《Unstable ▾ a.s》1{long time no see}


Fourteen years. That's how long had passed since he had last seen the girl. Fourteen years since you were a foreign exchange student. Fourteen years since his friend introduced him to you. Fourteen years since the two of them spoke. A lot had changed in fourteen years.

Both of them became pro heroes. Him in Japan, her in (H/c). He stayed out of the spotlight while she tried to keep away from it but failed. Their quirks were so different, yet the managed to get along. He was teaching the next generation of heroes and she was helping those in need. Or at least he thought till a morning meeting Nezu called to talk to the staff about a new member.

"Thank you all for coming to this, I know you all have better things to do than sit in meeting over summer, the weekend before we resume school, so I'll try and make this short," Nezu played with some pieces of paper in front of him "Now, with the Villain alliance coming after students, we need to think about their mental health and not just their education, quirk, and physical health. Which is why I want to bring in another counselor to help Hound Dog." This announcement earned a grumble from the dog counselor himself

"I've made my decision on bringing in (F/n) (L/n) from (H/c) to help up Hound Dog," He happily announced

"Hold on a minute, sir," Present Mic said, "are you sure about that? When she was a student here she would—"

"I do remember, which is why I feel as though she would be the perfect person for this job. She has a great understanding of mental health due to her own mental health. Her quirk has grown since she was a student here, she has far more control than she did when she was younger."

"Sir, what if she can't—" Nezu interrupted the loud hero again, "Are you doubting your cousin's abilities?"

"I have no doubt she'll be able to do this, but with her... disorder—" Present Mic started

"Stop tiptoeing around it Mic. If (Y/n)'s going to work here, we all need to know she has dissociative identity disorder," Aizawa stayed bluntly

"Come on Aizawa! You know how hard she's worked to keep that a secret!" Mic shouted

"Yes, but we all need to understand that if one of them takes the spotlight, she could cause harm to students or us," Aizawa said

"(Y/n)s disorder is rare but can be useful. When she was here I noticed she started communicating with the others in battle. Each burned a different color, it's how we are able to tell them apart. We know that each has a different way of handling situations. She may be able to give insight to the children about dealing with trauma from the attacks," Nezu said, "while I'm taking a risk asking her to be here, it's up to all of us to make sure we are her targets and not the children. Present Mic, she's your cousin, whilst not by blood, I hope you can inform all of us on what the best course of action is to deal with this until she is here to speak for herself."

"She accepted, already?" Midnight asked

"Yes, she was excited to come back. She had the same concerns as Present Mic, but when I said we would handle it she said she would be out here within the week," Nezu smiled

Fourteen years since Aizawa found out about your disorder. Fourteen years later, he was back to helping people not get hurt by you. In a few hours, you would find yourself back in the school you met the raven-haired boy that was the opposite of you but helped you through so much.


By the end of the day, Aizawa was on the train with Present Mic to the airport where you would land in a few minutes. Nezu thought it would be best for the two of them to go as they had known of your disorder since you were kids. None of the students knew of the disorder, just that there was a new staff member starting at U.A. in the next term. Many made their guesses as to what pro would be helping train them.

As the two pros got off the train and got to the airport and waited by the gate for the new counselor. A few minutes later she walked out with luggage in hand. Like him, she'd matured a lot in fourteen years. She'd grown her hair out and was a bit taller since he had last seen, but she was still shorter than him. He remembered all the times he would make fun of her small height and she'd jump up or stand on something so she'd be taller than him. He internally laughed at the memories as Present Mic called out to her.

"(Y/n)!" He yelled as she looked at the two of them. Both of the pro heroes had changed out of their hero costumes to avoid unwanted attention, that didn't stop the blonde from yelling.

"Hizashi, why must you insist on yelling all the time?" The female asked her cousin as she approached the two men

"Can you blame me?" He retorted

"Yes," she said as she hugged the blonde. He hugged her back and welcomed her to the country. She pulled away and looked at the second hero.

"Hey Aizawa," she gave him a soft smile as the two exchanged a quick hug

"Welcome back," the Erasure hero said stuffing his hand back in his pockets after giving the heroine a half-assed hug. The three of them headed back to the train, both men helping their friend with her luggage.

The three fell silent as the train ride back to the high school. It was late at night and the voice hero had fallen asleep, leaving the raven-haired hero and the (h/c) haired hero in the silence.

"How have you been?" She broke the silence

"Tired," he simply replied, "what about you? We haven't talked since you left."

"I've been keeping busy, glad to get out of (H/c)" she ran a hand through her hair, moving it to the side.

He hadn't said anything when the two were students, but little things she had done intoxicated him. He didn't know why until she boarded her plane home. But after so long, he never thought of it, until tonight. Sitting across from her on the train made him remember how he used to feel.

"Crime bad there?" He ignored his thoughts as he continued the conversation

"Not really, just so many things happened when I got back and I never found an excuse to leave," she told him.

He had changed so much since she left. His hair had grown longer, his eyes more tired. He was more scared, more muscular. She'd forgotten almost everything about him once she had landed in (H/c). So much was coming back to her, wishing she asked to stay longer in Japan and tell him about her feelings. Sadly she couldn't.

Aizawa looked out the window for a brief moment, night passing by as lights polluted the sky making the stars barely visible.

"I see she made it to Japan safely," it was her voice but it wasn't her. He knew it too well. One of her alters had taken over, it was her voice, but there was a sweet touch to it.


"Was there doubt she would, Deirlot," Shota looked back as her hair was pulled up in a loose bun.

"No, but I didn't expect her to lie about having an excuse," the alter said looking at the man. This alter had been his favorite to deal with. She was kind and flat out honest. She wasn't violent during casual conversation and always took the best course of action. She was the one the would come out the most. In a fight, she had psychopathic tendencies, not caring about consequences and doing what she wanted because she wanted too. She was the definition of sweet but deadly.

"What do you mean?" Aizawa crossed his arms as he glared at the alter.

"Two years ago, her dad got out of some mental hospital. He's been out and about and her agency thought he would go after her, they've tried putting her out of commission, but it never worked," Deirlot informed him, "when Nezu called, she was hesitant but the agency forced her to go."

"What makes them think he won't follow her here?" He questioned.

"It wouldn't be their problem. He'd be the problem of the pro heroes here. They just want him out of (H/c)," Deirlot informed him, "if he does come after her, we'll have a bigger problem."

"What can we do?" He asked

"She's a good pro, she knows what get father is capable of, but sometimes those of us that are more violent come out when it comes to him, if we do, get everyone away from her and let it run its course. You know how to bring her back if we get to out of control," the alter explained

"Mic knows how to bring her back, so she's the rest of the U.A. staff, not just me," Aizawa crossed his arms over his chest

"Shota, neither of you said anything fourteen years ago, but she's closed everyone off since then, even Hizashi. She lost contact with you so she didn't have a chance to push you away, just... watch out for her. She's more likely to listen to you."

"What do you mean by neither of us said anything fourteen years ago?"

"You never talked to anyone except her and Hizashi. Whenever she would switch to one of us, you'd act differently. With her, you were more caring and thoughtful of actions towards her, when it was one of us, you'd act the way you do with Hizashi. A short way of putting, I know the two of you had feelings for each other but never said anything."

"I doubt she liked someone like me."

"Shota, just promise me you'll bring her back."

"I will," He saw the alter smile before she left, returning (Y/n) back.

"Which one was it?" Was the first thing she asked him

"Deirlot, she told me about your dad," the tired man explained

"She's always giving out information about my life that I don't want people to know. She say anything else?" The (e/c) girl sighed

"No. Just a warning of your father," it was a lie but not fully, he was just leaving out a small detail. The train announced its next stop signaling the three heroes would get off soon.

"Wake up," Aizawa pushes his friend as he jolted awake.

"How long was I asleep?" Hizashi asked as he lifted his glasses to rub his eyes.

"Not long," his cousin replied

"What I miss in the conversation?" He stretched

"Not much," Aizawa shrugged. Deirlot said you had pushed people away throughout the time you left 14 years ago to now, that included Hizashi, someone you were so close too, he wasn't going to spill anything that you didn't want him to know. That was for you to say, not him.

"You two kiss or something?" The blonde joked

"No," both pros stated as the train came to a stop

The three stood up and got off. They grabbed the heroine's luggage and made their way to the teachers' dorms, where all the staff was waiting. It was pitch black out, streets lit up by the lamps of buildings and street lights. It was quiet, you could hear the cars passing by and occasionally see them too. The walk was nice. The three joked and caught up. When they got to the dorm the conversation halted and they were greeted by other members of staff. They were happy to see a new face around here and welcomed her with open arms.

(Y/n) settled into her room while the two heroes walked back to their own. "Be honest with me here Aizawa, what were you and (Y/n) talking about." The voice hero questioned

"We caught up before Deirlot took over," the erasure hero told his friend

"What did Deirlot say?" Hizashi asked

"That we might be getting more trouble than we've already been dealing with. She's worried (Y/n)'s father might come here and some of the more violent alters will come out," he stated

"I thought he got locked away."

"Apparently he broke out a few years back, he's been going after her since. Her agency was tried putting her out of commission and failed. When Nezu called, they told her to go."

"Oh man, if he comes here, we're screwed. We're already dealing with that damn villain alliance, we don't need him here. I don't even think Endeavor would've able to fight him."

"If he does, we train the students harder, keep (Y/n) safe and let other pros handle him."

Hizashi sighed and threw his head back, "She's not going to stay on the sidelines and wait till everything's okay, you know that."

"I know. That's why we need to keep an eye on her."

"Just glad I don't feel like I'm third-wheeling anymore."

"Why the hell would you be third-wheeling?" Aizawa asked

"Because it's obvious you still like each other. Man, even after fourteen years, that's gotta be true love."

"Shut up," the conversation ended as Aizawa walked into his room and shut his door. Hizashi didn't push it further but smiled as Shota didn't deny it and made his way to his own him.

Maybe he did still have feelings for (Y/n). After his conversation with Deirlot and what his friend said, he was certain that fourteen years ago, you two could have been together, but not at the present time. Not with everything that was happening. He was going to push these feelings away as he did back then.

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