《Perfect Wish》Chapter 13
After the forge I made my way to the docks together with the three men I hired this morning. They weren't the ones I normally hired but they are okay.
When we got closer to docks, noises started to get louder and people more crowded. I made my way among the crowd with practiced ease, while making sure three men never gets out of my range. You need to be careful about people of their kind. Except of course the Kid. These days even thinking about him makes me wet. And he is just a kid.. When he admitted to seducing me I couldn't believe my ears. I, from the start, assumed that he is an innocent boy. Different then her kind but I was wrong. And I am glad that was the case.
I got inside the cabin I will be staying in the next three days. In a few minutes I will be getting out of Curry Town towards Myrl City. It is a city with all kinds of people and opportunities. Even after all those years I lived there, I still get excited when I am on this ship, waiting to reach there.
"I wonder what happened after I left. He might have said that we will be together at her first but knowing him, I am sure he already concocted some plan to have sex with her." When Kid said there were two girls with talent, I didn't believe him. I thought he only wants to help his friends out but that was not the case. I sensed the Haki on her the moment she came in shop. It felt a bit odd but I didn't give any importance to it then. When I saw them, I acted like I didn't know she is there to make her think I don't have Haki but after Kid pointed her for me, when I saw her face.. At first I thought it was an angel. Then I felt Haki leaking out of her, it was odd. It wasn't like Kings Haki I felt from the Kid, it was different but still Haki.
After that first surprise, while looking at her, something stirred in me, like when I saw the Kid the first time. I couldn't help but think that if she has this kind of effect on me with her face, what would happen when I saw her body. When I tried to take her to the bathroom to see her body, Kid stopped me, saying she has a special power. Then I understood what it was. It was a new kind of Haki. I told the same to Kid but he didn't seem very surprised. I can't help but chuckle on the thought of his face then. He was looking so serious trying to find a way to most definitely, make her happy. He didn't care why, he only cared how. When I told him it was possible to circumvent disadvantages of her power, he visibly relaxed though, I don't know why. A bewitching Haki on a close range fighter. This makes her near invincible with the people without Haki training. And I left the Kid with her. I even said he can do it. Ugh "What was I thinking!"
"Did it happen? Maybe Kid didn't wan- Pfft right. There is no way he would say no. I am not jealous.. much. I can get over it, I know."
sigh A power that lets you get better at your craft doing same things again and again. Its like a dream to me, but for Kid, its real. Even for Sora. He makes me wonder his origin more and more. He said something about his father but I didn't bought it even for a second. He isn't that kind of person. I know for a fact that he said those things to persuade me, and I was persuaded but for a different reason. After he used Kings Haki.. What he said, it was true. I didn't know it then. I thought it was only physical, just a way to relieve myself. But at that moment I saw that was not the case. I am glad he stopped me. Since that day, everything seems brighter. No crashing loneliness, no boring monotonous life. Just the fear of being left behind, not much though.
I was a talented kid, but not like Kid. I was normal. I learned everything my master has to teach me, and mastered them in only ten years. After that, I improved a little but nothing much. That wasn't enough. Then I learned Kid's power, that he could learn new things by leveling. The news was like a rain in a desert. Finally, I found a way to become a grand master.
We reached the city in three days. As soon as the ship got into harbor I took the bundle of katanas I made while we were sailing and swing them down from my neck, half on the front, half on the back. Then I made my way to the ship. After some time waiting in the line I finally, after more than six months stepped on Myrl City, capital and trade center of Chia Kingdom.
I headed to my destination. While walking, I took in the changes. There were new houses everywhere which means the city took migration again. It started to happen too much lately, I hope the queen can find a solution but considering she was just a child, there wasn't much hope for it to happen.
After a few minutes of walking I reached my destination. It was an inn called Thirsty Fish. I got in and smell of alcohol hit my face. I went to the innkeeper. She was a woman with gray hair and dark brown eyes. “Hi Azzie, how are you?”
“Its great Emerald. You came late this time, nothing bad happened there right? I heard Baka Pirates are making moves to take the town.”
It felt like someone punched me. “What? Why didn't you tell me?”
She raised her hands gesturing me to calm down, I did and she answered. “I thought you would know. You always knew the happenings before.”
I nodded. 'Its obviously because-'
“You, have a boyfriend! Ahahaha.” I gave her best blank look but she didn't give up and continued to laugh at me. After a while I failed holding my face and felt myself blush. She pointed at my face and said “I knew it. I knew a man would get past your defenses and got in your heart. Before you tell me about him let me get you something to eat.” She pointed to a table more isolated than others. “Sit there, I will come in a minute.”
I sat down to the chair and started thinking 'If Baka makes a move while I am not there the town will fall. Then pirates will reach to my shop and more importantly Kid and Sora too. I need to do what I have to and leave.' I lifted my head to look where Azzie was, she was coming towards me with a try in hand.
She put the tray down and sit front of me. “So, who is he?”
'Azzie is my friend, I can't hide this from her.' “He is my apprentice.”
“Ohh. Good tactic. First get close, then start hitting. So, how much of the way did you thread, hmm?”
I took a spoonful of soap, then took a deep breath after that. I looked at Azzie, she was watching me excitedly. I breathed again and lowered my head “All the way.” There was a pause. I lifted my head to look at Azzie and she seemed to be shocked by the news.
Sigh “Emerald when did this happened? You weren't gone enough to go all the way. Maybe you felt frustrated hmm? Are you sure about him?”
“Yes, I am sure. And sigh we did it the first day.” Azzie opened her mouth to say something, but I interrupted her. “Before you say anything know this. I love him Azzie. I loved him from the moment I seen him.”
“Okay. Then tell me. How old is he? He shouldn't be your age if he is your apprentice.”
“I guess he is fourteen. I never asked his age.”
sigh “Emerald this is not you. What happened to the woman that wowed to be more careful with her relationships? Or did you forgot?”
“How can I forget!” I slammed my hands on the table it made thunk noise. I sat and lowered my voice. “I can never forget what happened with them. I just moved on.”
sigh “If you say so.” She leaned forward and whispered. “How big?” I showed with my hands. She whistled. “That's some weapon there. So can you, I mean” She made an odd gesture with her hand.
I shook my head. The I recounted her what happened that night. She sometimes smiled, sometimes looked sad but at the end her mouth was the shape of an 'O'.
“All night. He did it all night? What will you do?”
“Yeah. I intend to buy the fruit.”
“But its too expensive! How will you buy it?”
I showed her the katanas on the ground that I carried here. She looked at them carefully. “Some of them doesn't look like the ones you made.” I nodded to her. “Then it was him. Emerald, could it be that he knew beforehand how to do this, he just came to you for, you know.”
“No. He didn't know. I am sure of it. He is just very talented. It seems like he can remember everything he sees.”
“That's a good thing I guess. So where is he from, do you know?” I shook my head. She nodded once gave me a key and said “I won't tell you what to do, just be careful with him will you?”
“Thanks Azzie, I will.” Then I made my way to my room. And slept.
Next day, after the breakfast, I took my katanas and headed for my next stop. It was a weapon shop I worked with. I got inside. “This place didn't changed at all.”
“Why would it change? It works after all.”
I turned to look at my other friend here. She had a long silky blond hair and dark brown eyes. I smiled at her. “You are right. This place doesn't need to change. If it never changes it will be better.”
“You are right. I see you came with more swords then requested this time. What happened? Need money?”
“Yes. I intend to buy something, but I need money for it.” Then I took them from my neck and put them down. I pointed at one of the piles “These are requested katanas.” and the other. “These are extras. I would like to learn which ones worth what.” I said and sat on a chair near counter.
She nodded and started inspecting katanas. After a while, she finished and turned to me. She pointed at the katana I made and said “These are your usual katanas, have high quality and good edge.” Then she pointed to the ones Kid made. “These are different. They are not of a great quality but they seemed very tough for some reason. Not all though. Are you trying new forge techniques?”
“No. My apprentice made them.”
She looked at me blankly. “You have an apprentice.” I nodded. “Since when? I don't think you wouldn't tell me if you got an apprentice, so you must have take them on the last six months. It's not enough time to learn to forge this good.”
sigh “Believe me, I thought the same but its true. He learned how to forge like that in three months.”
She thought for a second, and nodded. “Will you tell him how good he is?”
“Yes. I will.” She nodded again.
“Well then. Here is the amount.” She showed me the numbers. “This is for the ones your apprentice made. But I can't give all the money today. Give me a few days and I will make sure its ready.”
“Okay, but try to make it quick. I have to turn back as soon as possible.” She nodded and I took off, headed the next place. I reached there in a minute. I got in and there was a smell on the air which both made me want to puke and made me want more. I waited a minute at the door in order to adapt to smell, and take a step in and take another. Like this, after a few seconds I reached to counter but there wasn't anyone there. 'I have to breath.' sigh “Hello!”
After a minute an old man with bald head and wrinkled face showed himself. “Welcome, little girl. How can I help you?” 'Little girl?' I looked down at the man to see if he is serious and yes he was.
“I want to buy a 'Wet Darkness' fruit.” Then I couldn't help but blush after what I said. 'Whoever gave the fruit that name I will.. ugh!'
He smiled at me slowly and said “Okay, little girl, you don't need to be shy. I have the fruit, but its a bit expensive. Do you have the money for it hmm?”
“No, not right now. But I will have it in a few days I came here to reserve the fruit until then.”
He nodded. “I believe you will have the money. I will wait. “ I reached at my bag to took out deposit money but he gestured me to stop. “You don't need to give me that. No one wants to buy that fruit because of its side effects. Just come and take it when you have the money.” I nodded and started walking back towards the inn but changed directions at the last minute and went towards the book shop.
I reached there soon enough and said hi to the clerk. After that I started looking around the shop to find something useful. An hour must have been passed before I stopped. 'I couldn't find any skill book but can't I get some other book with useful knowledge in it?' I quickly discarded history books. No one needs them. I was about to give up on that too but then I remembered something Ash said, about her friends. One of them was a talented but uneducated merchant. I don't know what she needs to know but I know someone who would. I quickly went out and headed towards the weapons shop my friend owns.
When I got in, there was no one else inside other then my friend, Clarisa, who was reading a book. I quietly sat beside her and waited for her to finish. After a few minutes of quiet Clarisa finished and turned to me. “You came back.” I nodded. “That was fast.” I nodded again smiling. “You should do that more often.” I shrugged. “You should come back, Emerald we missed you.” I smiled at her, I was sad that I made myself scarce like this but I have to stay there. 'I have to stay there because.. because yes! Baka pirates. When they are dealt with I will come back.'
I held her hand “I am sorry friend, but I need to take care of the town. I am already the only person that prevents criminals from taking over. I can't leave that place like that.”
She sighed. Looked up and said “I wonder whats wrong with those marines. We are affiliated with world government, but they do nothing to keep us safe! All they say is 'we are stretched thin' bah.”
“Well, at least they can protect the order between civilians.”
“Yeah. Now tell me, do you have anyone in your life?” My friend asked, and I proceeded to tell everything.
After a few hours she leaned back. “Well that was one hell of a tale. What did you say his name was?”
'Name?' “I-I don't know.”
She looked at me like I am an idiot. “How did you forget to ask his name?!”
“Well I didn't need it. I always call him Kid you know.”
She sighed again and looked at me in the eyes. “You really love him though, is that true.” I nodded seriously. “Then his name isn't that important.” She pinched my hand. “But still, learn, his, damn, name!” When she finished, she was very close to me. I looked at her eyes and she looked at mine and we kissed, for just a moment and parted.
We looked at each other, then I remembered why I came here. “Clarisa, I want to help an aspiring merchant. Do you know what she needs to learn and where can I find books for them?”
Change of topic must have been in order since she quickly got up and started to take down books from her bookshelves. She tied it to make it a bundle and gave them to me. “Here, take these. They need to memorize whats in there. If you want, I can give them apprenticeship too, I have been meaning to take one for some time anyway.” I nodded to her. We said goodbyes, and I headed back to the inn.
I stayed at the inn for three more days and in this time nothing of importance happened. I generally sat on the table we shared with Azzie and wrote the book for Haki. Since I didn't know much about Haki myself, it didn't take much time to write them all. I bought the fruit and ate it too but I have yet to feel a change. Today ship headed to Curry Town will move and I will go with it. 'I wonder what changed since I am gone.' I chuckled at myself. 'Its been only a week what could have been changed?'
A lot. If the pirates at the docks anything to go by. Captain of the ship didn't want to get closer at first but after I guaranteed his safety, he accepted to get close enough for me to jump. I got on the side of the deck and when time came I jumped. While I am in the air I looked for pirates captain and saw him on the center of the pirates, looking inward, at the marines.
I ran as fast as I can and when the Captain is in my range. “Two Handed Sword Technique : Rhinos Charge!” Then I ran like the wind and hit like a well, rhino. Just when I was about to reach captain, alerted by the sound of screaming, he looked at me and I felt all the knowledge about sword techniques disappear, then I stumbled.”
He then pointed at me and said “Take down the bitch! Don't let her come near me!” They did what he said and I found myself surrounded by pirates. Like this, my one shot kill became a death trap for me. 'Damn devil fruit! If I could use my techniques it would be so easy.'
Bereft of my techniques, I was left to defend myself with simple swings and parrying. I fought like that for a few minutes but there was no end to them. Even when I started killing pirates, for some reason, they didn't stop coming. They weren't even hesitating to come to their deaths! Just when I was about to fall, I saw someone opening a tunnel inside pirates by hitting them on the head with a sword. This didn't take all of my problems away but knowing there were others on my side gave me that much wanted motivation to continue to fight.
After a short while, the person came inside the circle and took off her cloak and shirt. Seeing what she was doing, I turned my back to her quickly and dashed towards the captain. When I am midway, someone yelled “Don't look at her!” Captain heard it and started looking elsewhere but this gave me the opening to take down small fry at once. “Two Handed Sword Technique : Whirlwind!” suddenly a whirlwind born around me and expended in a second, enough to catch every pirate around me and lift them from ground. After the end of the technique, there was only four people standing. I took my chance to rush at the captain but this time, I didn't use any technique, since I didn't want to caught off leg again.
I got him in to my range and swung my sword. He dodged first then leaped backwards. He looked at me angrily and said “Bitch. You were the one hunting my men weren't you? I will catch you and make you my play thing.”
Then I noticed someone running towards him from behind and I smiled. “Hmm. What will you do?” I asked in my most suggestive tone.
He looked at me like he was disgusted. “I won't buy your bullshit woman! I will-” Then the person reached the captain. He heard the newcomers footsteps and jumped to the side and dodge the kick that no doubt would end him otherwise.
When I saw the newcomer, I couldn't help but being surprised. He was Kid. But his eyes were different. They were red and a.. circle inside, it looked like rotating without stopping. His movements are odd too, but very effective for some reason. Kid obviously haven't been many fights but he somehow managed to dodge everything captain threw at him. Then he started to gradually copy the captains movements, perfectly. When he finally finished copying every move. Things changed drastically. Whenever Captain tried to punch him he gotten punched instead, whenever he tried to kick he got kicked. Whatever he tried he was countered. Seemingly always just a bit slower then Kid.
After a few minutes winner has been decided. Captain finally closed his eyes and gotten a broken leg and a broken arm for his troubles. After the fight, Kid stopped before the Captain and his eyes reverted to its normal ice blue.
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Legacy of Terra: Forgotten
First, I would like to thank you all for enjoying this story! Now I have some interesting news. A fully edited version of Forgotten, book 1 of Legacy of Terra, is now available on Amazon as an ebook and paperback! (Link should be working now) Lucas, codename Helix, is the combat techno-medic of Demon squad. It was their task to protect Station 37-H and project Goliath. All Lucas is certain of is that something went terribly wrong in what was going to be their last stand. He was prepared to meet them on the other side. Instead, he finds himself in a familiar place surrounded by faces he has never seen before. His last memory separated by centuries from the present. His first priority is to find his squad. His second one is to keep the secrets of Goliath. His third priority is to figure out how to achieve the previous two because he and the entirety of Demon squad have become nothing but spectres in the annals of history. He has become forgotten.
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