《Never with Me (Book 1)》Prologue


I watched as the two held each other in their arms. Her head tilted back to look up at him with a smile on her face. Even from this distance, I knew her cornflower blue eyes, were looking at his green eyes. His 6'3" frame dwarfing her 5'3" frame. She was laughing at something he said to her. Then I saw him lift his hand to her face, slightly caressing her cheek before continuing on to lightly twirl his fingers in her silvery blonde hair, that had become loose from the messy bun resting atop her head. As his fingers began pushing the loosened hair behind her ear, he placed his forehead to hers, and planted a passionate kiss to her lips.

I should have turned away before then, but it was like watching a train wreck. Horrific, but you couldn't turn your eyes away from it. It was my own personal nightmare, the same one I envisioned repeatedly. The same one that haunted both my nights and my days.

"You are my forever, Rachel. I will never love another as much as I will love you." His words, carried on the wind to me.

And with those words, my hopes, my faith, my very heart stopped. It was the final blow. It had taken two years to get here. But here I was, and there was no turning back. With that, I turned around and walked away from my future, my everything, to finally welcome the destiny I didn't choose for myself. But was chosen for me.


A/N: If you have happened to stumble on my story by mistake, than welcome. You have probably read many stories with similar plots and story lines. I hope I have input some of my own twists and turns enough within this novel to keep you interested. Don't be too harsh, since I am not a professional at this. Matter of fact, I consider myself a novice. Thanks and I hope you enjoy this journey with me.


11/15/18: I have decided to go back to this book, and edit it. It was where I started, and I know I never finished Scott and Elise's story, but I am hoping to get back to it by going through and rewriting parts of this book. I don't make any promises that it will be fast, but I want to get back into these stories.

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