《Perfect Wish》Chapter 1:End
When I came to myself everything was black. I thought about opening my eyes but I couldn't feel them. Then I tried to talk but I couldn't make any voice. When I tried to feel rest of my body I couldn't feel anything either.
'Did something happen to my body, my nerves? But my mind feels clear and surely if anything of that caliber happened to my body, I should have been in a lot of pain, but there are not any pain. So that means either I am unconscious or I have...'
"You have died."
"What? Who are you?"
"I don't have a name. I am only here to keep you company."
"What do you mean? Where are we?"
"As I said I am keeping you company so you don't get bored. As for your other question, you can say we are inside of your soul."
"We are in my soul.. So I have really died. I have really died right, this isn't a sick joke?"
"No, sadly, its not a joke. You really died."
"So does that mean you are an angel?"
"I am not an angel, I am just a piece of will."
"Will? Whose will? Mine?"
"Not yours. I am a piece of some other 'entities' will."
"You mean god?"
"If by saying god you mean your creator then no. They didn't create you. Before you ask, they don't know who created you either, if you were indeed created by some god."
"Then who are they? What are they?"
"They don't have a name and no one knows what they are, including them."
"Okay, why did they send you here then? Is it for my judgment?"
"You have been already judged, as for why I am here, its because you wished for me to be here."
"I didn't wish for anything."
"Not yet."
"Okay.. okay, so can I wish for anything else? Or did I lose my chance?"
"You can wish for anything. What would you like to wish?"
"I-I what about.."
If I had some kind of game like system with power ups and levels and maybe live in a world of an anime.
"Wait!I didn't mean to wish for this I don't know where the thought came from."
"It came from you."
"No-no, I didn't think of anything like that. I don't even play games nor do whatever anime is. Most of the time I was doing.. what was I doing?"
"The thought most definitely came from you. You just didn't think of it yet. About games and animes, as you said, you weren't interested in them while you lived, but your ignorance of them is only temporary. What you were doing while you lived..."
"It seems you forgot."
"Damn, really, what was the pause for then? Don't make the expectations to rise for nothing woman! And what do you mean by you forgot. Does that mean you won't tell me anything I don't already know?"
"I am no woman!"
Hearing this I couldn't help but smirk."No, not yet."
"Hmph. About your last question. I only know things you know, or will know in the future, and those of the things The Entity let me know, and even with the things I know, I won't be able to tell you all of it."
'The things I know and will..That's useful. Wait a minute, what was that with the..'
"Outburst! Damn. It seems you don't know..What! You! Why would you do something like this!"
"Hey, chill, what did I do?"
"You w-" She started, but suddenly stopped talking. Then started again.
"Never mind that, you said you didn't want your earlier wish. So, what do you wish for? Don't worry, you have more than one wish."
'What's with the abrupt change of subject? Even her tone changed.'
"Okay. If I have more than one wish than first of all I wish to know how I died."
"You won't only learn of your last moments, you will live them again. Are you sure you want to proceed with this wish?"
'Am I sure? ' "I have to know. If I have to relieve my death to achieve this, then there is no other choice."
I proceeded to tell my choice but obviously it wasn't necessary. Before I do, they answered. "Very well."
I woke up and opened my eyes. When I looked at the ceiling, I noticed that it wasn't familiar. I looked around. Room's walls was beige colored and lights were on. I tried to get up but failed. I looked at myself and saw that I was on a bed, and further that, I was bound and gagged. Fear started to arise in my heart. I tried to think of a way out but couldn't seem to find no matter how hard I tried. Right when I was starting to panic, someone got inside. The person that got inside was familiar. Even, he seems like someone I trust if the fact that I was relieved of seeing him anything to go by. He came closer to me and smiled.
"Hello, old friend. How do you do?"
'Is this guy an idiot? Can't he see the way I am gagged. What does he trying to achieve by asking a question?'
"Fool! Stop smiling and untie me!" I wanted to say but since I was gagged it was more like "xqyxchfrhtıbjb" or something like that. I think it was for the better since it wouldn't do good to say something like that to my savior. Though I think my face gave my thoughts away since he smiled at me and said
"Of course friend, I know you are gagged and can't answer me, and that's precisely the reason I am talking to you."
'Wait, he doesn't seem like he intends to untie me. But I trust this guy.. Could it be that this is'
'A joke! Hah? What? What the hell is this guy saying?'
But anyway he looks at me blankly for a while then starts smiling again. "Did you, for a chance, thought that this is a joke or something? Hahaha you are- hahaha you are" He can't seem to finish for some reason. He still tries to stop himself from laughing. Ah! He finally stopped. "Haaa..You, you still think I would let you go. Do you think how hard I worked to get you here in this position?"
'When he say in this position I looked at myself more carefully and what I saw took my breath away.. I don't have my pants on! This is some quality joke there.'
"This is not a joke. Do you know why you are here? To get you laid until you die!"
Hearing this I look around again. But I don't see any woman. I turn to look at the friend again and he was smiling.. 'Wait a minute. Is this guy for a chance..Oh he started frowning again. Now he is getting closer. Oh no its happening, my ass, no!'
"I, am, not, GAY! Haah.. I am not your friend either. All those time when I completed your sentences you thought we were good friends. You tried it too, to complete my sentences for whatever reason and I might have acted like you were correct with them but none, you didn't even completed a single sentence of mine. And, and how the hell did you think I was going to complete the sentence 'I am going to' with 'gay bar'!" To this I looked at him carefully and my pants or their nonexistence and took some time to think, but before I can come up with something he continued "You even send one of the gay employees with me. Do you know how embarrassing it was to go there with him or-or how hard was it to keep him away from my ass! For what? So you don't wake up from your delusions and look at what I do carefully."
"From the start I watched you carefully both when you are an idiot and a genius."
'This guy.. he certainly has a thing for me but sorry my friend I can't do anything for you. 'I know its embarrassing for the target of this face but I can't help but look at him like I pity him. Though I really pity him. If I wasn't bound I would hug the guy and console him but what can you do?
"Stop looking at me like that! I am telling you, I am not gay. Do you know why I am still single? It's because of you and your self-centered shitty character, because of you, every single woman in the company thinks I am gay!"
"But it all ends today. Thankfully..I am finally getting rid of you! How..Do you remember what I told you at the start? You will die getting laid. Hah! How is it for a death! And don't worry your ass will be okay."
When he said that I couldn't help but relax a little. Surely, you can't die while giving.
"Cherry, you can come." He said and someone got in the room. She was a young woman with red head and freckles. Overall, she had a decent face and good if a little thin body.
After she came in, friend turned to me and said "Cherry here will accompany you in rest of your journey. You may think something like 'how can she kill me?', simple, she will give you a bunch of Viagra and run you dry, repeatedly. Why do I do it like this? So you die knowing you betrayed your wife and when you die, I will have everything you have. How will your dying help with that? I don't feel like explaining. Farewell." He then turned around and got out.
This left me and Cherry alone. Now I don't know if I have a wife but if I have, I would like to if I have to, die without doing this. So time to negotiate. First I make some noise so she understands I want to talk. Like planned she understood and rather surprisingly without any concern, opened my gag.
"Hello Cherry, how are you?"
She smiled, she had a good smile, too bad she was here to kill me.(No matter the means.) "Fine, and I will be better." Here she traces my boxer with her finger and continues." You will make me happy before going won't you?"
"Ah. About that. Is there any chance for you to think this again? You know I am rich right?" Here she nodded ."I can give you double, no, triple what that guy gave you."
She smiled serenely and answered "He doesn't pay me with money, he is paying me with you."
"Come on Cherry. I can get you two, even ten people with big or variable sized guns, so you can get well with them better then with me."
"But that won't do, I only want you."
'What the hell.'"Why?"
"Because I love you."
"If you love me you can surely cancel all dying thing right?"
"No, I am afraid not. I want you to die with me."
"Wait, with you? You mean to say you will die too?"
"Fufufu no silly, only you will die while with me. Don't worry, I will remember you well."
'Now there is only one way to do this.' I ready my most woman voice and shout with everything I have. "Help! Please, they are raping m- ahm- hm" 'Damn I lost my voice.' I look at Cherry but she is just smiling at me.
"Don't bother, no one can hear us here. We are alone. While we are having fun of your life, you can shout my name all you want dear."
'Sigh. It seems I have no choice but to die after all. Maybe I can choose how I die.'
"Cherry you know about Viagra.."
"Yes dear."
"Em.. can I take them all at the start? I want this to be a memorable event from start to finish."
"Oh! You are right. That just might work."
"So, pass them to me, will you?"
Cherry reached for a drug bottle, uncapped it but when she was about to take a handful I stopped her.
"Cherry you don't need to take them out. Just put the bottle on my mouth and I will swallow what I can."
Cherry looked at me and the bottle in her hand. She nodded, got closer to my head and put the bottle on my mouth, then released the contents inside. There were a lot of pills but I did my best and managed to swallow everything in it.
Cherry looked at me and my member expectantly a short while then she opened her mouth to say something, but before I heard her voice, suddenly, my heart clenched and an indescribable pain hit it. After a while that felt like forever I found myself back in the darkness. It seems I died rather cheaply, but at least I managed to protect my chastity.
"No you didn't. After you died, she had her fun with you."
"It doesn't count if you are not alive."
"Are you sure?"
'Now, why would you ask something like this?' "Yes?"
"Well if you say so. So, do you want to know how everything that happened? What were their motivation and means?"
"Wait? You knew everything? Why didn't you tell me?!"
"Because you wished to forget them yourself."
"I don't remember..Wait, don't tell me 'not yet' again."
"No, this time you wished for this in the past, and as per your wish I made you forget."
"Okay, why do you now tell me this much then?"
"So you don't get confused."
"Okay, I want to make another wish." But of course, I don't need to say what.
"What happens here made possible by The Entity. No, The Entity doesn't know what would happen to souls without their intervention. As per their motivation.. Its a bit complicated but in simple terms, they make some of the things people expect God to do reality. Like heaven."
"You mean to say good guys goes to heaven and bad guys goes to hell?"
"There is no hell. Getting to the heaven is a bit complicated and personalized. Woman can for instance get in heaven only by dying virgin. These woman pass their eternity in heaven accompanied by The Entity."
'Okay, now The Entity seems like a womanizer. Whatever.'
"The Entity is not a womanizer per se but lots of people did and some even now think that God would be a womanizer, so.."
'What can you do? Right.'
"Some group of people can only get in heaven through their virtue. Some people can get in heaven by saying things like those people eat the cats, or they drink their blood or science comes from the demons."
"Did you lost your curiosity yet?"
"Yes, yes I did. Or maybe can you tell me how did The Entity came to be?"
"No idea. Not even they know it."
"Okay. That is all. One last thing I wish to know, how can I be happy in my afterlife?"
"That, set yourself free and take your first wish."
'Free? Interesting.'"The first wish is the game system right?"
"Yes. It was you who perfected it to your liking. After all, who better knows what you want then you?"
"How can you perfect a wish? When you grant a wish to someone then wouldn't they start wishing for something else?"
"Think, you repeated giving wish after wish. You wish for something, when granted you wish for something else, true, but you won't continue to hold every wish you make. You will forget some of them, thinking, 'after all they were unimportant'. So say it goes like this forever when will it stop?"
"When you are content?"
"Yes, when you are finally content. Every wish you continue to hold are together the perfect wish for you."
"So that system is the perfect wish for me?"
"Okay, but why not let me come to this conclusion normally?"
"Because The Entity doesn't have much time for you."
"Aren't they immortal or something? Why would they care about their time?"
"You see, times value is not in the amount you have, rather its in how much of them you need."
'Well, come to think of it, if they give every dead person some time then that can easily make them busy.'
"Not really. Time given to dead people takes a very small fraction of the time they have."
"Oh, what are they doing with their time then?"
"They generally pass their time in virgin heaven, after all, they have an obligation toward them."
'Damn womanizer.' "So how much time did they give me then?"
"Ah, one."
"One day?"
"One moment."
"Why? Okay I am waiting."
"No no, they gave you one moments time."
"Wait, what can they do in a moment?"
"They can tell you everything you want to know about them and your position."
"Huh. Wow. But that means.."
"Farewell human, stay safe."
"You wished for me to get sentience and like that's not enough, wished for me to be TSUNDERE!"
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