《Pixie Dust {ManxBoy}》Chapter 14



No one said a word. They just stood there awkwardly. I rubbed the back of my neck as I started to feel hot. I always got so uncomfortable in awkward silence. It just makes you want to scream.


His father said looking sad. Vlad just looked down and I could feel through the bond he felt rejected.

His mother just stared at her son and seemed more shocked than anything.

"B-but you have been dating that girl for such a long time! What happened?"

She spoke. Vlad sighed and rubbed his face.

"I met my fated mate, that's what happened."

His mother gasped and a smile started to come out on her face.

"You did?!"

Vlad smiled, feeling more reassured at his mother's reaction. His father still looked sad but smiled for his son.

"Well Vlad, as long as you're happy, I'm happy."

He said clapping his son's back.

"Now where is my daughter-in-law?"

He said making Vlad flinch. I could feel the nervousness fly from him. I decided to step in, and I walked up to Vlad and smiled.

His mother scowled at me.

"Excuse me, what do you think you're doing? This is a family-"

She stopped when she saw me take Vlad's hand and squeeze. She connected the dots and looked at her son.

"This is..."

She asked him. He nodded and pulled me closer. He looked at his father whose eyes were just wide.

"Guys. Meet Leon, my mate."

Said Vlad standing up straighter. He put the arm he was using to hold my hand around my waste and set his hand on my stomach.

"Oh my gosh."

Said his mother. She just looked shocked.

"Sorry son, you're just the last person who I thought would have a male mate. Hell, I thought Vincent would suck dick before you do."


I could not help but burst out laughing at that. Her son nudged his mother, making her laugh. She put her head in her palms and sighed. I looked at Vlad's father and smiled. He smiled back and shook his head.

"Wow, Okay, this is a shock."

He said laughed as well. He frowned a second later and groaned.

"So, it's really over with Amethyst? "

He said making Vlad nod. He groaned but sighed okay.

"Her father is going to be pissed at me. He was expecting you guys to be married."

Said Vlad's father. Vlad shook his head.

"Well dad I'm sorry, but Luna gave me my mate and I must respect her decision. I am happily mated, and Leon is the best mate I could ever ask for. He's a perfect future Luna and I wouldn't have it any other way."

He said almost challenging his father. His mother looked gentler and sweeter knowing I was not some stranger trying to get in on their family moment.

"Sorry about how rude I was earlier; you'd be surprised on how many people try to use my son or get into this family for power."

She said sticking out her hand. I chuckled and shook my head.

"It's no problem...?"

I said trailing off hoping she would get it.

"Veronica! Call me Veronica and this sulking pup is Garret, my mate."

She said pushing him toward. I nodded and shook his hand too.

"So, you're not a wolf?"

She said asking me. I shook my head no.

"Sorry, I'm a pixie. I go to the school Vlad works at."

Their eyes widened and they coughed abruptly.

"How old are you?!"

She asked trying to calm her choking.


I said blushing. She looked at her son and shook her head. He blushed red this time and groaned. I smiled and patted his head.


"Well, this is a shock son, but I'm your father before I am alpha. If your happy that is all I care about, but unless you can find a way to have a baby by blood than the position must go to your brother. I am sorry. There's always an egg donor if you guys are willing when the time comes?"

He said looking at Vlad. That is when Vlad chuckled and looked at me. He kissed the side of my head and I blushed. His mom was swooning at us, chuckling about young love. His brothers were just laughing and watching this all play out.

"Dad, that's the other thing I needed to tell you."

His father groaned.

"Son, no more for today, please."

I laughed and put a hand on my slightly elevated tummy.

"I think you're going to like this one. Don't worry Garret."

Vlad's dad raised an eyebrow at us. Vlad put his hand over mine and smiled.

"Well, my wonderful mate here is two months pregnant. So, no worries, we have an heir."

This time we all winged when his mother squealed loud and proud. She started to cry and hugged her son, thanking him for her first grandchild.

"Garret you hear this. A baby!"

She said hugging her shocked mate. He was smiling and he looked at me.

"You're really pregnant? Like you can have babies?"

He said his mouth wide open. I blushed and nodded.

"It's a magic thing. Guess they're some perks to being a pixie."

I said rubbing my belly. Vlad was smiling and laughing with his family. His mom immediately started asking questions and such- like when was the ceremony, when was I due, so we know the gender, and when are we moving out.

We decided to get brunch and talk over this. So, we followed his parents to their SUV and hopped in. They drove us to some wolf diner, and we all ordered breakfast food. His siblings were nice guys, I learned Victor was a submissive wolf and could also have babies. He was still mate less though. Vlad was the only sibling with a mate, and we all said soon Vincent would be next. The guy just grumbled about how he was an independent wolf and did not need any mate. We laughed at that one.

"So, are you guys wanting to move into the family house?"

Asked Vincent's mom. I looked at Vlad. I was not a major fan; I would rather we buy our own house or something.

"We still have to talk about that together. But you guys can keep it for now. I doubt it though."

Vlad said. His mother nodded.

"I just want to get a house where me a Vlad can grow memories with our children together. I do not think that big mansion is the place though. You guys would appreciate it more."

I said making her nod. Vlad agreed with me.

"When are you due?"

She asked me while munching on her food.

"I think around April- May Conception was in September and I'm two months along. Probably April though since this is an alpha pup."

I said smiling too excited. She nodded and chatted with her family.

Overall, we got along well. Vlad's dad warmed up to me in no time, I told him I could teach him basic spells and he was too excited. We chatted and just got to know each other, and I could feel the warming inside my heart. Life was perfect to me all because I was mated to the love of my life.

I had a baby along the way, a wedding, and the perfect man. What could ever go wrong?

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