《Pound Of Joy》Red Sky At Dawn


Bob,'Oh shit, he has Kevin'

Chris,'Where did they go?'

Bob,'He said somewhere out of Akron'.

Chris,'Then, what are we waiting for'.

As I took off the gun, he punched me right into face,and I was not in my volition anymore'.

I woke up, my hands tied, and me sitting right in the front seat of the psycho's car.

I turned my head, he was driving the car ,and singing this song playing on the radio...

Chris singing in alleviation,"There must be some way out of here...."

He looked at me,smiling,"said the joker to the thief.....there's too much confusion, I can't get no relief", tapping the wheel with his fingers time to time.

Chris,'I really miss Bob Dylan'.

Bob,'You fucking...'

Chris,'Fucking what?'....huh...'.

I remained calm, and quiet.I knew there was no way to stop him, and the hate couldn't let me talk.

Chris,'Talk, pistol boy.Did the cat got your tongue'.

I kept staring right out of the fucking windshield, and with the road,looking at my reflection....bruised face, and a fucking mess,I had done.

Bob,'It was all my fault, I never should've allowed you in my house, you snake'.

Chris,'Don't take this hard on yourself,it's not a dick'

He chuckled; I never wondered that one day,I'd be with Clein,driving right out of the city to nowhere.

Bob,'Wait, it's Kevin's car, how did you?'

Chris,'You ever wondered, how I got the car that I crashed into your lawn.?'

Bob,'Probably, stole it from a poor lad'.

Chris,'Nope, the owner of this car had an axe shoved into his head'.

That was gruesome, my soul started to shiver now, what the fuck,what the fuck..

Bob,'No, you're lying'.

He gave me this long stare, and opening his lips wide, splaying a bizarre smile on his countenance...

Chris,'You know, I could do things,if they have a justified purpose'

Bob,'So, why'd you kill him?'.

Chris,'The owner of this car was a child molester, Court wasn't able to held him responsible so the very next day, he was a free man...I couldn't just turn my eyes from it, you know....In Cleveland, I was finding this twat,who killed my family, and as I came across this guy, I could feel it, in my veins, the feeling of the victim's family....he didn't even let the poor boy live, after raping him he drank a few bottles of alcohol, and the rest, he poured onto the boy, and burned him alive.As I shoved the axe into his head, I took out a tub from his bathroom, and let the blood drain into it..Then, the bottle he bought for the night, I poured it and mixed it real well with his blood, and as I lit fire into the mixture, the smell from the burning gave me relief at last, then as I went out of his house, I saw the car...It would've been wasted,if I hadn't taken it.'.


I've never been so much fretted,since the last encounter with my heart.Sometimes, when my heart used to beat rapidly, I used to have this feeling that, this is it, Bob.Your heart is about to fail, and I used to run to the hospitals in panic.That kind of feeling has now been taking over me.

Bob in a trembling voice,'So, you think, you did good, huh..'

Chris,'I guess so...'

I looked back, and saw this black bag...

Bob,'What's in the bag'.

Chris,'Shotgun, which,I'm gonna empty in Aaric'.

Bob,'If you had a gun so why didn't you kill the owner with it'.

Chris,' when I entered Akron, I went to the shooting range.When I first fired the shotgun,it's recoiling effect left me shivering,and I just didn't want to shoot it again, but not to raise any suspicion, I had to load it, and fire at least two rounds..Firing a gun,It ain't easy as it seems in movies,I fucking hate the way it recoils'

Shimz,'We drove into the bare ground, and saw Aaric nowhere.So we stopped at the place, where I dropped him.Waiting for him, and the sun to show up'.

Kevin,'Maybe, Clein..'

Shimz,'No, he has not.Your father's gone to someplace, and I'm sure,he'll be here soon'.


Oh shit,he found them.We drove in, and he halted the car just a few meters before them.

Shimz,'Kevin get into the car'.

Chris get's out of the car picking the bag from the backseat.

Chris,'You stay into the car'.

Shimz get's out his revolver stuck inside the backside of his jeans, and takes aim at Chris

Shimz,'You don't have to do this Chris,let the man, and his boy go'.

Chris with a smirk on his face get's down on his one knee,and unzips the bag.Lifts the shotgun,and places it on the ground,with it's barrel pointing into nobody's direction.Fills his both hands with the bullets, and empties them into the pocket's of his leather jacket,keeping one shell only, he pushes the lock lever down,then pulls the pump slide of the mossberg 500 into rear direction,and rolls the shell into the empty chamber.Releasing the slide, he holds the gun horizontal,and pushes the safety button on top into the off position.


Chris,'So, our man's out on walk, I guess, and you know, I'm all tired of chasing the rabbit thing,so send the boy to me'

Shimz,'Can't do that'.

Chris stands up, turns his face, and looks at bob.Get's him out and places the barrel's mouth at the back side of bob's abdomen.

Shimz,'The poor boy had done nothing, why you brought him here..."

Chris shouts,'Hey, Kevin....look who's here....oh,it's your friend bob...'.

Shimz,'Kevin, do not come out of the car'.

Kevin,'He's got bob, we have to do something'.

Bob,'I had been tearing the tape off my hands when Chris was loading the gun.I saw no way around, freed my hands pushed him back, and started running.. As I was halfway, I thought, he's gonna hit me, but instead,he started talking again'.

Chris laughs,'Hey, bob, ever wondered what's in the trunk of my car'.

I knew not what he talked about, but then I realized, Jessica..

Chris,'Yes, poker face, the first thought that crossed your mind is the situation'.

Bob,'Why did you take Jessica'..

Shimz,'Hey, bob.Don't listen to him....he ain't have Jessica, he's just playing with your mind'

Bob looks at Shimz,and says in a quiet voice,'Or maybe,she is in there'.

And his eyes filled with tears.....

Bob,'What you want me to do....'.

Chris,'Come back, the way you ran'.

Bob walked back,and Chris hands him the keys.

He ambles towards the back of the car, opens the trunk, and nothing..

Shimz fires away at Chris...Chris takes cover....bob taking the advantage runs from the other side towards Shimz.

Aaric drives in with a truck, and accelerates it towards Chris.

Chris starts shooting right at the truck, which was about to wipe him, and the car along.

Shimz cries out,'No, Aaric...'.

Bob,'As I was running, the wind blew in the direction of my face,and the dust pranced around..the noises, the noises.....I couldn't bear them...I felt a sudden pain in my chest, I stopped....my hands were becoming numb,I sat down in the middle.....and looked up, Chris loaded the gun, a last chance, it seemed for him....he waited until the truck was neigh... He pressed the recoiled pad against his bicep,and shot the last round......the bullets shattered the windshield,and pierced through Kevin's father......Chris looked at me, and a complacent smile played across his face,until the truck struck him'

Shimz dashed towards the truck.....

Kevin came out of the car crying...and fell on his knees..

Shimz looked at bob, he had stopped breathing.

Kevin,'Bob was lying in the middle,all his face covered with dust.It was a heart attack. Shimz was all into pieces, he just seemed failed at everything, My dear father he sat peacefully at the driving seat in his last moments....I looked up at the sky.Sun was ascending, and I could see it clearly despite the haze.'

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