《Chasing the New Girl - (Complete)》Chapter 11


Blaze was smoking even though smoking obviously wasn't allowed in here and he stood over their booth for a second taking a drag from his cigarette and exhaling, blowing smoke straight up into the air.

"Blaze? Can I help you with something?" Austin asked, glaring at him.

Blaze ignored him and looked over at Jolie. "Since you two are just friends I wanted to come over here and ask if you'll go out with me tomorrow? We could ride my motorcycle down to the movie theater and then go eat after. What do you say?"

Austin cut in. "Wait, who says we're just friends?"

"That's what Jolie said earlier. That you two were just friends," Blaze said, taking another drag off the cigarette.

Austin looked at her with a wounded expression. "Jolie did you say that? I thought we both liked each other."

She flushed red and suddenly felt nervous, but excited about the fact that he said he liked her.

"Well, that's what I thought too but then earlier when we were getting out of the Jeep, you called me your friend," she said, looking down.

"I did?" he asked, looking confused.

"Yeah. You said you would've still been my "friend" even if we weren't neighbors. You called us friends."

"I didn't mean it like that Jolie. I don't wanna just be your friend ok? That's why I asked you out tonight," he explained.

"Really? Earlier I thought you were gonna kiss me but you stopped. I figured it was because you didn't like me like that," she said looking down shyly.

He shook his head. "I thought about kissing you. I just got in my own head and chickened out at the last second," he said, looking into her eyes. "The truth is I'm starting to really like you Jolie."

She felt a rush of emotion inside as she looked up into his blue eyes and melted. She couldn't help but have a big smile on her face. It didn't even seem real that Austin Fox just said he liked her.

"Well aren't you two lovebirds just adorable?" Blaze said sarcastically, taking a drag from his cigarette with a look of disgust on his face.

Austin looked up at him with irritation and said, "Why are you still here?"

"I was just getting to that. I also came over here to let you two know that the people running the website just announced that they want to sweeten the deal to make it a little more interesting. They said they'll match the total dollar amount of ALL the bets received and give it to whichever guy wins the race to take your virginity. So if the site takes in $50,000 total in bets the winner gets $100,000."


Jolie was shocked. "What?! Are you serious right now? It was already bad enough the way it was! Now there'll be guys after me just because they want that pot of money! This is insane."

Jolie suddenly felt like she was going to be sick.

Blaze nodded and said, "Yeah I'm serious. The pool of money right now is over $3,000. A lot of new bids came in today after people saw you talking to me on the bleachers and then here at the diner. Chaz's bids pretty much stopped after people saw you slap him across the face after the game. Everyone's talking about it on the website's chat page. I'm sure after the word gets around about Austin bringing you to the diner after the game his bids will skyrocket."

"I don't even care what people say. I'm not even looking at that disgusting website," Jolie growled angrily.

"Well you might not care but I for one could REALLY use the extra dough right now so if you're not gonna give me a roll in the sack, why don't you two just cut to the chase and get it over with?"

Jolie looked at him confused. "How exactly would that help you?"

"Well, I've got some money bet on you two because I thought there was a good chance of Austin winning. You both obviously like each other. Why put it off?"

"Dude you're such a f*cking pig. Taking a girl's virginity is a big deal. It's not just something you cut to the chase to get it over with. Especially not for someone as perfect as Jolie. Now get outta here before I have to get up and throw you out!" Austin said and Blaze stopped leaning on their table and stood up straight.

"Fine I'll leave. But if you change your mind and want me to take your virginity off your hands I'm down. Just think about it," Blaze said with a wink, walking off.

"Man, I really hate that guy," grumbled Austin through gritted teeth. "How in the world does he get so many women?"

"It's just because he's hot but honestly his personality seriously sucks sometimes. A lot of women don't care about that though. There's something exciting about being with the 'bad boy' I guess," she explained.

"So you think he's hot?" Austin asked, concern showing in his voice.

"He's obviously a good looking guy Austin, but you're hotter," she said, instantly blushing and looking down at her hands.


Austin took a bite of his food with a smile, looking satisfied with her answer.

On the ride back home Austin reached over and grabbed her hand without saying a word and put his fingers through hers resting their hands on his leg. It made her heart beat faster and she felt flushed and excited. She looked over at him sitting behind the wheel of his Jeep with the wind blowing through his hair and couldn't believe that a guy as insanely hot and sweet as him actually liked her.

When they got back to the house Austin walked her up to her door and stood there for a minute with his hands in his pockets staring at the ground fidgeting nervously. "I had a good time with you tonight Jolie. Did you enjoy it?"

She stepped closer to him and looked up into his eyes and said, "Yeah I did." His blue eyes locked onto hers and he looked down at her lips. He stepped even closer until their noses were almost touching. She looked at his soft smooth lips again and then back up into his gorgeous blue eyes. Her heart was pounding like crazy and she bit her lip nervously for what she thought was about to happen.

"Jolie?" he whispered. "Can I kiss you?"

"Yes" she whispered back, closing her eyes and parting her lips slightly. She was finally going to have her first kiss. She could feel him come closer as his body was almost against hers and she could smell his rugged cologne that was so irresistible. She felt his warm minty breath on her cheek before his lips pressed to it softly. Her heart sank and she was so disappointed.

She exhaled and opened her eyes, looking down at the ground with disappointment written all over her face.

Austin smiled saying, "Just kidding." The next thing she knew his soft warm lips were pressed firmly against hers, and his hands were around her waist, drawing her closer into him.

He wrapped an arm around the arch of her back pulling her body against his as his lips covered hers, making her entire body tingle and a rush of adrenaline swept over her from head to toe. She couldn't believe she was getting her first kiss with Austin Fox after all. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back, pressing firmly against his lips.

He playfully bit her bottom lip before his tongue swept across it and her lips parted, letting him in. The next thing she knew, his tongue was inside her mouth rubbing against her tongue and that feeling made her insides flutter. She had always wondered what that would feel like and it was better than she ever imagined.

She followed his lead and pressed her tongue back against his, running her hands up through his hair. His fingers slipped under her shirt touching the bare skin of her waist, making her feel like she was on fire.

She was tingling from head to toe from his touch and feeling his strong body against hers. She had never been touched by a boy before so every tiny sensation of his bare skin sent shivers up her arms and made her feel a rush inside. They stood there on her doorstep making out for the next 5 minutes, but she didn't mind at all. She felt like she could kiss him forever.

Finally his hands moved from her waist to cup the sides of her face as he pulled back and looked down into her eyes before leaning in and giving her one last soft kiss.

"Goodnight Jolie," he whispered, releasing her from his hands and stepping away. She stood there catching her breath with her heart racing, feeling dizzy and lightheaded from his kisses.

As he walked away he stopped and turned around saying, "I hope that was a good enough first kiss for you."

She blushed and smiled shyly as she said, "It was perfect."

He smiled and said, "I thought so too," before walking away into the night.

Jolie walked into the house and shut the door, laying her back up against it to catch her breath. She closed her eyes and exhaled deeply. When she opened her eyes her Mom, Grandma and Aunt Judy were standing there looking at her and made her jump and let out a scream.

"Oh my gosh! You guys scared the crap outta me!" she said laughing.

Her Mom smiled at her suspiciously. "So what just happened?" she asked.

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