《Inveigle》Chapter 27: The Plan


Once back in Aunt Sarah Gene’s ancient Grand Marqui, I asked to borrow Boss’ phone. The comment Cherry Reeds had mentioned wasn’t hard to find.

President Persim stood tall in a pinstripe suit behind a glass podium. A mass of reporters thronged below. Camera flashes subsided, and a bodiless reporter spoke, “Are you going to respond to the now viral video demanding a debate by the until now, unknown Cora Carpenter?”

A smug smile slid across Persim’s face. Her nude painted lips opened to reveal bleached white teeth, “I have seen the video you mention. I found it quite...amusing,” her voice dripped with contempt. “This Ms. Carpenter has no credentials, and no voice to back her accusations. My policies have brought nothing but positive change as data can show. Crime rates are down, low income housing is slowly being eliminated as our nation’s average income increases. Homelessness is sliding down, and school performance is on the rise.”

“But will you meet with her?” The voice rang out.

There was silence, and for a second I saw annoyance or maybe even fear in Persim’s eyes before she spoke. “I will not. This matter does not deserve the attention that has already been spent on it. I do, however, invite her to Persim Tower tomorrow evening to meet with me privately. If she has the courage to do so. Her location is unknown, a cowardly move, so this will have to suffice as the invitation. Her animosity is unjustified...but I am sure I can change her mind.” She looked directly into the camera then, directly at me.

I immediately felt like I was going to shit my pants. The car was silent. “Well, this is sudden,” Aunt Sarah Gene said.

I handed the phone back to Boss. “Are you going?” he asked.



Honey, Pathos cooed.

Rude, Logos said.

“Of course, I have to.”

Boss’ cell phone rang. He held it up to his ear without a greeting. He slid it back into his pocket a minute later.

“Good news,” Boss smiled. “Snake knows where Tank is.”

He nudged Aunt Sarah Gene playfully on the arm, “You think you can be our driver?”

She let out a laugh, “I haven’t lost my touch yet, let’s go get our boy.”

Aunt Sarah Gene sped through the streets with a speed that had me clutching the seatbelt. She liked to laugh whenever she made a crazy turn, and I let out a squeak of fear. Boss remained quiet the entire ride, constantly texting away, gathering his men. My heart beat was steadily increasing, not only from the wild ride, but also knowing we were about to put our plan into action. I was to be the distraction, while Boss took five fully armed men in through a back entrance to get Sam. My job was to keep whoever Persim has on guard diverted long enough until I heard three gunshots two seconds apart.

Aunt Sarah Gene slowed the car down as we pulled into an industrial area. Corrugated metal buildings were lined up with no windows to tell if anyone was inside. She turned off the lights and coasted almost silently into a large shadow cast by one of the buildings.

Boss checked him phone one last time.

“My men are here. You ready, Cora?”

He extended his arm out to me, and I saw the pistol he was offering me.

You don’t need that, Honey. You have us. You have your words.

Take it. You need to be prepared for anything.

Pathos might not like it, but I took the gun.


“I’m ready,” I said. I pushed open the car door. The sun had set by now and the only light was from the half moon. Boss gestured at a building across from where we were parked. I took a deep breath and began walking that way.

I didn’t want to get too close to the door, but I needed to draw out whoever was inside. I bent down and scooped up gravel in my hands. I whipped the tiny stones at the door. It sounded like rain on the metal.

I just have to use my words. Persuade them to stay outside just long enough.

The door inched open in the darkness. A faint strip of light landed on the ground and three very large men stepped out.

“Hello, my name is Cora Carpenter. I’ve come to make a trade.”

The largest man stepped toward me, and I took three steps back, one for each of his.

“Wait, there are some conditions.”

The two men in the back crossed their arms in unison, waiting for my words, but the third, laughed.

“Persim will reward me for this,” he growled. “Tony, Rico get her. Now.”

They began running at me.

“Bigger rewards if you wait and listen first,” I say.

They slow to a walk only a few feet away from me. My heart skips a beat.

The large man steps toward me, his long legs closing the gap quickly.

“I can get you much more than Persim,” I say, bribing him with sweetness in my voice.

It doesn’t work. He picks up speed, and as he nears I see the whites of his eyes are practically glowing with a green light.

“Wait,” I say, now I feel panic rising.

He doesn’t wait. His hand wraps around my arm, large enough to encircle my entire upper arm.

Anger flares up inside of me at his touch. I reach for the pistol in my back pocket and in an instant shoot him in the foot. Blood begins to pool from the wound as he lets go of me. I run past the other two men who appear too stunned to move, but then the man with blue eyes roars.

“Stop her!”

They obey and turn to run after me.

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