《52 stories》Week 15: Heroes and Villains part 2
It's the middle of the night, Miss chievous is walking around in the maze like underground tunnels, heading back home. She managed to steal food from a gas station without getting caught, which is great. But at the same time a bit disapointing, she will have to mess up on purpose to get a little bit of action next time. Her last encounter with Silver Shield was like months ago, she wonders where he could be. Maybe he got some kind of promotion. He did save lots of people and did really heroic things, so it would make sense that he was longer stuck at small patroling around the city duty.
She climbs a small metal ladder that get her back to the surface and heads back home, only to stop in her track seeing someone leaning carelessly on her front door ''You're late'' the silhouette tells her ''Oh sorry dad I didn't know I had a curfew!'' she responds pushing the man to the side so she could unlock her door. She look the man up and down and sigh ''What do you need, Reaper?'' He rolls up his sleeves and shows her the wounds he has on his arms. Wounds is a big word, more like scratches. She rises an eyebrow and stares at him with this annoyed look ''Really?''
''But it hurts!!'' he complains with an high pitched voice. She shakes her head and gesture him to follow her inside. They go to the bathroom, she washes the scratches with some water and soap and put black bandages on it. The bandages have small colored skulls on it and Reaper is really happy about it. When she sees that he doesn't stand back up to leave she sighs and tells him ''You can sleep on the couch if you have nowhere else to sleep tonight.''
''Thank you! You're the best!'' He gives her a quick hug and run toward the couch and wrap himself in the fluffy blanket that is always on the couch for emergency nap times and fall asleep right away. Miss Chievous rubs her face with both of her hands. They call themselves bad guys, but they still need a mother! She never should have helped them in the first place, now she is stuck with a bunch of manchildrend coming at her house at any given time. But this how it works in the Villain World. Since no one care about them, they care about each others... She puts the food in the kitchen and goes to her room to get some sleep too. She will need all her energy back to gently kick Reaper out tomorrow morning...
It's been almost an entire week without any villain bursting through the door whining for help and Miss Chievous couldn't be happier. She finally got some time for herself and it is the best thing ever! She just finished eating her dinner that she didn't have to share with anyone and she is about to play videogame when she hears a faint knock on the door. She closes her eyes in annoyance ''so close!'' she whispers to herself before standing up to get to the door. She open it and is about to tell whoever is on other side of the door to leave her alone for once, but what she sees make her take a step back. Standing there, right in front of her is Silver Shiled, shivering, bleeding and scared. There is also a slightly dazed look in his eyes, like he was drugged. He also looks like he was assaulted. He looks up at her, swaying slightly as he is close to passing out, he mumble ''... I didn't know where else to go...'' and collapse in Miss Chievous arms. She stumbles back a feet steps but manage to keep her balance ''You stupid... What did you do?'' She says while dragging the unconscious hero to the small room she uses to take care of badly injured people. She then begins to care for the young man and she think to herself 'This is going to be a long night!' He has so many injuries. And who would drug a hero? It wasn't the type of any villain she knew. So who did this? And why? She will have to word really hard to get her answers so she got to it. She spend the next hours caring for Silver Shield. Cleaning, sewing and patching everything up.
He could barely remember what happened, he only remembers that he walked to Miss Chievous' house. But it all looked like a dream. But now, he can feel the really real pain in his whole body. He tries to open his eyes, but only manage to let out a small groan of pain and confusion. He can hear some voices in the distance, he tries to focus and open his eyes again. Right in front of him, in the doorway, Poison Oak and Earthshatter are staring at him, arms crossed on their chests. Poison Oak tilt her head to the side ''Looks like our little hero is finally awake!'' she says while slowly walking closer to him. He can feel the panick rising inside of him. He knows he can't fight or even escape. His body doesn't want to listen to him. Earthshatter let out a small laugh and raise his hands in front of him. Silver Shield close his eyes, waiting anxiously at the pain that is sure to come, but he only hear a voice that comes from the other room ''If you break it, you pay for it!'' The two villains stops in their track, not sure of what to do. Poison Oak is the first to regain her composure ''How dare you help a... Hero like him?'' she blurts out with so much anger in her voice, it makes Silver Shield quiver a bit. Miss Chievous makes her way in the room and stand inbetween the villains and the hero ''Because he is not anymore... You didn't watch the news?'' A long and awkward silence follows her statement. Poison Oak and Earthshatter both staring back and forth at Miss Chievous and Silver Shield. After what looked like an eternity, the three villains nods to each other and they leave the hero and Miss Chievous alone. She slowly turns to him when she hears the front door close, knowing that they are now really alone. She carefully wipe the tears falling on Silver Shield's cheeks and she can hear his faintly whispers ''I am... not... no.... how... why?''
''What happened?'' she asks him
He only shakes his head, not able to say another word. She aks him if he needs to be alone for a bit and he nods his head yes. She gives him a small hand squeeze and leave the room, only stepping back in to give him a glass of water and a little something to eat if he needed ''I will be in the living room when you are ready to talk.'' and leave the room without waiting for an answer that she knows she is not going to get anyway.
It has been a few hours, he stills doesn't understand how everything could have gone that horribly wrong. The only thing he ever wanted was to protect others, be a Hero. And now, everything crumbled down in front of him and he doesn't know what to do. But one thing he knows for sure is that she is going to help. He can't really explain why, but he knows she will do anything to help him. He really carefully sit on the edge of the bed and stands up. His legs are still weak, but he can walk. He put one hand on the wall and makes his way to the living room where Miss Chievous is playing videogame. There is a gap between the room he is in and the couch and he doesn't think he can reach it without falling flat so he clear is throat to catch her attention.
She quickly turns around and jumps out of the couch the moment she sees him standing behind her. She helps him to sit on the couch and then sits beside him and look back at him, waiting for him to be ready to talk to her. He takes a deep breath and explains to her that he recently got a promotion and was really happy to finally be on his first 'Super Secret Super Hero Mission'. He didn't go into much details but he was supposed to inflitrate this Super Villain Base and find a way to stop them. But everything went wrong, he go tcaught and he got hurt. He found a way to escape and ran back to the Hero's headquarter where they took him in. they asked him a thousand questions that he couldn't answer so they put him in this small room. One of the nurse, the one that was the nicest to him before the mission handed him a glass of juice and waited for him to drink it all. the juice tasted a bit weird, but he didn't really question it until he started to feel all dizzy and weird. He tried to speak, but his tongue was like cotton in his mouth and his head was spinning. When the nurse saw how sick he was, she stepped out of the room and he felt like he needed to run. His instinct took over and he couldn't really explain why he felt this way. Maybe it was the satisfied smile he saw on the nurse's face when she saw how helpless he was or the weird questions they asked him instead of rushing him to the emergy room... Anyway he broke the glass down and flew away in the night. Only to make his way back here. He felt like he wasn't safe anywhere in the Hero world anymore. Turns out his fear was real. Everywhere in the news, it was said that Silver Shield had betrayed and turned his back on the Hero Society and that he was now considered armed and dangerou. How could this happened to him? Yes he failed his mission, but he didn't betrayed anyone. Why would they say such lies? She gives him a comforting pat on the shoulder ''Can I ask why you came all the way here?''
Silver Shield takes his time to answer, trying to find the right words ''I don't know... I feel safe here... Like I know you won't turn your back on me. Like I'm supposed to know you...'' Miss Chievous only nods and smile a bit. She stands up and walk back and forth in front of the couch, thinking. She asks him some questions about the Hero Society. If he felt like something changed of felt different from when he first stepped in as a student. He says that he did notice some strange things, but he was the only one so he stopped looking into it. Maybe he shouldn't have... His attention is drawn to the TV where the news shows up his face again, with a ''Wanted'' written in big red letter above his head. Miss Chievous quickly close the TV when she notices how distress he becomes at the sight of it. He stares at her with this frightened look ''What about the one that saw me here earlier?''
''Don't worry about them, they won't talk.''
''How can you be so sure of it?''
''If the heroes come here, they will try to arrest me, I will run away and they won't have this nice little house to stop by to get free snacks, shelter or health care. And since you are now one of us. They won't tell anyone...''
He nods slowly and stares at nothing for while before whispering ''What am I suppose to do now?''
''Well I can show you how to live your new life as a villain. It's not that bad you know, you are more free and...''
Silver Shield shakes his head hard ''This is not the life I want. I want to be a hero. I want to save other people's life! Not steal and run for my life!''
''Okay, okay... Well then first you rest and heal and after that we find our way into the Heroes World, find those rotten apples and expose then for what they did to you!''
Silver Shield let out a small laugh ''I don't think that is even possible!''
''Well,t here is only one way to find out! But first, rest and heal.''
He can't help but smile at the enthouastic tone she has. It looks like she really want to mess with the Hero Society and to be honest... He kind of want too now. He didn't deserve all of this. He jumps back a bit in shock when she asks him ''So... Wanna Smash?'' he stares at her for a few seconds. He has this feeling that he should know what this mean... That it has another meaning of... Well what he is thinking right now. And seeing how widely she is smiling, it finally clicks in place in his mind ''I would like to, but I lost my controller years ago.''
''That's fine, I have two!'' and she goes to turn on her old Wii, throw him a controller they get ready to play Super Smash Bros. She picks Kirby and he picks Meta Knight. They play and he manage to really quickly throw her out of the platform, making her lose a life ''Ha, too easy! But since I'm Meta Knight, you don't stand a chance!'' She stares back at him and gets in the gaming position. Leaning forward, elbows on her knees and really quickly throw him off, winning the whole fight. He blurt out ''HOW!? You played Kirby there is no way you could win agaisn't Meta Knight!''
''Oh, Nathan, you are just way too predictable.'' She then slaps her hands over her mouth once she notices how she just called him. He stares at her with wide eyes. And he notices the missing finger on her left handa nd all the memories comes rushing back ''Felicity?''
She does her way too familiar little hand salute and he hugs her really tight ''I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to make you expell from school! I'm sorry! I was a kid, I didn't know!''
''Sush now, I know Nat. I'm not mad at you.''
When they were kids in elementary school, they were the best of friends. Always playing together and Nathan's parents didn't really like that. Felicity was not from the 'right' neighboorhood. Everyone thought that her parents lied and cheated to make her go the really prestigious school they were in. But thing is, Felicity was really talented and her parents managed to convince the School to let her in. But when all the other parents complained, they were trying to find a way to kick her out. They found a way when the two kids were playing around with their newly appeared powers. Felicity were making all kind of weapons and tools with her hands and Nathan asked if she could fire an arrow. They were both really exicted about it, they had just watched the Disney movie Robin Hood and they wanted to see if she could do the same. Let's say that It didn't go as planned. Since the arrow was made out of her own fingers, when she fired it, her finger went flying. It made quite a scene as you could imagine and that was a good enough reason to kick her out of school. Nathan feeling guilty since it was his idea, but the adults didn't want to listen...
That event was the main reason why Nathan wanted to become a Hero so badly. He always felt the need to help and protect others after this event. And for Felicity, it was the root of her hatred agaisn't the society in general. She found out really quickly that if you're not exactly how the Society wants you to be, they will shame and kick you out of everything. And now that she is explaining everything that she had to deal with her entire life only for not being born on the 'right side', Nathan was more than ever ready to fight and expose all the corrupted people of the Hero society. Everyone that wants to become a Hero should be able to do so. Not only the privileged one! So for now he is resting, but only to become stronger and find a way to make it all better for everyone!
And Felicity, she just can't wait to get her revenge on this stupid Society that never wanted to give her a chance.
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Arbiter of Power (Canceled and currently redone as 'Re:' version.)
What is there in the vastness of infinity that makes even Gods tremble in fear, Immortals shudder in torment and all under creation itself shriek in terror? It is simple, loneliness.Follow the wayward and apostate half of the one true God, experience his loss and grief as his world, his undying love, is torn from him. As he falls into the desolate precipice of solitude and gets his deserved solace as another chance opens up for him. His story will continue in the world of Asthea. A world unlike his own, with so much new to see, feel and love. But can he still rejig his closed off heart? Can he still see humans in the same light as before? Only time will tell.-----------------'But then came the call, another world, another destiny. 'Maybe I can... live on?', Hirahn thought, scowled at the blue world from above and sneered at the people that left his soulmate to die. 'Let's see how long you will survive without us... without me... without HER!', atrabilious Hirahn dived straight into the light, a tear flowed from his cheek and left a blue trail behind.'-----------------(HEYHO! First fiction here! I changed the synopsis since it caused major plotholes and was overall waaaaaaaaaaay to long.)
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Tiny heart
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8 162 - In Serial84 Chapters
⛔️NOT MINE⛔️ALL CREDITS GO TO THE AUTHOR AND THE TRANSLATOR❗️❗️❗️I've just put it up for offline reading. If your the author or translator feel free to send me a message if your not comfortable with your work being put up. I'll take it down at once. 🔺 Author: 風流書呆; Feng Liu Shu Dai🔺Translator: Frozenmirage🔺Editor: Noks, Qiuxue🔺 Release schedule: Sporadic🔺 Original publisher: jjwxc🔻Author's page: http://www.jjwxc.net/onebook.php?novelid=4161777🔻Translator's page: https://chrysanthemumgarden.com/novel-tl/psych/Synopsis: Have you heard? There's a certain kind of person in this world, who, even without any substantial contact, and with just a flash of thought, can discern a lot.Their eyes have the ability to penetrate through to the past, to clarify the present and to break the veil of the future. They can see what you see through your eyes, smell what you smell through your nose, taste what you taste through your tongue, and can even perceive what you think through your heart.This kind of a person is called-a psychic.A story about the awakening of a 'guabi', who is merely plodding through life, from his deep slumber. (*guabi, a slang term, meaning 'dead idiot' = people who are penniless and jobless)
8 173