《Once More • J.Jk FanFic. ✔️》Prologue: Goodbye


The room was silent, only my sobbing could be heard as I sat on the corner of the bedroom with my knees up to my head, staring at the man on the other side of the room... sitting on his bed, hands folded before him as he leaned down against it, not even paying me a single glance.

I looked down at our figures and saw how he looked like he'd just been attacked as his clothes looked like they were torn and pulled on while I looked like I was the one who attacked him as my hair was messed up, caused by the many times I've pulled it out of frustration from the scene earlier... where we exchanged many yellings towards each other only because of a simple line...

"" The second he said that I found myself immediately inflamed as I fired back. Having to have spent almost two hours exchanging disagreements viciously.

Now here we are. Bodies once standing a foot away from each other but now on opposite sides of the room. Silent with only my sobs to be heard.

I loved him but this question I was going to ask him was all it was going to take to determine what my future will be with him...

While gathering all the courage I had left, I massaged my sore throat to ask him the question that would eitherorit all...

"Jungkook... do you not want a family with me?" I asked, coming out a bit choppy as I found myself coming up to him only to see how he kept his head on his folded hands in front of him, still not looking me in the damn eyes...

"" He simply said before I found a small tear instantly trickled its self down my face...

'Then we're not fit for each other,'" I told myself before storming out, saying nothing else to him as I bolted out the front door.


I wiped the tears that had begun to storm out of my eyes once again, wiping it with the edges of my sleeve which blocked my view before me, making me trip forward only to hear something tap against the cement with me.

I looked up and saw the pregnancy test that must've fallen out of my pocket.

"Positive," It said as I grew vulnerable through my cries while I felt myself choke on the tough lump that had made its self in my throat.

I sat up, legs crossed as I stared at it.

I came by to tell him the truth... but I couldn't bring myself to tell him because how could I even tell him when he told me he didn't even want a child just right before I was going to tell him he... already...

I turned my head back to his home one more time, wondering...

If only he looked at me, one last time, trying to tell him the truth... then maybe things would have come out different...

Without having me to say Goodbye.

I stood up from my position and pat myself as I found myself caressing the slight bump on my stomach.

"It's going to be fine my angel, even without a father,"

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