heaven said. Solana nervously walked on the side of Heaven with her bag. Diamond only smirked, knowing that she had brain washed Solana, and that she would be back.
The two girls exited the dressing room, and Heaven finally let the tears that she was holding back escape. She was angry. Cane was still in the hall talking to one of the bouncers when he saw Solana and Heaven.
"What's wrong?" He asked Heaven.
"Did you fucking know?!" She asked.
Cane frowned confused to what Heaven was talking about. "Know what? What you talking about?" He asked.
"Cane don't fucking play with me, did you know?" Heaven shouted, now pointing her finger in his face. If Cane knew what was going on with Solana and Diamond, Heaven was completely kicking him to the curb.
"Did I know what Heaven?" Cane shouted back.
"Did you know—Did you know that Diamond was molesting her?" Heaven's voice broke, as she pointed her thumb back at Solana.
"What the fuck? No I swear Heaven! I'm lost as fuck!" Cane mugged, hearing the word molest. He was genuinely confused, but Heaven didn't believe him.
"You foul bro." Heaven shook her head, crying. She walked away, with Solana behind her. Heaven was tired of her trust being betrayed. She was tired of innocent people being hurt.
"Heaven! I don't know what you talking about!" Cane yelled, throwing his hands up. Cane was blindsighted. He didn't know anything about Diamond molesting Solana. He only used Diamond for a quick but.
Making their way back to Zylin's car, he frowned seeing an almost naked girl walking with Heaven. He looked in the backseat to see both kids sleeping.
"You got a cover-up?" Heaven asked Solana, wiping her face. Solana nodded her head quickly going in her bag to put on a t-shirt and joggers.
"Baby what's going on?" Zylin asked, getting out of the car.
"I'll tell you later, can you take us to my house?" Heaven replied, wiping her face.
"Hold on why you crying?"
"Baby please, I'll tell you later. Please just take me to my house." Heaven said, slightly nodding her head at Solana. Zylin hesitantly nodded his head. He wasn't leaving Heaven until he knew what was going on.
The ride to Heaven's house was silent besides Daloni's whimpers. Heaven knew he was probably having a bad dream so he was sitting in her lap in the back seat.
Heaven decided to sit in the back with the kids, her trust was still messed up and she would've hated for having to kill Solana for messing with her kids.
"You can sleep in here." Heaven said, showing Solana to the extra bedroom that she had. She was planning to make it Nevaeh's room, but it would have to hold off for now.
Daloni started stirring in the crook of Heaven's neck. He was exhausted because he had threw a tantrum because he couldn't go to Nevaeh's cheer practice earlier.
"What if Diamond comes?" Solana asked for the third time since they had gotten to Heaven's house.
"That bitch gone meet Jesus if she come near my house." Heaven shrugged.
Solana nodded her head and sat her bag on the bed. "Thank you." She said.
Heaven only nodded her head. "Get some rest."
Solana closed the door behind Heaven and sighed. She just hoped that Diamond didn't find her. Solana was a very gullible girl, which is why Diamond took a liking into her.
Solana had a habit of trusting anybody who looked nice. That's the reason she fell into Diamond's trap. Diamond buttered Solana up and then started manipulating her.
Solana was so innocent that she didn't even notice that she was being brain-washed. It wasn't until Diamond caught her leaving the club and molested her for the first time before she knew that she had became a victim.
hey loves!!
Thanksgiving and Christmas is almost here, two of my favorite hollidays. I'm so ready to eat mane, it don't make no sense.
So y'all I warned y'all that drama was about to get started, this is only a tiny pinch of it. Hang on!
First and foremost Kenzie and Heaven are starting to become friends, how y'all feel about that?
Has Kenzie ever gave y'all bad or weird vibes that y'all don't want her to be friends with Heaven?
Heaven makes a suprise visit to Club Empire, yall think she should've just stayed away like Cane told her?
I'm sorry but Cane funny asf, and he should know by now that Heaven runs things, what y'all think?
As I mentioned at the beginning of the chapter Solana's name was Angel but I changed it because Jayda's daughter name was Angel too and I didn't want to confuse yall!!
Anyways why y'all think Solana was cutting herself?
Do y'all think Heaven was wrong for keeping her in the bathroom until she told the truth?
Poor Solana, she's so young and has been taken advantaged of, should she have been told someone?
This kinda reminds me of Player's Club, but once we get more into it won't anymore!!
How y'all feel about Heaven making her quit?
Do y'all think that Cane knew about Diamond molesting Solana?
Y'all think Solana gone go back to Diamond?
vote and comment pls!!
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