《The Black Antlers》The One With Kobolds


“My. Name. Savant.” The dwarven man said. Haagut nodded slowly. His body was stiff but he could move again. Haagut held out a roasted rat to the dwarven man with a nod.

“I am Haagut, the furry man in the tree is Cleatus. The woman; Odelia. The elven boy is Shaynen.” Haagut pointed to each sleeping party member. “I am told your family was taken?”

“Yes. Camp. Night. Kobold. Take.” Savant said. He took off a mouthful of roasted rat and chewed it up. He dug a little hole and took the mouthful of food out of his mouth and put it into the hole. Covering it back up and taking another mouthful.

“What was that?” Haagut asked.

“Gift. Earth Mother. Give. Her. She. Give. Back.” Savant said with his mouth full.

“Ah, I understand.” Haagut agreed. Rolling out his stiff arms. He stood up and walked to each party member, waking them.

“Let’s hurry and find Savant’s family.” He said as the party gathered. Under the cover of the brisk morning, Savant led the party through the canyon to a dark cave.

“Inside.” He said. Shaynen saw visions of the glowing summoner’s circle and dropped to the back as the party, led by Cleatus went inside.

“Keep quiet,” Cleatus whispered. Lighting up a torch and handing it to Odelia. “And keep close.” Savant kept near the back of the line with Shaynen. Cleatus poked his head into every door they passed. Slowing him and Odelia down and letting Haagut take point. Shaynen and Savant kept close as they quietly found their way toward a set of three steps. Haagut inspected the steps that went up into a wide area of the cave where an underground river was running. He took his first step and there was a loud click. A cannonball shot out of the wall and into Haagut.


Haagut slammed into the wall and slumped to the ground. From deep in the cave came the noise of alert. Shaynen knelt down to Haagut. He groaned and held his head. Kobolds flooded the area above the steps. From behind Cleatus vaulted over Shaynen and Haagut. Clearing the steps altogether and into the horde. Odelia ran past and leapt over the steps as well. Pulling her staff free as she ran. She and Cleatus jumped into combat with the mass of enemies. Shaynen inspected the step, he found a small pressure plate and outlined it with a few random items.

“I found the trap,” Shaynen said to Haagut. He only groaned in response. Shaynen ran around the plate and into the mess of kobolds. Savant came up and ran into the crowd as well. Amidst the chaos of battle, Shaynen heard more scurrying in the depths of the cave.

“How many d’you think we can take?” He yelled at Cleatus. The Tabaxi man laughed.

“Why? You scared, boy?” He asked. Shaynen cracked the skull of a Kobold in frustration.

“No!” Shaynen yelled loudly. He looked at Odelia quickly. “I’m just asking for her! She keeps getting knocked down!” Odelia turned to glare at Shaynen, coming very close to smacking Shaynen with her staff. Haagut ran up from behind with an otherworldly chime. A group of Kobolds with giant thick shields ran up and smashed into Odelia, knocking her back. She caught herself on her staff and bounced back. Slamming the Kobold back and into the dirt.

Around the corner came a group of three with three prisoners.

“Surrender or they die!” The well decked out leader of the Kobolds yelled. Odelia whipped her bag off of her shoulder and threw it like a net. Trapping a mess of kobolds and making a path for Cleatus to shoot. He took the shot and downed one of the end Kobolds. Shaynen fae stepped out of the center of the battle to behind the other end. Killing the other one and allowing the three dwarven prisoners to back away from the fight. Savant roared and charged at the leader. Tackling him to the ground and sinking his teeth into the Kobold’s neck.


The mass of enemies continued to swarm the party, though the ends were beginning to show. With bloody fingertips, Cleatus dispatched the last runner. Odelia spat and licked at the cut on her lip. Haagut massaged his temples and curled in a ball against the wall. Savant ran to the three other dwarves. Checking them over for any mortal wounds.

When he was satisfied he walked to Cleatus. Holding out his staff.

“Thank. Save. Family.” He said. “Staff. Reward.” Cleatus took it slowly.

“Uh. Thank you.” He said slowly. Savant nodded and gathered his family together. He dug a small hole and dropped a bag that jingled of coin into it.

“What is that?” Odelia asked.

“A gift for the Earth mother. We were talking about it earlier.” Haagut said as he and Shaynen joined the party. Savant nodded with a grunt.

"Rest. Cave. Yours." He said. Then led his family away.

"Rest of the cave is ours," Odelia shrugged. She and Cleatus began poking in doors and rifling through things.

"Haagut," Shaynen asked as they trailed behind.

"Hm," Haagut asked as he inspected a tiny kobold hole.

"Where'd your magic come from?" Shaynen asked absently. "I mean that chiming thing you do is magic isn't it?"

"It just came to me," Haagut turned to Shaynen. "It was a gift, given to me."

"You just asked and it came?" Shaynen asked.

"Yes. Why? Do you just take?" Haagut turned to Shaynen warily.

"No, I mean it just happens. I dont know how I do it…" Shaynen trailed off. He shook his head. "Ah. But your magic, you've communicated with something that bestowed magic to you."

"Uh… yes I guess that is one way to look at it." Haagut nodded slowly.

"So then… why did you leave home?" Shaynen asked. "If you found what you were looking for?"

"I didn't… what are you on about?" Haagut asked.

"Why leave? I mean, back at the monastery you found what you were looking for and that was that…but-" Shaynen started but was interrupted.

"You're from a monastery? I suppose that makes sense…"Haagut went back to inspecting the cave. "I don't suppose you've seen a hob-goblin with grey hair? Uses a sword and shield?"

"I've only ever spoken to one goblin… you," Shaynen said. Haagut nodded.

"I got on his bad side, he tried to have me killed. So I had to run." Haagut said.

"Oh… yeah that makes sense." Shaynen nodded.

"Look what we found," Odelia said. She threw a hat at Haagut.

"It's a hat of disguise, it'll… uh… cover up. That." Cleatus said. "My Captain head one of those. Used to pull all sorts of pranks on us." Shaynen lit up.

"You said you didn't have any good stories! That sounds hilarious!" Shaynen got to his feet.

"I don't. It's not." Cleatus said. Shaynen frowned deeply.

"Thanks. For the hat…" Haagut cleared his throat. "Did you find anything else?"

"Driftglobe." Odelia shrugged.

"Ah." Haagut nodded. He looked back to the tunnels. "I'm going to try investigating these tunnels."

"Okay. Be careful though. You're the only one who can fit in there." Shaynen said. Haagut nodded and disappeared into the tunnels.

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