《I am a Spy》Oh madam, I do believe I'm undone


Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro

When they returned to Lake, around five o'clock in the afternoon, the two went to their respective apartments. They didn't talk much during the way back. Julio even asked if they would get a ride, but Vini answered no. They both decided to take a taxi in Vidigal. That day was very stressful, both due to Enzo's being late and the interesting revelation of the contents of the box. Sadly, for Vini, the delay was all that was expected.

When Enzo got home, his cell phone started shaking like an earthquake. When he checked the number on the number call, he noticed that it was Italy. He imagined that it was some kind of trouble, so he quickly called back.

- Hi honey, did something come up?

- I had a dream that you were cheating on me.

Uh-oh. What could Enzo possibly do?

- Oh, no. I can't believe that subconsciously you don't believe me.

- But I had a dream.

- Martin Luther King did too. And it was very intriguing.

- I'm dead serious.

Enzo had no time for this. He made a quick excuse that he had to leave and turned off his cell phone. But the peace ans serenity didn't last long. As he lay down on the couch for the first time, he heard some knocking at his door.

- Oh, crap. - Enzo moaned. - I'm not home!

- It's Suzane, Enzo. - Said Vini - She wants us to meet tonight at the club.

- If you want to bang her, do it in one go and without me. I'm not into it.

- Enzo, stop being a baby. Open the door or get ready. We're going to the house of the Europe Sisters.

- Me, a baby? You are the one who want to play mommy and daddy.

- I'll just pretend I didn't hear that sentence.

- Oh, fuck. I don't have a day's peace.

- I've been saying the same thing for 10 years already.

- Shut up, Vini!

Even against his will, Enzo had to go to the Sisters' condominium. He really didn't want to go, but Vini forced him. He practically dragged him down the street, because Enzo wouldn't even walk.

Once again, the doormen let Vini and Enzo in. Yet again, they took the elevator up to the apartment. And here again Italy welcomed them, wearing a lilac, almost transparent, dress. And she seemed happy to make them up for the... , What, third time? Then Russia and Belgium showed up, a little bit better dressed.


- So, what did you get? - Italy wanted to know.

- Absolutely bollocks - Vini replied. - A total waste of time. We went to Vidigal, but all we got was the number of a party house for children.

- Albania might need it. - said Russia. - She fucks more than a rabbit with her disgusting boyfriend. I don't doubt that she will soon show up with about 10 toddlers in the house.

- Daddy would kill her. - said Belgium.

- And since when has this statement stopped her before? - Russia raised an important point.

- What are you two doing today?

- Suzane invited us to the club. We don't know why, maybe she wants to thank us. Or kill us all at once, who gives a rats ass? Whichever comes first.

- Honey, why don't you relax a little? - Belgium suggested.

- No, thanks, I'm too tired.

- Vini, stop being an ass. - Enzo complained, trying to get his attention. - Rest will do you good.

- I don't want to. - Vini insisted.

- Vini, can I talk to you for a second? - Enzo asked, pulling him along.

- What is it?

- Are you dumb only on weekdays?

- What?

- Belgium is offering to take care of you, you fool! You're missing the opportunity of the century!

- Oh, Enzo, I'm not in the mood.

- Not in the mood? - Enzo felt offended. - Then get in the mood! Make the mood! Belgium is very foxy and she's trying to hit on you. Who knows when you''ll get another clear chance and you're saying "no"? Do you have wind in your head?

- Enzo, not everything is about sex and money.

- Of course it is not. You have to be hot too.

- Whatever, Enzo. I've said it before and I'll say it again. I'm not in the mood.

- Yeah, sure, do it! I don't want to hear any more of your stupid crap. Italy and Russia will put my make up. In the meantime, bang Belgium!

- Okay, okay, okay! Damn, always making me do things I don't want to do.

Still, could be worse.

Belgium took Vini's arm and pulled him into the bedroom. She closed the door and told him to sit down next to her. Vini didn't know what to do, but just admired her slowly removing her top, like in those teen movies. Then she went to the bottom drawer next to the bed, brought out several colorful packages and dropped them in his lap.


- What size are you?


- What?

- I have three sizes. S, M and L. What's yours?


- Huh?

- Come on, come on, take off your pants.

- Right... Belgium?

- I know, I know, I'm also nervous.

Oh, nervousness is too little for what Vini was feeling at that moment.

- Do you really want to do this?

- Yes. My father says I have to choose the right person. What's the point of doing it with just anyone?

- It works out quite well for Enzo.

- Forget him, Vini. I'm naked in front of you. It's going to happen with or without you.

But Vini didn't seem to get it.

- With or without me? How does that work?

Belgium realized that if it depended on Vini, she wouldn't be able to get out of her seat. So she had to take the lead. She began by kissing him on the neck and slowly moved down to go down of his body. She didn't waste any time. She started slowly, but once she got the rhythm she didn't stop. Vini was in heaven. He groaned and ripped the bedspread from the pillows of pleasure. Until he couldn't hold it any longer. He made a movement with his hands to make Belgium pull away, but she didn't, or wouldn't listen, probably the second one. Moments later, it blew up, like Krakatoa in 1883. Except that unlike the Indonesian volcano, which produced the loudest sound in history, the noises during the act remained in the room.

- Oh madam, I do believe I'm undone. - said Vini, completely exhausted.

Belgium was taken completely by surprise and started to laugh. Of all the possible post reactions, that would be the last one that would cross her mind.

- Excuse me? - she asked, laughing uncontrollably at what she had just heard.

- Sorry, I think I had some kind of electrical discharge.

As the two of them were laughing about their moment, a loud knocking sound quickly cut the mood.

- Vini, are you done yet? - Enzo asked, standing outside the room.

- Holy shit, I forgot. You have to make me up.

- True that. Hey, could you get me a glass of water in the kitchen?

- But you haven't just had a drink...

Belgium made a "are you kidding me?" face.

- Okay, my bad. - Vini got out of bed. - I'll get it.

Vini opened the door and found Enzo on the other side, smirking.

- Yes, yes. - Vini soon confirmed. - It happened, just as you can think.

- So, did you have a hard time? It was difficult.... To enter the tunnel without leaving the rail? Did you ride a motorcycle with or without a helmet? Ripped the bullet packet? It does happen to the best of all families.

- Enzo, I am not understanding anything you are saying.

- Did you do it or not?

- Technically, but not exactly what you are thinking.

- How can it technically not be what I'm thinking?

It was Enzo's turn to make a face.

- Are you messing with me? What the hell did you guys do in there?

- Belgium. - Vini moved his hands up and down.

- An hour and a half for a blowjob? Fucking hell, Vini!

- Hey, she did a really great job.

- So be it! Get your makeup on and let's go.

- What about you? Did you get anything lucky?

- The same as always. Sex before, then in the shower and we finish on her bed. I'm still waiting for our friend from the Tyrrhenian Sea to join our little party.

- Get your mind out of the gutter.

- I was going to call you too, but... You know, four is already a gang bang.

- I will pass, thank you.

- You don't know what you're missing.

Vini sort of knew, but he just didn't want to mention it to avoid some extra days in a shrink.

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