《The Stone King's Lover》Chapter 14


Wen Reian

2004 years after The Long Night

Xi Qiáng Forest

"Are you sure you're okay? You look a little flushed..."

"I'm fine!" Reian gave Xie De the cold shoulder, leaving him to tie up Winnie on his own.

They'd stopped a few hours before sundown, between Sanlín City and Wúmeng. It would still be quite a ways to their destination so Master Hao said it would be good to rest here for the night. The problem for Reian, was that he wasn't sure what exactly to do about the fact that he'd been poisoned.

Of course it wasn't a real love potion! The boy wasn't stupid. Still, no doubt there were all sorts of toxic chemicals or herbs in it, because somethingwas affecting him... he could feel the heat on his face and neck, the rapid beats of his heart that had only grown faster as time went on. He didn't want to complain to Master Hao, or Xie De. How humiliating! He figured if he could just rest, cool down a little or meditate, maybe he could handle it himself...

The forest always felt familiar and safe to Wen Reian. He had grown up in the forest around Jingshén, so all these trees just made him long for home.

Brushing his fingertips across the thick bark and overhanging leaves, Wen Rei felt the auras of the trees surrounding him, comforting him. Like that, his heart settled just a bit.

Heh, maybe I'm out of the woods... proverbially of course-

Alas the beating thing in his chest froze in terror the next second, as Reian saw what was ahead of him.

Several feet away, underneath a large tree partially obscured from view, was none other than Xie Yi-jun. Reian hadn't even noticed the man leave when they'd arrived...

Carefully crouching down to hide behind a shrub, Wen Rei felt as if his eyes were suddenly glued upon the man. Yi-jun sat, back pressed firmly against the tree with his eyes closed as if in meditation, but his posture and expression were very odd.

Reian wanted to hurry away, yet there was something about Yi-jun that made him stay very still and keep watching despite himself...

Wen Reian still felt nothing as far as auras go within the man, but as Xie Yi-jun's hands on his knees gradually turned to fists and he swallowed, his adam's apple bobbing slowly, Reian could have sworn he felt a rush of warmth overtake him, similar to that of someone's strong aura.

What is he doing?

The boy stayed very still, eyes flickering over the man as he continued breathing deeply, in and out. Innocent curiosity slowly turned into something more sinister, for as Reian watched the King, who appeared to be in the middle of pleasuring himself, Reian felt his own body responding.


This must be an effect of the potion I drank... it must be! Normally, I would never do such a thing-

Pretty soon he didn't care. All Reian knew was that whatever Xie Yi-jun was feeling, he wanted to feel it too. A hidden, secret part of him longed to be in the young King's shoes, in his place. It longed to know what he felt.

Blinking in shock and shame, Reian tried to tear his gaze away. What he was doing should never be done! It was obscene-

But if Xie Yi-jun didn't want someone to see, why is he doing this out here in the open?

Reian was about to keep mindlessly watching as Yi-jun softly panted and sighed, his knuckles white, but then Reian saw something he didn't mean to see. Eyes widening, the boy let out an audible gasp-

No no no!

Leaping up, Wen Reian quickly forgot all about being quiet as he turned and started running for the camp. Only a few seconds passed before he was being yanked back and slammed quite painfully against a tree, held in place by someone's strong, unyielding arms.

Reian's face was red and painted with guilt as Xie Yi-jun glared at him...

Glancing down to not have to meet his eyes, Wen Reian happened to notice the odd shape near Yi-jun's lower half that he'd seen the man touching just now, the sight causing him panic all over again.

"Ah! Let me go-"

Xie Yi-jun's tone was furious, his whole body shaking violently.

"What were you doing?!"

I was watching you...

"N-nothing! I wasn't doing anything! I was-"

Yi-jun's dark eyes blazed fiery red for a moment and Reian whimpered, his knees going weak.

"I swear! I really didn't see anything, please let me go! You're hurting me!"

Xie Yi-jun's eyes switched back to brown in an instant but he didn't let go of Reian's wrists, holding them even tighter against the tree as he bent to the boy's pink-tinged ear.

"Let's get one thing clear..." Yi-jun said slowly, enunciating each word as if talking itself was burdensome.

Reian had no choice but to listen to every single one, piercing his skull like arrows.

"You," the King snarled. "Are NOT him!"

Yi-jun's voice broke, and Reian felt his heart ache at the unimaginable pain he knew the man must be in.

He wanted to reply; I know! I know I'm not him! I'm nothing like Jin Songcai and I don't know why I was the one to wake you up! I'm sorry it was me, I'm sorry I'm not him-

Nothing came out as he felt the way Yi-jun's eyes practically burned him with their intensity. No one in their right mind would anger the King, he couldn't believe he'd ever even entertained the idea that they would be friends.


Reian realised, with a deep pitiful shudder, that tears had begun leaking from his eyes, streaking his face and blurring his vision. He couldn't help it. He was terrified-

Xie Yi-jun's hands suddenly released him, the man hissing out a desperate; "Stay away from me-"

And then he was gone.

Wen Reian fell to the ground, shaking and feeling like he had nowhere to hide. It wasn't in his nature to be cowardly, but something deep inside him kept screaming that it was his fault, all of the pain and suffering Yi-jun was in, that he buried inside.

Wrapping his arms around his legs, Wen Rei buried his face in his knees and cried. He realised that mostly he cried because of how much he wished the Yi-jun he'd met that night in Zhōngyang Square was still around. The version of him that hid nothing, his energy swirling and aching and drawing unknown yet beautiful feelings from Reian's curious heart. The way he'd reached out and touched a piece of the young King's soul that night, as he tried to ease his hurt... Reian didn't know how successful it really was, but he knew that in that moment he'd never felt more like himself.

Now though, all that was left of Xie Yi-jun was that faraway look in his eyes, his tired expression and thin smile, like he would rather be anywhere else.

Eventually, Reian stopped sobbing long enough to raise his head. Eyes sharpening in sudden fury, he felt it surge through him until he wanted to scream-

I'm glad I'm not Jin Songcai! How sorry I feel for him, to have to love you!

Even if the sentiment wasn't true, Reian felt slightly better just thinking it, venomously, bitterly, and a lie...

Drying his eyes and collecting himself for a moment, he gradually felt his mind ease. Gone was any sense of intrigue at Xie Yi-jun's odd behavior in forests. He didn't care if the man never set his energy free again, or what tears he collected in the hours before dawn.

Trudging back towards camp, quite numb after crying so much, Wen Reian squared his shoulders and reminded himself of the facts.

Xie Yi-jun has nothing to do with me, he is a stranger that will become a distant memory after he goes away...

It's been only four days of knowing the man, no time at all!

The King hates me because I am not Jin Songcai-

Hmmph! Reian nodded to himself. Exactly! Why should I care in the slightest what he does when he wishes I were somebody else?!

Back at camp, everyone except Yi-jun was sitting around the fire, warming their hands and talking. Xie De was in the middle of some tangent regarding the ghost-bride, and only Jin Yu looked up at Reian when he entered the clearing.

A'Yu's soft smile and tilt of his head reminded Reian of what really mattered. This, here... my family.

He sat beside them and for a while, all was good again. He could forget his tears. He could forget all about some long-lost King.

Reian and Xie De were laughing together when Xie Yi-jun returned, the sky already darkening to a deep grey around them.

Wen Rei felt his heart do a little skip in his chest before he got it under control again, and the boy nearly sighed in relief when Yi-jun declined Master Hao's offer of joining them.

"I'll get some sleep," he said, bowing slightly in their Master's direction and not looking at Reian at all.

Master Hao nodded, his gaze flickering carefully over to Reian, whose aura was a whirlwind of conflict right now, no doubt because of Xie Yi-jun. The old Master just sighed.

"A good idea. All of you, off to bed."

Xie De only complained once, and Jin Yu, who was used to being asleep, already began pulling Reian back towards the cart sleepily.

Feeling like he'd rather not sleep beside the two tonight, as he was worried the ridiculous potion he'd swallowed might keep himself as well as his friends awake, Reian let go of Jin Yu's hand and stopped.

"I will sleep by the fire, more space for you and Xie De-"

Jin Yu frowned, but seemed too tired to question him. With him and Xie De already fighting over the single blanket in the cart, and who would use Xie De's bag as a pillow, Wen Rei carefully returned to the fire and settled down against a large tree...

Master Hao's eyes were closed and since Reian knew he could sleep sitting up, he assumed he had already dozed off. His Master's soft smile appeared after a moment, and he very quietly said; "It will be okay, Wen Rei..."

Reian wanted to stammer, What do you mean? What will be okay?!

He didn't like the idea that his Master knew what he was thinking...

All his defenses died on his lips as he stared across the fire at his surrogate father. The man's aura was always a familiar, calming presence, and he felt it now as his eyes slowly closed, sleep overwhelming him despite it all.

Wen Reian whispered as he drifted off; "Yes Master. It will..."

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