
Chapter Sixteen.

I ran into the nearby park without stopping to turn back to see if Pennywise was following me. That clown is seriously creepy. I usually like clowns, but this one is... disturbing to say the least. I managed to hide behind the childrens playground, ducking under a gap behind the coloured slide. I went to reach for my phone only to stop when I realised that I was wearing hardly anything and forgot to grab the bloody thing. Fuck.

"Doooollllllyyyyy." The chipper voice of the clown called out from the darkness making me almost jump out of my body.

"Shit, shit, shit." I whispered, leaning around the corner of the slide to peer into the blackness, trying to calm my beating heart. I was expecting to see Pennywise creeping towards the playground, but instead I saw nothing. Where the hell is it?

"Behind you," a whisper of a voice made me quickly turn and falter to the side, away from the slide.

"Fuck! Stay away!" I cried, stumbling backwards as I watched the clown chuckle and slip his towering body out from under the slide, exactly where I was.

"Pennywise has something to show you." Pennywise laughed and wiggled his finger in a 'come-hither' motion for me to come closer. "Come closer."

"Hell no. You're either going to kill me, rape me or eat me. Or all three." I said with a glare, taking another step backwards.

The clown stopped his laughter and just stared dead straight into my eyes. "Exactly, little dolly."

Shit fuck.

"You fucking lunatic clown!" I was contemplating just making another run for it back towards my house or towards the nearest police station for help, but my legs felt like jelly all of a sudden as Pennywise drew closer.


"Pennywise the clown has a surprise for you, sweets. It will definitely will make your mind explode. POP!" The hulking clown made a large gesture with his hands to imply the 'exploding' part, chuckling afterwards.

I just stared as the clown stepped closer, his form shifting and molding into something more normal. My hand found its way over my mouth as my now widened eyes watched as Pennywise morphed into Bill. "What the fuck?" I said, seeing Bill standing infront of me, looking terrifyingly handsome. His lips were pressed firmly together while his green eyes stared intensly.

"Surprise." He spoke, that swedish accent entering my ears.

"This... I can't believe this..." I just stood in place, now with both hands covering my gaping mouth.

"I was going to show you this later when I was ready to devour you completely. But I just couldn't wait. I was curious to know your reaction to me showing you that I was your precious Bill all along." Bill, no, Pennywise said using the alluring voice of Bill.

And just like Bill/Pennywise said, my mind was completely blown to smithereens.

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