《Inveigle》Chapter Twelve: Consequences


The smell of smoke woke me up before the alarm did. I threw the blanket off and jumped the two feet to the door. I slowly touched the wood with the back of my hand.

“Shit.” It was hot, very hot.

I could see the orange glow under the door frame. The smell of burning wood stung my nose as all the moisture was pulled from the air. There was no way out. My small room felt like a prison. I felt panic rise in my throat as smoke billowed under the door and a few flames licked the base of the frame. Instinctively, I crouched low to the ground to try and inhale any clean air I could.

Glass shattered behind me followed immediately by a second shatter as a molotov cocktail hit the floor. The stench of alcohol hit me; I felt my nose hairs singe. The flame engulfed the center of the floor in a wave as the fumes spread out. I had only a split second to leap from the floor where I crouched to the bed. My lungs felt like they were about to burst, and a round of coughing began. I felt around for the green blanket that I knew was somewhere by my feet. All I could see was the fire and smoke. One side of my face was cooler, and I knew that was the direction of the smashed window.

I walked the length of the bed crouched under the bunk and stepped on the single nightstand under the window. The bed was now ablaze at the base. I quickly leaned down and threw my pillow to the floor. I grabbed the gun and tucked it into my pants. The flames licked the air inches from my flesh. The heat was unbearable. I wanted to scream, but my lungs felt like they were stuffed with coal.


Using the corner of the blanket wrapped around my fist I punched the rest of the glass out of the window frame. The heat behind me felt even closer, but I refused to look.

Good enough, I thought to myself. Haphazardly, I threw the blanket over the ledge and pulled myself out head first and belly flopped onto the cold blacktop. I lay on the ground, coughing. Smoke merged into the night sky as I stared up at the stars. In my periphery vision I saw an orange glow. The flame was crawling up the blanket from the window ledge. I willed myself to roll over on the cold cement to get my feet under me. I hurriedly shook the blanket from my hand and shakily stood up straighter, smothering the small flame with my socks.

I took two steps before I began coughing again. Then I slowly walked to the front of The Palace. No one was outside. My heart sank. I peered into the front window. Luckily the front didn’t seem to be on fire…yet.

Through the smoke filled glass I saw a large shape slowly walking. Nathan emerged in the doorway with Ava wrapped heavily in blankets in his arms.

“Is she okay?” I yelled running toward them, then broke into a fit of coughs.

“I’m okay,” came the small muffled voice. Nathan sat her down on the sidewalk across the street before he collapsed. I rushed to his side, but he lifted a hand to wave me away. He was conscious, just exhausted. I could see small holes in his pants where flames burnt through the fabric. I hoped the flesh beneath was okay. My eyes traveled up the rest of him to check for damage. Then Nathan and I looked at each other, taking notice that we were still missing two people.


“Gunna call 911,” he said and pushed himself up. I could see him tremble with the effort, but he gave me a look that said he was fine before looking down at his granddaughter. She didn’t have a mark on her thanks to being wrapped up like a Christmas present. The look of pure love he had for her took me by surprise. I had never seen so much emotion in a glance. I knew it existed. I had read about familial love in books, but I had never experienced it.

Nathan forced his gaze off of Ava and gave me a nod that told me to watch her. He walked as fast as he could off down the block, presumably to the first business that wasn’t foreclosed on the street. The 24/7 convenience store on the corner.

I looked down at Ava, thinking she might need comfort, but she just stared at the flames. Mesmerized, not yet realizing the severity. From the alley where I came I saw a shadow.

A tall shadow. Sam. Relief flooded my body.

It took him a moment to see us, and when he did he limped in our direction. I could see his jeans were torn and blood was leaking through his right pant leg.

He smiled when he got near.

“What happened to your leg?”

“Kicked down your door.”

“My door? Why?”

He looked around, ignoring my question. “Where’s Pam and Nathan?” He coughed so deeply that I was afraid I would see blood when he pulled his hand away, but there was none.

“Nathan went to find a phone.” I looked up. Pam’s bedroom was upstairs, the glow of flames could be seen behind the heavy, pink curtains. I couldn’t bring myself to say the next sentence. I heard his feet on the pavement before I saw him move. Before I could shout that he was a fool, he ran into the flames. As if to seal his fate, The Palace creaked and sparks flew up into the sky. The old frame was about to collapse.

Something moved in the alleyway.

“Ava, stay here. Do you understand me?”

She gave a small nod, her eyes were huge. I walked around so I could see into the alley. My body felt like an electric shock was running through it. A man in a neat suit and tie stood in a wide stance. He crossed his arms over his chest when I made eye contact with him and smirked.

Dial 734 and they’ll knock on your door.

He uncrossed his arms and held up his right hand. There was something in it. He waved the object back and forth over so slightly, taunting me. Then he flicked it, and it sparked. A lighter.

I didn’t think, not about Ava sitting within 25 yards of me, not of the consequences of killing an agent, and not of how it would impact me later in life. A rage took over and I reached for the gun in my waistband. I pulled it out and took aim, but a coughing sound to my left made me turn my head. Nathan was coming back. I refocused my sight an instant later, but the alleyway was empty.

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