《No Angels》Shunaam


Dr. Anais Sawyer sat in her quarters, gripping the bridge of her nose, trying her best to keep the tears from falling onto her tablet. As much as it pained her, she read the doctor’s report again only confirming what she had known. The surgeries had failed. Her pregnancy simulation hadn’t even made it past the first phase, where the hypothetical sperm found an egg. Her body had failed to produce even those and all Anais could imagine was that her body was a well whose water had dried completely.

The news had come earlier right before the AI news anchor told the citizens of Blancus’ capital, Asticus to stay indoors. Minutes later, a bright light had come from across the lake and the electricity went out. Anais suspected that the message was meant to be sent before but came later.

She fell back on her bed, crying again. She had accomplished so much in her life, getting three degrees before her twenty-third birthday, serving with the Blancus military before being promoted to head psychiatrist for their special ops organization FLOCK in recent years. But the one thing that she wanted, the things she had dreamed of creating for herself to make up for the childhood she hadn’t had was unattainable. It was a cruel twist of the knife of fate.

“Incoming call from ‘Lio’,” Anais’ house AI, Mary said. Anais sniffled and wiped her eyes, sighing softly. She had no idea what her little sister could want at this hour and she had half a mind not to answer. However, it was her sister.

Gathering herself, Anais waved her hand and answered. “Hey,” she said.

“Ana? Are you okay?” Liora asked.

Anais sighed softly and rolled her eyes. “No. Not really.” There was a brief and awkward silence before Liora spoke again.

“I have something for you. Captain Grey wants you to meet him at the FLOCK facility ASAP,” she said. Anais shook her head.

“For what?” she asked irritably.


“Ana...it’s important. Please.”

Anais rolled out of her bed and sighed softly. She wanted nothing more than to stay in bed, eat whatever Mary produced and sleep. But, she knew if she stayed in this place, nothing good would come of it. Channeling the professional part of her brain, she got up and went to her closet.

“I’ll be there, Li,” she said. “This better be worth it.”

“It is.”

The FLOCK helipad appeared in Anais’ view as her transport shuttle lowered itself from the clouds. The Facility was illuminated by bright white lights, a few flashing signaling for the shuttle to come to the pad. It looked quieter than usual, which was saying something considering the secrecy that surrounded FLOCK on a regular basis. Anais herself barely had any idea what the organization was developing most of the time and she mostly preferred that. It gave her at least some semblance of plausible deniability.

After exiting her shuttle, Anais saw her sister waving at the bottom of the stairs and she walked down towards her. Liora grabbed her in her arms and pulled her close. Anais felt tears well up in her eyes but she tried her best to hold it in.

Liora looked at her and gave her an empathetic smile. “I love you, Ana,” she said. Anais smiled back.

“I know.” Adjusting herself again as they walked into the elevator, Anais sighed softly. “What do you have for me?” Liora looked at her as the doors closed and the elevator descended to the lower levels. Anais tried to read the look she was giving, but couldn’t quite grasp it before the elevator doors opened again. They were now in the sub-levels of the facility. The walls were pure, untouched white and glass. Lining the walls, FLOCK soldiers in Tarsus armor stood at attention with the AC-8Rs at the ready. This sterile, stifling environment made Anais feel uneasy.

At the end of the hallway, she saw Simeon Grey facing a room, his arms held behind his back. Anais’ heart fluttered slightly seeing his strong features in a profile view and slick black hair before it dropped when she realized the news she would have to share. As she and Liora approached, Simeon turned to her and she saw the slightest hint of a smile.


“Doctor,” he said, cordially.

Anais dipped her head. “Captain.” Simeon gave Liora a look and she saluted before winking at Anais and walked away. Simeon waited until Liora was down the hallway before he spoke again

“How are you, Ana?” he asked. Anais sighed softly, melting at the sound of his voice.

“Not well. I got the results back,” she said. “The surgeries didn’t help anything.”

Simeon looked down at her. “Is there anything more that can be done?”

Shaking her head, Anais looked up at him. “Maybe, maybe not. But it’d probably be expensive and it may end up causing more harm than good.” Simeon nodded, his hard face revealing no emotions at all. If he did feel any disappointment, Anais couldn’t tell.

“Well…” he said, placing his palm on the panel next to the glass, causing it to hiss. “I have a project for you, Ana.” He entered the glass room and beckoned for Anais to follow him.

“What project?” she asked, her eyes drifting some Simeon’s face before pausing in the room, her mouth slowly opening in shock. At the center of the white room, there was a boy, garbed in black. When he heard them enter, the boy turned quickly and stared up at them with bright amber eyes. The boy’s skin was a rich, dark brown and his curly platinum blonde hair sharply contrasted with it. He was small, barely three years old. Though he had odd features, Anais recognized what he was immediately. “Why is one of the people from Kasira here?”

“We found him on our mission to investigate the explosion in the city. He was the only survivor,” Simeon said. He knelt down and looked at the boy at eye level. Anais watched the boy retreat into a corner, then heard Simeon suck his teeth as he rose back to his feet. “He is a bit skittish, but that is why I made this your project. I need you to work with him and recondition him. Get him associated with us so that he may better work with us.”

“Work with you how?” Anais asked.

“I want to learn about these devils and what they are capable of. I can only do that once he accepts us.” Simeon stood up, keeping his eyes on the boy before he handed Anais a small metal earpiece. “This is a piece of Tarsus tech that will help you translate whatever he says. Use it to teach him his purpose.” Simeon turned and started to leave before he paused. “I have also given him a name. Osin. He is a devil after all.”

Anais watched Simeon leave, frowning slightly at the comment he made. She looked back towards the boy, Osin, and saw that he was no longer cowering in the corner, but walking toward her. His bright eyes locked onto her and held out a hand towards her. Anais looked behind her and saw no one. Tentatively, she reached her hand out towards the boy.

Osin walked up to her and placed his little palm into her hand. He was very hot to the touch and Anais thought the boy had a fever but he didn’t look sick at all. Perhaps that was a part of his odd alien physiology.

The two looked at each other, Osin never breaking eye contact. Once a few moments of silence had passed, the little boy blinked. “Iyas’um,” he said softly. Anais’ Tarsus earpiece translated the word and Anais raised her hand to her mouth to keep from crying.

“Mother,” the AI said.

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