《Once More • J.Jk FanFic. ✔️》Chapter 4: Newfangled Home


I thought for a second but it can't be.. there were many other Jeons in South Korea so I didn't think too much of it. For a second, I had a passing thought there was a possibility ofmeeting...

I just laughed it off. The world can't be that small.

I looked back to my baby boy on my lap, watching him try to stay awake but finally closing those droopy eyelids, I smiled at that and kissed his forehead and closing mine once again, drifting off to sleep, making sure he was still in my arms.




"We have now arrived at our destination."

The home we'll be staying at was set in an unusual spot that was surrounded by tall trees that hides the house, and the estate is far away from the city. Good thing my mother has a friend in Seoul.

But what I saw partly hidden by the trees was a gigantic and opulent home. It seemed way more than enough to provide us for the next few months that we'll be living here in Seoul.

I was curious as to why my mother wasn't walking ahead to lead us into the doors of the house so I decided to go ahead myself as I wanted to drop our heavy luggage that I trudged up that long walk.

"Sweetie, why are you heading towards the garage?" she asked with a weird look as if I'm the crazy one.

"What do you mean eomma?"

I watched my mother take out a key from her pocket the put it in the "keyhole" that was attached on a random pole that was designed to be hidden in the trees and suddenly the huge but elegant gate I saw earlier opened.

I was still confused to how huge this house is as I saw my mother walk in past the gates with Jungwoo in her arms as he admired what we were approaching.

I followed behind her.

The luggage handles slipped away from my sweaty palms and I swore whoever designed these damned luggages under my breath but as I was about to take the luggage back into my hands, there was already a pair of hands lending help with my bags, I look up to see a young man in a perfectly pressed formal suit carrying all of my luggage before me already walking off , carrying it so easily.


I grew even more confused and ran after him.

"Hey! what are you doing with my luggage?!" I asked him as soon as I caught up to him.

"Your mother asked me to carry it all for you," he said.

"Who are you?"

"Oh sorry, I forgot to introduce myself," he bowed and he said, "I'm Park Lhee, I will be your caretaker for the rest of your stay at the estate," I grew even more confused at that.

"Now, if you would please follow me madam, as it's getting cold," he said and began walking ahead but I was falling behind his long legs that made a mile of a gap with every step.

But as I got closer... a clearer more complete view of the facade of the estate came into view...

"What..." I stopped for a second and was about to call my mother to ask if she went to the wrong house. The house had lush green grass, beautifully shaped shrubs and trees and a tall imposing door that must be made with expensive wood. I asked my mother if we went to the wrong house but I saw my mother greet someone as the doors opened she entered the home without hesitation in the midst of greetings and hugs. We look like a speck compared to the height of these windows and walls.

It was surrounded by trees so I didn't realize this huge house was even here. It was unbelievable that I didn't even want to approach the house but I suppose I have no choice as 'Lhee' beside me was encouraging me to go in.

He went into the house as I hastily did too. As I entered I instantly lost that man as he suddenly disappeared somewhere deeper into the huge house. With it's grand staircase and beautiful bright marble floors. I was standing in the beautiful main entrance with tables bespoke with fresh flowers and art sculptures. I admire the details of intricate beauty in this house.

I heard excited chatter and decided to go toward it as I no longer wanted to awkwardly stand there feeling even poorer than I already was.


The voice led me to a huge kitchen with my mother sitting by the kitchen counter, taking a sip out of a delicate porcelain teacup while her friend was grabbing snacks from the fridge she was exquisitely dressed with a coordinated outfit, i'm pretty sure her jewelry was vintage Bvlgari and her clothes were from Jill Sanders.

"If only you told me when you had arrived from your train ride I would've given you a ride here!" the elegant looking woman scolded my mother, she had that smooth and pretty voice that made her sound like nothing like the people I grew up with. She's definitely from a higher class of society than I was in. It caused goosebumps to appear on my skin, could this possibly be my mother's friend? H-how?!

"By the way where is your daughter?" she asked as she turned around and looked at me with twinkling eyes and paused as I walked toward Jungwoo who seemed to be enjoying several bottles of banana milk on the seat next to eomma.

She suddenly squealed, walked toward me with her arms wide open and gave me such a tight embrace as I heard my mother giggle at her friend's excitement.

"Suyoung you're as beautiful as how your mother described you to be. Such enchanting brown eyes, with a nose so naturally formed to be pointed like that, and those luscious lips! This perfect facial proportions you have is something women would have to pay for!" she winked at me and my mother. My mother beamed with a smile and pride.

I responded to such flattering comment by saying "thank you" and to bowing 90 degrees.

"Thank you very much for letting us stay at your wonderful home," I mentioned as I picked my head back up.

"Oh, this? this isn't my home, this is my son's home; where he used to escape from the rest of the family. But I think he's just kidding and angst." she said looking down and forcing a smile.

"It's the only other home we have in Seoul and we wanted you guys to have the proper amount of personal space so here you guys are. I would also be leaving Park Lhee with you guys to maintain the house and to take care of that cute little baby right there!" She mentioned as we both switched our gaze my little angel.

"" She suddenly mentioned while smiling so sweetly towards Jungwoo.

"Hmm well maybe because every single one of us looks exactly the same from one another :D" my mother interjected as she made one of her eye roll inducing racist jokes. Her friend hit her on her shoulder and told her off.

This racist part I wrote^. My young dumb asian-ass attempted to put awareness on how annoying these racist-inducing jokes are but failed and it only came across as random and as though I was the one making fun of them and encouraging it. I would remove it but I won't hide it. I swear, I have so many embarrassing things written down on this ff, just prepare yourself mentally before reading the rest of it.

"But my son has very unique features and he just somehow looks almost exactly like him." she said, looking intently at Jungwoo, and she must have shrugged it off as she went on another ramble of words with my mother.

"And speaking of my son, don't worry my son doesn't come here anymore so please make yourself at home." she said as she walked to my son giving him more banana milk. She bid her farewells to us and gave us the rest of the house keys before leaving.

Our encounter was a bit rushed but I'm sure a woman like her could be busy with plenty of things.

"Well, I guess this will be my home for a couple of months," I said to myself as I admired the interior design and architecture, still in quite a a shock from the fact that I will be living here.

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