《Never with Me (Book 1)》[18]: Stay (Part 2)


[Damien's POV]

As I finished reading the letter, I felt the hand holding it drop down and watched as the letter slowly feathered to the ground. Beside me, I heard Alex roar in pain, before dropping to his knees and crying. I could distantly hear him screaming why over and over. Too consumed in my pain to even move. My heart shattered. My mind broken.

But before I could succumb to my grief, I had remembered this morning seeing the twinkling of light. And it came to me then, that it may have been Leilani I had seen. Not bother to explain or comfort Alex, I ran out of the house again. As I ran down the stairs, I heard Rachel calling me from the other set. I looked to her, her face confused. Asking me where I was going, but I didn't answer her. I would explain things later, if I found Leilani in time. She deserved an explanation in the least, but right now was not the time. Right now, I needed to find Leilani.

Stopping at where I had seen the twinkling light, I quickly shifted into my black wolf. He instinctually picked up her scent, and I bounded into the forest. Hoping I wasn't too late. Hoping that I would reach her before my actions had permanent ramifications.


[Unknown POV]

I watched as the large black wolf entered the forest. Angry that he had found his answers. I was coming for what was mine, and I am bringing him with me. Because if I can't have him, no one can, and he will make sure of that.

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