《Chasing the New Girl - (Complete)》Chapter 17


Austin shook his head. "You and I have very different views on women, Ryan. We always have. Having an empty shallow relationship with a girl just because she's hot, like what I had with Mandy, just made me miserable. One night stands and hook-ups with random girls aren't my thing either. That's your thing. If that makes you happy then more power to you but that's not me. What I have with Jolie has the potential to be something really special and if I f*ck this up I'll never forgive myself."

Ryan just stood there shaking his head and he could tell he wasn't getting through to him.

"One day you'll understand exactly what I mean Ryan when you meet the right woman."

They stayed at the water park for a long time and then finally everyone was ready to leave. It seemed like Ryan was trying to stay as long as possible and Austin was impatient to leave. Jolie was in just as much hurry to leave and she wished they weren't so far away from home. She was worn out and it had been a long day. She couldn't wait to get back home and finally have some alone time with Austin.

On the way back home she sat in the back seat next to Austin, holding his hand and laying her head against his strong, broad shoulder. She found out that she really liked snuggling against him because he was so strong and so much bigger than her that he made her feel protected.

Austin asked Ryan to stop at a gas station again half way through so he could use the restroom and get snacks, leaving her alone in the car with Ryan again. He turned and looked at Jolie, giving her a look that gave her a creepy vibe.

"What?" she asked.

"You know. I can't really blame you for picking him. He is Austin Fox after all and the women have always gone crazy over him. He's the golden child, Mr. Perfect." She couldn't help but notice the jealous tone to his voice. "I just feel like you're jumping into things with him when you haven't even had a chance to get to know me yet. You might just find out that you like me more if you give me a fair chance," he said quietly, rubbing his hands across the shiny black steering wheel.


"Ryan I don't know you very well, but you seem like a great guy and every girl in school would probably think I'm crazy for turning you down. I mean look at you, you're handsome and rich, you drive an Audi R8 and you're really nice and funny but I really like Austin and I'm developing some strong feelings for him already. Please don't tell him but that's how I feel."

Ryan hung his head and sat there quietly, and she noticed him squeezing the steering wheel so tight she could see his knuckles turning white. He looked not only disappointed but angry too. She remembered what Austin said earlier about Ryan being spoiled and always getting what he wanted. He gripped the steering wheel even tighter. She was getting a vibe that something was really off with him and it made her uncomfortable.

Through clenched teeth he said, "Fine. If you want to be with him. It's whatever."

She got the feeling he wasn't used to being rejected by women. He didn't say anything else and just sat there in silence. She was relieved when she saw Austin heading towards the car with a big smile on his face, carrying an arm full of snacks and drinks and jumping into the passenger seat.

She really didn't want to tell him about all the stuff Ryan was saying and how he was acting. If Austin knew what his best friend just said to her he probably wouldn't speak to him any more and she really didn't want to be the reason Austin stopped talking to the guy that had been his best friend since 2nd grade.

She knew he would end up resenting her for coming between them. She decided she would just avoid Ryan as much as possible from here on out because her gut instinct was telling her to.

"Ok let's go!" Austin said with a smile.

Jolie noticed how excited he sounded about getting back home to spend some time alone together and she was excited too. There was an awkward tension in the car for the last hour drive back and she wondered if Austin would pick up on it and get suspicious, but if he did he never said anything.

They pulled up to the house and after Jolie and Austin got out Ryan said, "I've gotta go. I'll see you guys at school tomorrow," before peeling away down the road.


Austin looked down at Jolie and her heart fluttered looking into his blue eyes and his handsome face. "You ready to come over to my place and hang out?" he whispered, brushing some hair behind her ear.

She smiled up at him and said, "I just need to run home and get cleaned up first, wash the chlorine off and everything, you know? I'll meet you over there. Ok?"

He bent down and pressed his lips to hers and said, "Ok just don't take too long."

"I won't," she said smiling and turned to go to her house.

She ran upstairs and took a shower to clean off the chlorine from her hair and body and she shaved her legs to make sure they would be extra smooth. She got out and covered herself in her favorite lotion and perfume and put on a pair of comfortable black yoga pants and a tank top. She decided to also fix her hair and put on natural makeup before going over because she wanted to look really nice for hanging out with Austin tonight but not like she was trying too hard.

Her phone dinged and she looked down to see a text from Austin.

She looked at that text and her heart melted.

she sent back with a kissing emoji, giving herself a final look in the mirror.

She couldn't wait to snuggle up in his arms and watch a movie and just see where things would lead. She knew they weren't going to have sex but she was curious what other things Austin had in mind that he had been referring to.

She took a deep breath before walking out into the hallway and down the stairs. She felt like she was walking in slow motion as she finally made it to Austin's front door and rang the bell, feeling so nervous. Within 30 seconds he had answered and he was wearing a tight black t-shirt and ripped jeans and she could tell he had just gotten out of the shower too because his hair was still wet. It made him look even more handsome.

"Hey," he said with his sexy, bright white smile as he stood against the door.

"Hey," she said with a flirty smile.

He looked her up and down from head to toe and asked, "Have I ever told you that I love the way you look in yoga pants and workout clothes? I think it's the hottest you've ever looked."

"Thank you. You look pretty hot in workout clothes yourself but I'm really digging this tight black t-shirt and jeans look. It shows off all your muscles," she smiled.

He walked towards her and wrapped his hands around her waist and pulled her body against his, staring down into her eyes. Without a word he leaned down and pressed his lips to hers making her heart beat a little faster and her entire body to tingle.

"Are you ready to snuggle up together and watch a movie?" she asked.

"Of course ..... among other things," he teased with a slight smirk and she smiled shyly as she slipped her smaller hand into his big, strong rough hand. He started to lead the way upstairs to his room when she heard her phone ding in her pocket.

She pulled it out and read a text from an unknown number that said, '

Jolie stopped climbing the stairs and pulled her hand away from his and stared at her phone in disbelief. She stood there without saying a word, reading that message over and over. She couldn't believe it. She was so stunned that she couldn't move from that spot or speak. Her mouth had fallen open from shock and hadn't closed yet.

Austin saw her expression and looked worried, "What is it Jolie? Tell me what happened? Did someone die?"

She was too paralyzed to speak. She suddenly couldn't breathe and felt light headed. She felt the phone slip from her hand and fall onto the hard wooden stairs and she sat down on a step and covered her face with her hands and cried.

"What is it?" Austin asked again, concerned. She was crying and couldn't get the words out so she reached down and just handed him her cell phone so he could read it for himself.

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