《Pound Of Joy》It Takes A Lot To Know A Man


Cleveland was crowded, all anxious, and busy. The weather was gloomy as the cab driver suggested. Gutters were filled with rainwater; people were in a hurry as if apocalypse was broke upon them. Grey lightning after time to time could be observed at the far northern region of the sky. Clouds were black as onyx, and it kept raining for a whole day.

I arrived at 10 A.M, and booked a room in a hotel named Mandy's. My heart was sickening by the rain. I dragged myself into the room, and locked it's door as if I'm never gonna open it again for years. A glass of water awaited for me on a low table beside my bed, and I hastened towards it to kill the thirst. The room was not that much bright so had to turn on the lamp. As light prevailed the room, I noticed that the walls were blue as lapis, and peculiar patterns were drawn on it's wallpaper as if they were depicting a bouquet of flowers: very fascinating. A window was up above which filtered sunlight into the somber room.

A knock on the door.

Clein, 'Yes'

Manager, 'Sir, it's the hotel manager, could you please open the door for a second'.

I opened the door, and there he was, a slim man with a red tie wrapped around his slender neck ; well accoutred. The eyes of his were impenetrable, and face tired of practicing daily mundane activities, but still he managed to pass a smile so that a good impression could be reflected. I didn't recognize him at first, however he was there on the counter, but that doesn't matter; what the fuck, he's here for?, that's the question; I paid for the rooms.

Manager, 'Sir, you forgot your luggage on the counter'


Clein, 'Oh, I apologize'

Manager, 'No, it's okay. So, there were only two bags, right sir?'

Clein, 'Yes'.

He ordered the lobby boy who stood firmly beside him to carry my bags into the room, and then set off to handle the other matters.

Lobby boy, 'Tired, I presume'

Clein, 'Nope, It's just.....you know the fucking weather of your city, it just irks me; so smothering'

Lobby boy, 'So, it's your first time in Cleveland, right sir. The telephone is on the table if you need anything just call the number printed on it's receiver'

Clein, 'Will do, thanks'.

Jonathan, 'Where is Chris'

Shimz closes the door, and replies, 'He's with his friends'

Jonathan sighs, 'What?, it's so late, and son why didn't you stop him?'

Shimz, 'Tried, but he's furious, you know'

Jonathan, 'Whatever, how was his result?

Shimz, 'He has passed the high school'

Jonathan, 'Was he happy?'

Shimz, 'Happy as a dead man'

Jonathan, 'What about you?, what have you been planning to do'

Shimz, 'Nothing, thinking about giving arts a shot'

Jonathan, 'Okay, whatever your heart says'.

Shimz, 'I'm a blessed man you know'

Jonathan, 'Everyone's blessed son, they just don't know. Tomorrow, me, and your mom, we're going out of town for 2 days'.

Shimz, 'Wherefore?'

Jonthan, 'We are going to pay a visit to uncle Henry, see he's kind of lonely since he moved from Wisconsin to Minnesota ,and....'

Shimz, 'You want me to take care of Chris, okay.'

Jonathan, 'Henry, he's not well.'

Shimz, 'And still I don't know why are you people so much into some old guy who isn't even family'

Jonathan becomes fierce, 'You were not too, but still, aren't you my son'.

Shimz's soul permeated with dolor, and a doleful look appeared on his face.


Jonathan, 'Henry, he did a lot for me, and you'll never know how much'

Shimz in a low voice, 'No, but I do now by comparing what you people have done for me'

Jonathan, 'What?, I didn't mean that....oh you weak mind.'

Shimz places his hand on the dinning table beside the couch, and picks himself up. Moving back, and then forth, his hand still in the air. A tear comes rolling down from his left eye, and then from the right. His heart racing like a horse, and he could feel the tension in the air; Things are at their places, but minds long gone, and lost. He couldn't understand, and he knew, he never will. A shrieking sound of the opening of a door, and steps covered across the bright brown wood floor echoed in his ears. Time moved in slow motion for him as he turned himself around. His wandering, and empty gaze strikes on a face. A face of a person who is his brother, but not by blood. Shimz knew from the beginning that they were not his family. Mr,and Mrs Jonathan found Shimz lying in a trash bin; His loud cries could be heard all over the grim street. Shimz gave that street a name, " The Grim street". In moonlight, a baby thrown away cruelly by his parents, and what worse do you expect from a human. It hurts when it is reminded to him, but surely, Jonthan was his father, and could understand the feel in his veins. He didn't mean to hurt him, but to make him understand.

It takes a lot to know a man.Sometimes it's difficult to comprehend the nature of a man,and his origins'.

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