《Chasing the New Girl - (Complete)》Chapter 28


Austin flew down the stairs and out the door and she heard his Jeep tires squeal as he peeled off down the road.

Jolie collapsed onto the floor crying and hugging her knees, so afraid of what Austin was going to do to Ryan. She had seen the look in his eyes, like he was out for blood and no one and nothing could stop him.

She lifted her head and looked at Blaze with tears running down her cheeks.

"Blaze I've never seen him like this. I'm so worried. What if he kills Ryan and goes to prison? It'll be all our fault for telling him! We should have just kept it a secret!" she said sobbing and choking back her tears.

Blaze stood up and said, "I'll find him Jolie. I know he went after Ryan so maybe I should just text Ryan and warn him so he can hide or something. I'll tell him that I'm the one that told Austin so he won't blame you and come after you."

"Thank you Blaze," she said through her tears.

He pulled out his phone and texted Ryan:

Ryan texted back

'This is what you get for blaming what you did that night at the party on me and thinking you could get away with all of it because you paid people to keep quiet with your Daddy's money.'


Austin's heart was pounding and his body was full of an adrenaline fueled rage, so much that he couldn't even think straight and it was a struggle to keep his Jeep on the road. All he could think about was finding Ryan and kicking his ass for hurting Jolie and having sex with Mandy while they were together. He would've trusted Ryan with his life. He felt so betrayed and deceived by the person that was his best friend since they were 5 and the guy that had always felt like a brother more than a friend.

His phone rang and he looked down to see Jolie calling and he ignored it. He was in no mood to talk to her right now. Then his phone dinged and he saw a text from her.



He pulled over and picked up his cell phone to send a text. He clicked on Ryan's name and sent

A few seconds later Ryan responded.

'I'm at the country club with my Dad. You can come over here if you want. We're at the indoor pool.'

Austin answered, He pulled back onto the road and sped away towards the country club.

Ryan lounged by the country club's indoor pool taking a break from swimming laps when he heard his phone ding. He picked it up and saw a text from Austin and he invited him over to the pool to hang out. Several minutes later he heard another ding and picked up his phone and read:

He stared at the phone in disbelief, his worst nightmare coming true. He had been terrified for months that Austin would find out his secret and never speak to him again. He had been having trouble sleeping even just thinking about it.

He regretted what he did with Mandy so much that it made him sick for days after and he had done everything he could to keep it a secret, paying off everyone who knew anything about it and making them sign agreements not to talk. One of the few people he missed doing that with was Blaze because he had blamed the whole thing on him and said he was the one that slept with her. He was the perfect target because with Austin hating Blaze, Ryan wouldn't have to compete for Austin's friendship. He didn't like to share.

Ryan had always had trouble with impulse control and it had gotten him into trouble many times in his life but this time was different and he knew it. This time he had screwed over his best friend, the one person that meant more to him than anyone else in the world because he was the only person who had always been there for him his whole life. The crazy thing was he didn't even like Mandy at all and he never could figure out why he did it. It didn't make sense.


Ryan looked up from his phone and saw the door to the pool house open and there was Austin with a look on his face like he'd never seen on him before in all the years he had known him. Austin was normally a pretty laid back guy but he had fought against him in the makeshift ring their friend made in his backyard when they were younger and he knew he could fight better than anyone in town. He also played against him in football and knew how big and strong he really was and with how angry he looked right now he was scared.

Austin scanned the room and his eyes locked on Ryan, his fists tightening as he stomped his direction, making Ryan scramble to his feet and say loudly, "Austin! Let's talk about this man. I can explain everything."

His words didn't even seem to phase him and he kept coming with his fists clenched and his jaw locked in anger. Ryan took a step back and tumbled over the lounge chair before scrambling back to his feet and the next thing he knew Austin had landed a right hook directly on his jaw, sending him flying backwards onto the hard concrete.

People that had been swimming or lounging nearby screamed and ran away with a woman yelling "Call security! Tell them to call the police!"

Ryan tried to get back up on his feet but Austin was on top of him before he could have the chance and tackled him to the ground.

Austin straddled him like UFC fighters do and started pounding on his ribs and landed a couple punches to his face before Ryan was able to lift his hips off the floor rolling Austin off of him and getting back to his feet. He wiped his mouth with his hand and saw the red blood on it when he looked down.

"Austin wait! Let's just talk about this for a minute!"

That's when he felt another punch hit right on his temple before everything went into slow motion and he felt himself falling before his head bounced off the hard cement and everything went dark.

Ryan laid face down on the cement for a while before coming to and blinking several times to try to register what was going on. His head hurt so bad and he pushed up off the ground and rolled onto his side. That's when he felt a hard kick to his stomach and he groaned curling up into the fetal position.

Suddenly Blaze McDaniels was in the room and he jumped in front of Austin right before he could kick Ryan again. He heard him say, "Stop man. He's had enough! The police are on their way and you need to get the hell outta here before it's too late!"

Ryan was already down on the ground but Austin felt so much uncontrollable anger inside he kept hitting him. All he could picture was the bruises on Jolie's arms and the big lump on her head and it fueled his anger. He couldn't stop himself.

He reared his leg back and kicked Ryan in the stomach as he laid on the ground and was about to do it again when Blaze McDaniels stepped in front of him and said "Stop man. He's had enough! The police are on their way and you need to get the hell outta here before it's too late!"

But it was already too late. They heard sirens getting closer quickly and saw some red & blue flashing lights outside the windows. Blaze grabbed Austin's shoulders and looked into his eyes, trying to break him out of this trance of rage that he was under.

"Listen to me!" he yelled. "They're going to arrest you if they know you did this and you've never been in trouble before. Having this on your record could mess up your future with college and football and everything. I've got a rap sheet a mile long so it won't even matter for me. Just let me take the blame for this and get outta here! Go!" Blaze screamed at him.

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