《Never with Me (Book 1)》Epilogue


I slowly opened my eyes waiting for them to adjust and focus. The light was blinding me. I lifted my hand to shield my eyes. Trying to figure out where I was. Nothing looked familiar to me. I was in a beige room, on a king size bed with dark blue sheets. Confused, I sat up and looked around me.

Was this heaven?

Where are all the clouds and angels and stuff?

I moved slightly, when I felt a sharp pain in my chest and winced. That was when the door opened, and he walked in. His hair unkempt, days worth of hair-growth all over his face, his clothing rumbled, holding a cup of water in his hand. I watched as his eyes widened, and then softened.

"Damien?" I crooked out

"Thank God, you are awake." I heard him say as he rushed to my side.

"What happened? Am I dead?"

"No, you aren't dead. And I will thank the Goddess herself you didn't die." he said as he embraced me, kissing my forehead at the same time.

"Leilani, promise me to never do that again? Promise me to never leave me?"

Confused, I asked him. "What about Rachel?"

"Forget Rachel, I will tell you about it once I know you are safe. But first, I want to say this to you. Are you listening to me?"

"Yes, Damien I am. What's wrong?"

I placed a hand on his bicep, concerned for my mate at the pain in his voice. I am still not sure what happened, or how I am not dead right now. But I could ask those questions later.

"Leilani, I love you with everything in me. Forgive me for my pride. Forgive me for the pain I caused you. You live within me. My heart beats in time with yours. I need you to know that I have never loved anyone more than I love you right now. More than I ever will. You are the perfect mate, and the only one made for me."


Finally, I had heard the words I had dreamed of for so long. Using his hands, he lifted my face up so my eyes were peering into his. He watched as tears slowly slid down my cheeks.

"Please don't cry, please. It breaks my heart to see you cry."

"No Damien, these tears are tears of joy. I love you"

And I watched as his lips reached for mine in the sensuous dance that generations before us had done, and generations after us would to. Today was the first day of a new life. A first day of new experiences. Now, I had all the time in the world to do them all. All with this man.

As we pulled apart, he wrapped his sinewy arms around me and pulled me into his chest. Placing my head on his shoulder, I thought to myself, I was right where I wanted to be. Right? I should be the happiest I have ever been, right?

Then how come I am not?....


Leilani and Damien's Story continues with 'Always With Me'


I almost lost her. I took so much from her, and gave so little back. I want to see her smile everyday, but there is a lingering doubt I still see in those beautiful grey eyes of hers. I thought it would be easy to start over. I assumed in my arrogance she would readily forgive me. Had I caused too much pain? Had she been through to much? I know we can not be apart for each other, or bad things happen. But will she ever fully give me hear heart again?

I don't know what to do to extinguish the phantoms that still plague her. I wish I did, but I don't.

You know the cliche, as well as I do.

The past always comes back to haunt you.

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