《King of Blades (Blades #2)》Chapter 13


Jaimathan could feel the spirits of all those who were visiting the castle, and it filled him with joy knowing that he could help the living to see their loved ones once more. Perhaps he could even bring closure to some.

He had brought closure to himself, at least. His mother had visited him, much to his surprise. He hadn't dared to hope she would, knowing that most spirits, especially those with high social ranks in life, were tied to the lands and places they knew. Most did not venture from those places when they visited the mortal realm. It was that sense of loyalty to one's homeland that led the living to fight to defend it and the dead not to completely desert it. Despite her having been a queen in life, a status that should have tied her to the land even more strongly, she'd been able to visit him, though only briefly.

"A mother's love is stronger than all earthly ties," she'd explained.

She'd also explained why she had sacrificed herself to save their country, and he finally understood that, even if he had been there, she would not have been stopped. As queen, her country must come first. That was something he planned to remember when he returned home and became king. It simply wasn't the way he would have chosen to learn that lesson.

He planned to never use the same method to teach his own son, Klent, what he had learned.

He leaned back in his chair and watched the fire burn in the hearth. Coulta and Shelton had each visited him that morning. Both of them had looked rather sad but were glad to see that he was well. Shelton believed that his changing eye color had something to do with unlocking his magic completely, that perhaps his lack of formal training had prevented the powers from fully manifesting before now. But nothing in any of the books that they possessed spoke of such a thing and they didn't know if his new powers would remain when he returned home to Algoma.

Until the time when he met another Asir who could answer his questions, it would remain the mystery of his life.

He'd turned those thoughts over in his mind repeatedly since he'd opened the door between the realms that morning, and it was beginning to tire him. There wasn't much else to do, though, at least not until Fae returned from working with the healers for the day.

Then he could test more of his powers. And hopefully make up for having been such a terrible husband lately.

Anil and her spouses were all very subdued that evening as they took their dinner in the sitting area of Wildas's bedchamber. Not that any of them were very interested in eating much. They didn't need to discuss it to know that each of them had been visited by ghosts, though Anil wondered who Coulta had been visited by. She knew his father was in the castle and that he had never known his mother. Hopefully it had been her.


She grew tired of the silence eventually and decided to ask the question that had been haunting her all day.

"How are royal children named? How are the names chosen?"

Wildas glanced up at her and shrugged. "There is no real tradition to it. If there was, it would have been brought to my attention by now. I was planning to ask you if you had any names in mind."

"My brother..." She paused and cleared her throat. "His name was Kyler. He asked me today if I would name my baby after him. I said I would if it wouldn't break any traditions. I thought Kylar would be a good name for a prince, or Kyla for a princess."

Wildas smiled gently. "I like both."

Anil returned the smile, then turned next to Myri and Coulta. "What about you?"

"I like it," Myri agreed with a smile. "I think both names would do very well."

Coulta was avoiding the conversation by rubbing his ankle, which he had apparently injured mildly that afternoon, according to Myri. Supposedly he would be better in a day, considering how quickly the magic made him heal.

"What do you think, Coulta?"

He looked up at her with obvious surprise. Then he nodded. "Kylar and Kyla. I like them both."

Anil smiled. "Thank you." She hoped Kyler was somehow watching and able to know that she was keeping her promise.

Shelton awoke that night when Yvona slipped into bed with him. He gently pulled her into his arms and allowed her to rest her head on his chest.

"He visited you, too, didn't he?" she asked after a long moment of peaceful silence.

Shelton stirred from the doze he'd fallen back into. "This morning," he replied, and the sadness that had haunted him all day returned. "I made sure he knew when you'd be back from training."

"He wanted me to let you know that he visited all the children," she said quietly. "As sad as it was to see him, I'm glad he was able to come."

"Me as well," Shelton agreed.

"And Xaio."

Shelton stroked her hair and smiled. "I'm also thankful to have seen her."

Yvona nodded against him and was quiet for a while before commenting, "I never thought I would say that I made love with a ghost."

He chuckled. "Me neither."

"Though Deandre seemed to keep forgetting that, unlike him, I still need to breathe."

"I thought I had reminded him often enough," Shelton replied, smiling.

"I miss them both," Yvona stated abruptly.

"As do I," he agreed, holding her closer. "But there is still us."


She nodded and kissed him lightly. "I love you."

"And I love you."

It wasn't long before the Shifters began to arrive, and they did so in the grandest of ways. Wildas was hearing petitions in the throne room one afternoon when Coulta entered with clear purpose, though he walked quickly along the side of the room, instead of down the center aisle. That told him it wasn't an emergency, at least.

Rohan stepped from the dais and held up one hand to stop the next petitioner from coming forward. No one, not even the Second King, interrupted anyone's audience with the Grand King for trivial reasons. Coulta nodded to Rohan when he reached them, then stepped partially onto the dais to speak quietly to Wildas.

"I believe the Shifters are about to arrive. There's a group of flying creatures coming toward the city. I instructed the city guard and the rest of the army not to act unless attacked, but it might be best if you're there."

Wildas nodded. "It would be," he murmured. "Wait for me, I just need to excuse myself."

"I will." Coulta stepped back and stood off to the side.

"I regret that I must leave this audience early," he announced. "Come back in two days and we will continue where we ended. I will save your list of names until then. Thank you."

He stood and placed his crown back on his throne. The group of petitioners rose and bowed as he stepped down and motioned for Coulta and Rohan. The other guards could dismiss the petitioners in an orderly manner and the scribe and secretary could take down their additional grievances if it was needed.

As they left the castle they were joined by Jaimathan and Fae, and a soldier who had gone for them on Coulta's orders. The soldiers outside were clearly wary, looking up into the sky toward the north and east. Wildas admitted that he felt a little uneasy himself as he saw the mass of flying beings coming toward them at a rapid pace. He was close enough now to see that the group was led by a great dragon.

He had been told all his life that dragons no longer existed, but what flew toward him looked like the creature he had seen illustrated in books and hung on tapestries – and on the office doors of both Shelton and Coulta, not to mention the necklace they each wore at all times that showed them to be the court sorcerers.

"That is my father," Fae declared, smiling.

"They certainly will be helpful," Rohan stated, obvious awe in his voice.

Wildas heard mutters of fear and uncertainty around the castle yard. "There is no threat," he called out. "Do no harm without reason."

The muttering only decreased slightly. There was still quite a bit of tension around him as the Shifters finally flew over the city. It only grew as the group landed in the castle yard.

The dragon was easily twice the size of a warhorse, with wings that would have covered the entire yard if he hadn't folded them against his back. Among the group were many types of birds, from small songbirds and doves to great hawks and eagles. Beside the dragon was another mythical winged being; a phoenix that practically glowed like fire.

The air seemed to ripple for a moment, then the animals were gone. In their place stood nearly five hundred people. They were all dressed in simple but heavy brown coats and pants, but without shoes, only stockings.

The leader bowed his head to Jaimathan, then glanced to where Wildas stood with Coulta and Rohan.

Wildas stepped forward and inclined his head slightly to the older man. "Welcome. I am Grand King Wildas. Thank you for coming to our aid, though I know it is to protect your daughter."

The older man bowed his head. "I am Dragon, leader of the Shifter people. If protecting your country will protect my daughter, then we are willing to give what aid we can. I have brought all of my winged warriors with me. Two more groups of warriors follow. They are foot warriors and can't travel as quickly as we can. We will make camp outside of your castle if that is allowable."

Wildas had been worrying about where he was going to put such a large force, and was relieved by the request. "That is quite allowable. Do you need anything?"

"We have all we need, save for food once our last is gone. We are willing to do whatever work is required of us to compensate for whatever food we need."

Though he wasn't certain what he could put the Shifters to work on, Wildas nodded. They would think of something. "Then I welcome you again and assure you that you will be respected here. Thank you for your aid."

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