《Once More • J.Jk FanFic. ✔️》Chapter 14: The Mess


"Do you think it's not obvious to me that you've been trying to avoid her this whole entire week?" Jin Hyung mentioned from behind which shocked me.

I shifted my gaze from the window viewing the beautiful morning city to the older one who was already making his way inside my office... without knocking...

I let out a smile before sitting down on my desk still facing the older one as he was still making his way in.

"Ah, Jin Hyung, how many times have I told you to knock," I said, dragging the last word as I took a puff out of my cigarette.

"Trying to avoid the question now, aren't you Jungkook?" He retorted as he took the cigarette off my lips and violently crushed it against the plate.

"But I suppose you're right, I should knock, I wouldn't want to catch you getting all touchy with your sluts," He mentioned, getting close to pissing me off as I took another cigarette from my pocket and lit it up, but Jin Hyung's fingers were quicker as he quickly took it off of my mouth along with the pack sticking out of my back pocket, finally pissing me off...

"You know Hyung, you're lucky I didn't fire you when you hired Suyoung and going off calling me informally, but you're starting to really piss me off Hyung so I suggest you give that back, and for your information, they're not my sluts," I finally let out as I extended my hand out expecting him to drop the pack back into my palms but he didn't.

Instead, he only smiled as he continued on and threw it away on the trash bin beside me, I gave up, knowing very well he would never listen to me so I lamely crouched down, upset by the fact he threw them away but I let it pass as I could easily afford a billion of them anyway.

"Pfft, sluts, prostitutes. What's the difference?" He lamely let out as He went on to rub my head before wrapping his arms around my shoulder as he lifted me back up and led me back toward the window, viewing the beautiful morning-lit city.

"They're not prostitutes either," I remarked back, the slight pat on my back didn't help me to calm down.

The older one only gave a slight chuckle before facing me.

"Oh, my little maknae, you just can't accept the fact that you're a mess aren't you, secretly hooking up with each and every girl that comes falling right into your arms, smoking, and continuously drinking whenever you're alone," he said as he gave my back one more pat before walking off to a seat.

"If only you had a family my little maknae, then you would be able to stop those habits," He suddenly let out, taking me aback.

"Well, I don't, so you can shut up about how I don't have a family yet, V and Jimin Hyung aren't married yet so why won't you brother them about it," I whined as he only let out a simple chuckle at it.

"You know, you're lucky I'm always there going around making sure that those habits, or scandals per se, won't spread around the internet just because your ass is a mess,"

"I'm not a mess, I'm just simply living my youth, my life... that has no purpose,"

"That exactly shows you're a mess, you're just really good at keeping your little cold, perfect persona," He paused as he gave a little chuckle before he said the next few words.


"But you somehow can't help but struggle to keep that persona up whenever you're with her don't you?" He teased as He rested on the couch.

That caused me to bring back to my senses as I retorted back, denying whatever nonsense that was coming out of his mouth.

"I'm not quite sure what nonsense you're talking about but I do suggest you shut your mouth," I growled back.

He only replied with a small smirk, leaving me to finally disclose what has been bothering me this whole time.

"You knowHyung, I'm not quite sure what you're up to, but I know that you're up to something, you knew very well of who she was, so tell me... why did you hire her?"

I felt his warm smile getting warmer as I sharpened my gaze on him.

"Oh little maknae, if you despise her that much why won't you already fire her then?" He said as I saw how he already got ready to leave the room.

He didn't reply as he simply watched my disoriented look.

"Hyung, just tell me... I know you're up to something, why did you hire her?"

He only gave a simple warm smile as he finally made it to the door opening it before turning back around to respond.

"Because... you're a mess," He kept insisting which only led me to get pissed off. He had the audacity to let out a chuckle at that as he looked at my state.

"By the way, I came in here to address you of the situation you told me to investigate and don't worry, she's currently not dating the father of her son, so she's yours for the taking my little maknae" He slickly said as he gave me a slight wink before quickly leaving the premises, I suddenly felt a tint of warmth crawl it's self up to my face as I sat back down on my seat.

I saw the office door open as a little Seojin's head popped out once again.

"See you later at the meeting Maknae," And at that, he left the room. Only leaving me there scoffing out of confusion.




Present time

"I love you too,"

I paused the video that exploded just seconds ago featuring our little maknae, I turned around to the 5 younger ones who had a surprised Pikachu face.


"Our little maknae really said that!" Jhope exclaimed as he and Taehyung continuously clapped in unison towards each other while letting out a proud smile.

As for the three others, they had quite serious looks as they observed the video, only bringing the other two silent.

"So what now, Hyung," Yoongi let as he slowly scrolled through the comments on the video.

"Who knows," I simply let out, it seems I was the only one who was quite calm about the situation, everyone seemed to be quite shocked, well except this one man who decided to walk up to me, looking like he was ready to fight.

"How are you not flustered Jin Hyung! This could affect the company! Jungkook already has that dating rumor and now this rumor about him having a 'family'. This is going to jeopardize the company-"

"Maybe it won't be that bad," I calmly informed Jimin, cutting him off from his break down, but it seems the assurance didn't help at all.

"What do you mean! If the dating rumor has affected the company by this much, just imagine a rumor about him having a family is capable of doing-"


"Jimin, calm down, things will end up like that if it is the case but it isn't..." Namjoon interrupted him.

"What do you mean?" He let out as his gaze shifted from me to Namjoon.

Namjoon extended his arm out, handing the tablet towards us. Jimin took it into his grasp as he passed it to me.

It showcased the comment section of the video which only got me confused.

"What about it?" I let out.

"Just look at the comment section," Yoongi let out as he was also looking through the comment section, amused, along with Namjoon.

"I think this scandal might not even be as bad as we thought it would," Namjoon let out with a slight smirk which only got me curious as I finally decided to take a look.

"So he isn't a player at all, he already has a family!"

"That's so sweet!"

"It's adorable, his son is so cute!"

"He was caught in the car with his wife as they

dropped their son off to school! So adorable!"

"This makes him even more charming, uWu,"

"Oh, why won't you look at that, this just makes the plan a lot better," let out.

"What plan?" They all said in unison, giving me strange looks.

'No purpose..." Jungkook's little statement roamed through my thoughts.

"The plan to bring our maknae his... purpose," I said in content as I felt a really wide smile crept it's self up to my face.

"Ew," They all said In unison but with such distraught looks.

"Your smile is so creepy Hyung,"

"Worldwide creepue," Hoseok viciously let out.

I ignored all their unnecessary comments as I looked at the passionate video one more time to only bring me to chuckle.


"Allegedly, Jeon Jungkook, the youngest self-made billionaires in all of South Korea has a son,"

"Jeon Jungkook at the age of 22 already has a 3-year-old son!"

"Could he have a secret family?"

"Who's the wife?-"

I turned my phone off aggressively, I loosened my tie out of frustration, causing the first few buttons of my white blouse to loosen also, revealing most of my chest as I took my blazer off.

Out of frustration, I sat down on the park bench and rested my forehead on my folded hands.

Why the hell did I say all that? To another's child?

I just said love you out of nowhere... I mean I knew I was saying it but I didn't bring myself to stop myself...

I'm so stupid.

The fact that I don't even know these people makes it even worse.

Jeez, what is wrong with me?

I lifted my head up to take a small glance at her sleeping figure in the car only to unconsciously bring a warm smile to my face, but I shook it off and brought my gaze up at the bright sky, it just turned twelve o'clock, I should be heading to the office by now but I couldn't.

I have to clear my mind, I guess I'm just confused for once, jeez...

I don't want to get myself involved with Suyoung anymore, especially her child and yet there is that little courage in me... telling me to go after them.

I suddenly felt a slight tap on the shoulder, causing me to open my eyes, only to let me view her, standing there above me with such genuine concern...

"Are you okay sir?" She let out as she made a small pout with her lips out of confusion, I felt my heart melt at that.

...what is she doing to me? This nostalgic feeling...

"Um, yes I'm fine Ms. Kim,"

"Hm, are you sure about that?" She answered back as she walked toward the little space next to me on the park bench and sat.

My gaze only followed her, it was filled with confusion as it should be.

She brought her gaze toward me.

"It seems like it's bothering you quite a lot though, you know sir you can talk to me if you want-"

"No, I'm fine-"

"Are you sure-"

"I said I'm fine! Ms. Kim," I let out, I didn't expect it to come out that harsh so I brought my gaze up to her pair of dark brown orbs.

"Ms. Kim-" I let out as I looked at her shocked look. But I soon saw that look in her eyes, it suddenly showed a hint of, resentment? Wow, something foreign.

"Hmph," She let out as she crossed her arms, with her eyebrows creased down, shocking me. I've never seen her like this before.

"Fine, I was just concerned! You didn't have to lash out at me like that!" I was taken aback but it didn't take long for me to argue back.

"Ms. Kim, understand that I lashed out because you kept insisting! I already said I was fine and I don't need to repeat myself,"

"Well, you didn't look fine to me so I asked again! What's wrong I was just really concerned and now you're upset at me?" She retorted back.

"I'm not the one who's upset! You're the one who yelled at me first!"

"What! You were the one who screamed first," She argued back.

"I didn't scream, it just unconsciously came out to sound like it did but I actually wasn't,"

"Well, it seemed like you were screaming to me!" She let out as she crossed her arms as she turned the other way.

Hm, it didn't come across to me how stupid this argument was that we kept arguing, to the point where it started to become one of those serious arguments that shouldn't have led tehre.

"Ugh! Mr. Jeon don't be salty!"

"I wasn't being salty! You're the one who's being salty here!"

"Hmph," she said as she stood up from the bench. As she turned the other way.

"Hey! When someone speaks to you, you look them in the eyes princess," I called out to her, calling her the nickname she'd always hated.

but she didn't listen to me, instead, I saw the tint of red in her face caused by anger grew into a darker tint of red as I turned her back around form her shoulders.

"I thought we established this years ago Jungkook! Don't call me that!"

"You know for a mother, I assumed you would've been more mature, princess?" I let out pissing her off even more.

"Sir, you might know me enough to be able to easily piss me off, but you don't know me enough anymore to say that I'm not mature enough, You don't know how much responsibility I had on taking care of Jungwoo just because of you, the fath- ..." She suddenly stopped as she looked at me, before walking off without finishing her sentence.


"Hey! What do you mean? What did I have to with taking care of Jungwoo-"

"Nothing!" She suddenly cut me off... she sounded upset, but her eyes seemed dejected?

"Nothing, you didn't have to do with anything of Jungwoo... you weren't even there for him..." She let out but wasn't able to hear the last part.

"What did you say?" I said as I tried to stop her moving figure.

"Jeez, I said it was nothing! And stop using that tone with me, this is why I hate you so much," She let out as she continued to walk away, causing me to let out a scoff.

"Wow, so you hate me? Huh? Don't worry princess, I also hate you very much,"

"Well, isn't that always obvious, from the way you treat me in the office," She retorted as she looked back.

I was left silent as she shook her head as she continued on to walk toward the car, only bringing the frustration in my head to get worse.

Just gives give me another reason why I shouldn't get myself involved with her even more.

"You know... This makes me almost too glad you left me Suyoung," I decided to let out.

I then saw how she took a halt and turned around at that, only to reveal her...

"Me too Jungkook, me too..." She said ever so genuine...

I couldn't help but feel hurt. I found myself slowly dragging myself to my car and quickly stuffed myself inside, finally having decided to go to the office, I was ready, I had my thoughts straightened out... now...


I couldn't help but also lash out at him.

I guess from this point on, we could establish that we both dislike each other very much, that we shouldn't see each other any more than just mere coworkers, to be honest, I couldn't help but feel disappointed, I truly thought we could have been more than that.

Possibly something more than friends from this morning, but I guess I was wrong. There couldn't possibly be any way for us to be able to more than that.

It's been four years, we're just too different from each other, two separate people, no chance of being one again.

And to have thought he could have been any good to be a part of the family was now ridiculous.

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