《The Black Antlers》The One With The Lich Urn


The funeral pyre was lit and the flames swallowed the dead bodies in seconds. Once all the bodies were charred the fire went dark green. Shaynen and Cleatus looked around the rest of the graveyard for any other ghouls that hadn’t been thrown into the fire. Odelia told Kal and Theo to head back to the caravans and bring them into the city.

Haagut stared into the fire. His eyes narrowed then he slapped the arm of the nearest person who happened to be Shaynen.

“Do you see that?” He asked. Shaynen looked into the fire as Odelia walked up to the fire.

“See what?” She asked. Shaynen nodded slowly.

“The little forest spirit standing in the fire?” Shaynen asked. “Yes. I do.” Inside the fire was a small little sprite with black gaping holes for eyes.

“Whatcha all staring at?” Cleatus asked as he walked over.

“That.” Odelia pointed. The little forest spirit looked at Cleatus and held out a little hand. Pointing towards a tall white crypt.

“Oh, yeah. I have… Uh.. well a sort of understanding with them. I take care of things that are… well OUTSIDE of the natural order and they uh.. Help me out.” Cleatus shrugged. He waved toward the spirit in the fire and walked for the crypt.

“Cool. How’d you find that?” Shaynen asked, running up beside him.

“I uh.. Didn’t. They found me.” Cleatus said. He looked up at the door and the foreign writing above it.

“In time even death may die, let it be sealed so that when the time is nigh the hero may come and cross the forest sky,” Shaynen said.

“What?” Cleatus asked.

“That’s what the writing above the door says.” Shaynen pointed.

“What language is it?” Haagut asked as he and Odelia walked up behind.


“Celestial,” Shaynen said as he inspected the door. He pushed it and it swung open. The entire crypt was lined with silver and bare. With only a single pedestal and an urn atop it. The party walked into the room. Odelia went to the center and to the urn. A glow of realization hit her eye and she drew her quarterstaff. She swung at the urn, a glowing barrier appeared and repelled her attack. Frantically she continued her onslaught.

“What is it?” Shaynen asked, running over.

“It’s a Lich reliquary! We need to destroy it!” She snapped over her shoulder. Cleatus straightened. He pulled a dagger free and began attempting to break through the barrier as well. Shaynen stepped back.

“Wow, you are so dedicated. Where was all this energy and determination when a demon was summoned?” He asked sarcastically. Cleatus held up the dagger at Shaynen threateningly.

“Bring up that damn demon again and you will lose speaking privileges.” He snarled. Shaynen pressed his lips together in a frown.

“Well what kind of magic is the barrier?” He asked.

“Alteration Shaynen, even and IDIOT would know that!” Odelia scoffed. Shaynen sneered. As he left the crypt he saw Haagut. He’d made a little hole in the dirt and was preparing to run. Shaynen jumped out of the way as Haagut charged, spear in hand. Haagut leapt and brought his spear down onto the urn. Breaking through the barrier and causing a crack.

“Hey!” Odelia gasped excitedly. “How’d you do that?” Haagut hefted his spear a few times.

“It’s all in the speed… I think.” Haagut said. Shaynen leaned on the doorway.

“I don’t think that’s it,” He shook his head.

“Shutup Shaynen!” Odelia snapped. “Do it again Haagut!” Haagut nodded and ran back out of the crypt. Shaynen crossed his arms and sat on the step. Haagut rushed by and jumped. Thrust his spear into the urn and shattered it. It fell to the ground in pieces. Cleatus grabbed the pieces and threw them into the fire. It caused the fire to pop and sputter. Changing a rainbow of colors before settling back down.


The spirit within the fire nodded at Cleatus, then vanished.

The caravans pulled into the center of town and the party went to greet them.

“Thanks for clearing out the town.” The chief shook Cleatus’ hand. “I really appreciate it. Wish there was some way we could make it up to you. But we’re just setting up. We collected all the spare coin we had but it just doesn’t feel like enough,”

“Well thank you anyway,” Cleatus took the coin pouch. Inside were four smaller coin pouches.

“You all got like a permanent address of some kind?” The chief asked, looking over all the faces of the party.

“Yeah, I can get uh.. Something like that for ya.” Cleatus took a little scrap of paper and wrote down his address.

“Thanks when we’re back on our feet we’ll send a monthly amount here for you. As thanks.” The chief took the paper. Cleatus’ ears went straight up.

“Wow! Yeah, thanks. That’s great.” He said. Lifting the pouch awkwardly he nodded. “Well we better get on our way.”

The party bid the settlers goodbye and crossed the bridge over the slightly pink river and deeper into the forest.

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