《Chasing the New Girl - (Complete)》Chapter 26


When she got back home, her Mom was ready to go and waiting. After Jolie's amazing transformation, makeovers were now her Mom's favorite thing in the world so she was excited to be able to do another one.

Bailey came to her house just like they planned and Jolie's Mom Stacy drove them to the salon an hour away in Peoria in her white Range Rover and they laughed and sang along to the radio and had a great time. Bailey opened up more after getting to know them and Jolie found out she had a great sense of humor.

"I'm so nervous Jolie! I've never done any color treatments on my hair before," Bailey said from the backseat.

"Don't be nervous. These people are the best! You should have seen me before my makeover with them. I was like a totally different person!"

"And we're paying for the whole thing sweetie so you don't need to worry about anything. We'll take care of you," her Mom Stacy said smiling.

"Do you have contacts?" Jolie asked her.

"Yeah I do. I'm not good at putting them in though so I never wear them."

"Well I'm going to help you with that. It's not too hard once you get the hang of it," Jolie offered with a smile.

They got to the salon and she was so excited to see the same man and woman there that did her makeover and she told them what the plan was. They put some subtle blonde highlights in Bailey's hair and fixed it with a slight wave that added some volume to her hair and thickened and filled her eyebrows. They put on a bronze self-tanner so she wouldn't be so pale and did her makeup beautifully. They also taught her how to do her hair and makeup just like they did with Jolie.

A couple hours later Bailey was absolutely gorgeous and looked like a model. Jolie jumped up and down and squealed with excitement for her friend and Bailey stared at herself in the mirror in disbelief. Jolie understood exactly how she felt.

Bailey Before:

Bailey After:

They took Bailey shopping for a couple cute outfits and they picked a special one out for her to wear to school tomorrow; a pleated short skirt with tall socks and Mary Jane boots, a little blue tank top and a long grey cardigan. She looked absolutely amazing and Jolie couldn't wait for the people at school to see her. They were gonna be so shocked!


When they got back in town they stopped at Bailey's house to get her contacts before heading to Jolie's so she could show her how to put them in. After several tries Bailey actually started to get the hang of putting them in with a few good tips from Jolie and she was so excited.

"Thank you so much for this Jolie. No one's ever done anything like this for me before. I really appreciate it," she said giving her a hug. They heard a knock at the door and her Mom yelled.

"Jolie! Blaze McDaniels is here for you!" Jolie wondered what he wanted.

"Send him up here please!" she called down and a minute later Blaze was in her doorway.

When he saw Bailey he stopped and said, "Who's your friend?"

"Blaze you know Bailey Stark from school?"

His mouth dropped open. "Bailey Stark? Are you serious? Is that really you?" he asked, looking her up and down.

She smiled shyly and said, "Yeah it's me. Jolie gave me a makeover today. Do you like it?"

"Uh Yeah I like it," he laughed. "Wow! You look incredible. I didn't even recognize you!" he said in shock, looking her up and down again.

Jolie was so happy about his reaction. That was exactly what she was hoping for.

"Hey Blaze. Do you have a date for Homecoming on Friday?" she asked. "I'm trying to help find Bailey a date."

"Well I had been planning on going with Mandy but I just dumped her because of all her scheming and lying to try to get back with Austin. I don't want to be with someone that wants someone else. It wasn't just that either. She's annoying, needy, jealous, controlling," he said, listing things off on his fingers. "So I don't have a date anymore. Bailey would you like to go with me to Homecoming?" he asked.

Bailey stood there in shock with her mouth slightly open for a minute unable to speak.

"Are you serious Blaze? YOU would really want to go to Homecoming ......... with ME?" she asked shyly, looking down at her feet.

"Yeah I'm completely serious. What do you say? Will you go with me Bailey?" he asked, stepping towards her.

She smiled and said, "Yeah I'd love to."

Jolie squealed and jumped up and down. "Yay!! I'm so happy for you guys! We need to go dress shopping together tomorrow!"


Blaze looked at Jolie and said, "Oh yeah. I totally forgot about the reason I came over here in the first place. I got distracted by Bailey's beauty over here," he said smiling over at her again. "You know how you asked me to go with you when you talk to Austin so I could be a witness to what Ryan said and did?"

She nodded.

"Well, I've been thinking about it and I think you're right about Austin needing to know. I'll help you tell him since I'm a witness to him shoving you against the locker and threatening you and I'm the one that was at the party and witnessed her and Ryan sneaking into a room to hook up. I figure I owe you one after trying to break you guys up."

Jolie thought about it for a minute.

"Yeah I hate to ruin his relationship with his best friend but he really needs to know what kind of person Ryan really is and I don't like keeping secrets from him. If it was my best friend I'd want to know and I'd be mad at him for keeping it from me."

"Yeah. We really should tell him," Blaze agreed.

"He should be home from football practice soon. Will you go over to his house with me when he gets back and tell him tonight?" Jolie asked.

"Yeah. I can do that," he nodded.

Bailey stayed and hung out with them while they waited for Austin to get home.

"Ummm. I'm going down to the kitchen to get a snack," Jolie said as an excuse but she really wanted to give them some privacy to get to know each other better.

"We have English together don't we? I think you sit right in front of Jolie right?" Blaze asked.

"Yeah I do. I didn't think you noticed me. Most people don't," she said sadly.

"They will now," he laughed. "I'm really sorry I didn't talk to you before now Bailey. It shouldn't take a makeover for you to get someone's attention."

"That's alright. Don't feel bad. You're definitely not the only one."

"So you're going dress shopping tomorrow with Jolie then?"

"Yeah I guess so. I've never been to a formal dance before. I'm warning you that I'm probably going to be a terrible dancer! Wear some steel toed shoes because fair warning, I'll be stepping on your toes a lot! I've never even been on a date before. You're probably about to have the most embarrassing, awkward night of your life so I apologize in advance," she laughed.

He smiled at her and said, "It's alright. I can handle awkward and if you haven't noticed I don't get embarrassed very easily. I don't give a sh*t what anyone thinks about me."

She smiled and let out the breath she had been holding in. Feeling relieved that he was so relaxed about everything.

She smiled shyly and said, "Thanks Blaze. I appreciate you doing this favor for Jolie and agreeing to go to the dance with a complete nerd like me."

Blaze picked up her hand and kissed the top of it and then looked into her eyes and said, "I'm not just doing Jolie a favor. I'm looking forward to going to the dance with you Bailey and getting to know you better, even if you turn out to be the worst dancer in the world."

"Now wait a minute. I never said anything about being the WORST dancer in the whole world!" she laughed. "Hopefully I'm not that bad!" she said smacking his arm playfully.

He smiled and said, "Ok. Maybe you won't be the worst in the world. I guess I'll have to just find out at the dance and let you know. Hopefully you aren't easily offended or uptight or it'll be a long night," he laughed.

"No I'm definitely not easily offended. I'm really easy going and laid back actually."

"Good and if you decide you hate it there and want to leave early, I'm down. We can skip out early and go ride my motorcycle out on a windy country road if you wanted to. We can do whatever you want."

"Thank you," she said, looking into Blaze's face and feeling warm inside. She was always nervous and shy but he had a way of making her feel at ease like no one else could.

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